Friday, July 27, 2012

7-27-12 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Al Fadi: The Dilemma of Radical Islam in Light of the Arab Spring
2. Kyle Olson: Pennsylvania Taxpayers Demand Pay Freeze for Teachers
3. Doug Johnson: GOP House Leadership Plans to Fund Obamacare Implementation
4. Joseph Klein: UN Arms Treaty Coming Down to the Wire

The Dilemma of Radical Islam in Light of the Arab Spring

Ever since the Spring of 2011, the Middle East has been experiencing an uprising like never before - a movement that earned itself the nickname “Arab Spring." The results of this unique and unprecedented movement were the toppling of four different regimes which shared a common theme: long-term dictatorship governing modules where people got fed up and caused an uprising. On the outset, the world was rejoicing for the freedom sought by the Arab people and for their bravery. However, it did not take so long for everyone to realize that the vacuum caused by this hopeful movement was soon filled by another extreme: the radical Muslim groups. Whether it is The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, or Al Qaeda AP in Yemen, or other Radical Islamic forms in Libya and Tunisia, the outcome was very clear - Radical Islam is the new face of these empty, and in some cases, strategic pockets. As a result, one can only wonder if the once called Arab Spring has just turned into an Arab Fall so quickly. [more...]

Pennsylvania Taxpayers Demand Pay Freeze for Teachers

Taxpayers are finally starting to understand the obvious: If they want their local schools to gain control of their budgets by curtailing runaway labor costs, they will have to come out of hiding and demand change themselves. That’s what’s happening in the Pine Richland (Pennsylvania) school district, where the school board and teachers union are currently in negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. Instead of sitting passively on the sidelines and allowing negotiators to cave in to union demands, taxpayers are getting involved. [more...]

GOP House Leadership Plans to Fund Obamacare Implementation

We have another opportunity to stand against Obamacare and the GOP House leadership plans to drop the ball. Yes, the GOP has vowed to repeal Obamacare. And yet now, as the money to operate the government is running out and action will need to be taken before Sept. 30th to continue its operation, they are talking of going along to get along. This will automatically fund implementation of Obamacare. The GOP House leadership, in its typical spineless manner, has no intention of adding provisions to the legislation that will keep Obamacare from being funded, thereby strengthening the foothold of the legislation and violating the religious conscience of many Americans. In addition to electing a new president in November, it is critical that many members of the House and Senate be replaced. [more...]

UN Arms Treaty Coming Down to the Wire

The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty negotiations are coming down to the wire. A new draft of the treaty language was circulated on July 24th, with the hope that a consensus could be reached before July 27th, the scheduled deadline for completion of the treaty. The draft does not please the arms control crowd, who believe it is full of loopholes. [more...]

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7-24-12 Expert Commentators for Your Show

1. John LeBoutillier: Is a Weakening Economy Too Much for Obama to Overcome?
2. Sarah Stern: Appeasing the Muslim Brotherhood Crocodile
3. Doug Johnson: The Question No One is Asking about the Colorado Shooting Massacre
4. Joseph Klein: Two Shades of Evil Battle in Syria
5. Ryan Mauro: Five Congressmen Call for Muslim Brotherhood Influence Investigations
6. James Hirsen: The Violent Film Component of the "Dark Knight" Massacre

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Is a Weakening Economy Too Much for Obama to Overcome?

Is the national economy about to go over the side of a cliff, dragging President Obama’s re-election chances with it? Is a deteriorating economy the real story of this election? Can Romney just ride this trend all the way to the White House? Call to schedule interviews with Fmr. Congressman John LeBoutillier on this and all the latest political updates. [more...]

Appeasing the Muslim Brotherhood Crocodile

This weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made her first visit to Egypt since Mohammad Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was elected president of Egypt. Despite the fact that her motorcade was pelted with tomatoes and stones and protesters chanted “Monica, Monica,” the Secretary seemed to be willfully blinding herself as to what “Islamism” and the Muslim Brotherhood actually represent. A clue as to their real intentions, not just for Israel, but for the United States, was that at his very first public appearance addressing throngs of admiring Egyptians, Mohammad Morsi vowed to get the “blind sheik,” Omar Abdul-Rahman, released from prison in the United States. [more...]

The Question No One is Asking about the Colorado Shooting Massacre
By Doug Johnson Reporting from Colorado

Here in Colorado the shooting massacre this past weekend shakes our entire state, but it also raises a national question that no one is asking. Whenever a tragedy involving guns occurs there is an immediate outcry that the Second Amendment to the Constitution should be changed or redefined so that citizens can own few, if any, guns. The logic is that if the Second Amendment did not allow the ownership of guns, then these tragedies wouldn’t happen. So here’s the question I’ve heard no one ask: If the Second Amendment is to blame for massacres like the one here in Aurora, Colorado this past weekend, then why did it take two centuries for these things to start to happen? [more...]

Two Shades of Evil Battle in Syria

Russia and China predictably vetoed the proposed United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing sanctions against the Syrian regime, which was submitted for a vote on July 19th by the United Kingdom. The rejected resolution would have placed Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan’s six-point peace plan under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. If it had passed, the Security Council would have been able to authorize a range of diplomatic and economic sanctions (but no military action) against the Syrian government should it continue to fail to comply with all elements of the plan and Syria’s prior commitments, including to stop using heavy weapons and to withdraw its troops from major population centers. [more...]

Five Congressmen Call for Muslim Brotherhood Influence Investigations

In what could prove to be a watershed moment in the fight against radical Islam, five prominent members of Congress wrote letters to the Inspector Generals of the Departments of State, Justice, Defense, Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence requesting investigations into the influence of Muslim Brotherhood-tied groups and individuals. The letters, signed by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) among others, refers to a 10-part, freely-available online course created by the Center for Security Policy titled, "Muslim Brotherhood in America," narrated by Frank Gaffney, who served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy under the Reagan Administration. Each letter mentions incidents where the respective departments worked with entities or individuals tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. A secret document by the American branch of the Muslim Brotherhood from 1991 states that its "work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within."  [more...]

The Violent Film Component of the "Dark Knight" Massacre

In the aftermath of the carnage that occurred at an Aurora, Colorado midnight showing of the highly anticipated film, “The Dark Knight Rises,” it is important as a society to take a look at the heightened violence contained in movies and the deleterious effect upon the culture. Following the heinous act that took place at the screening of the final installment of the “Batman” trilogy, film related items were discovered by the police, which may turn out to be meaningful in the criminal case against 24-year-old suspect James Holmes. [more...]

Thursday, July 19, 2012

7-19-12 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Sarah Stern: Once Again, Hillary Clinton is Silent as Israel Gets Thrown under the Bus
2. Wayne Allyn Root: Obama and Our Government Have Hurt Me, Not Helped Me, Every Step of the Way
3. Doug Johnson: The Obama Campaign Proves They Have No Substance by Their Attacks on Romney
4. Joseph Klein: UN Spins in Circles While Syria Spins Out of Control

Once Again, Hillary Clinton is Silent as Israel Gets Thrown under the Bus

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went to Cairo to welcome in Mohammad Morsi, the new President of Egypt, and former head of the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite the fact that her motorcade was pelted with tomatoes and shoes, the Secretary of State remained unruffled, as she rushed to bestow American legitimacy on the newly elected President of Egypt, who incidentally, in his very first Press Conference stated his intention to free from an American prison Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, (known as “The Blind Sheik”) and mastermind of the first World Trade Center Bombing in 1993. Immediately after meeting with Mohammed Morsi, there was a Press Conference with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr. At one point, Mr. Amr stated, “I would like to add something about the peace treaty. Mr. President has repeatedly reaffirmed, and on all occasions, that Egypt continues to respect all treaties signed as long as the other party to the treaty respects the treaty itself. And today, he once again reiterated this issue and also reiterated that Egypt’s understanding of peace is that it should be comprehensive, exactly as stipulated in the treaty itself.  The Secretary of State sat silently and let this radical departure in the meaning of the Camp David Accords be stated. [more...]

Obama and Our Government Have Hurt Me, Not Helped Me, Every Step of the Way

Obama has decided to come clean with his plans for a second term. In a matter of 48 hours he gave us two hints so big you couldn’t miss his intentions. First, Obama gave notice that every state could receive a “waiver” to opt out of demanding that welfare recipients must work to receive their benefits. This isn’t some radical right-wing conspiracy Obama is trying to wreck. This was a bipartisan law of the land intended to “end welfare as we know it” and passed under Democratic President Bill Clinton. It has worked mega-successfully (with nary a complaint) for almost two decades. Why would anyone, who isn’t a committed radical intent on exploding entitlements, debt and crisis, try to end this law? Obama has showed his true colors. He’s not satisfied with 46 million Americans on food stamps, 11 million on disability (5.5 million in just his first term), millions more on unemployment benefits, and tens of millions on other government handouts. He wants to make it even easier to get on welfare, without any requirement to work. Going to work might get in the way of your ability to vote on November 6. [more...]

The Obama Campaign Proves They Have No Substance by Their Attacks on Romney

We should be very concerned when a president won’t reveal anything about his past and yet demands that his competitor reveal everything. The question should not be about Romney, but about what the president is hiding and because of it, why we should trust him. The mainstream media is working hard to help the Obama campaign try to make the center focus of the campaign about their phony allegations regarding Romney’s tax returns and Bain history. The continued allegations that Romney has done something wrong are not only nonsense with no evidence to support them, but continuing to pursue them reveals to any thinking person the fraud that is the Obama campaign. This campaign, this presidency, this president has clearly shown that there is no substance to anything they do; they are about attacks based on innuendo, not fact. Only a man who has no argument simply screams louder to make his point. [more...]

UN Spins in Circles While Syria Spins Out of Control

Since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began some 16 months ago more than 10,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Syria and tens of thousands have been displaced, according to United Nations estimates. The International Red Cross has now formally declared the conflict a civil war, which may have legal implications under the Geneva Accords for determining whether war crimes might have been committed. However, the reality is that the conflict has been a civil war for some time between the Assad loyalists and the armed opposition. [more...]

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

7-18-12 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Dr. Elaina George: The Antidote to the Affordable Care Act is Non-Participation
2. Wayne Allyn Root: Obama and Our Government Have Hurt Me, Not Helped Me, Every Step of the Way
3. Doug Johnson: President Obama, In Classic Alinsky Style, Continues to Mock the People Who Are Responsible for America's Success
4. Joseph Klein: Obama-Backed UN Gun Control Treaty on Its Way

The Antidote to the Affordable Care Act is Non-Participation

The Affordable Care Act was upheld because the bill was based on Congress’s ability to levy taxes? There were no taxes mentioned in the bill, and for the past two years, advocates of ObamaCare swore that the tenets of the bill were not based on taxing Americans.  What a lie! Now that this malignant law has passed, we are about to learn the extent of the disease that will ultimately kill the American system of healthcare (by destroying the doctor patient relationship on the one hand, and eliminating both the doctors’ freedom to treat, and patients’ freedom to choose treatment options on the other). For those who thought they were going to get good healthcare, they are in for a rude awakening. The Americans for Tax Reform highlights 20 new or higher taxes that will affect American families and small businesses. [more...]

Obama and Our Government Have Hurt Me, Not Helped Me, Every Step of the Way
By Wayne Allyn Root

Obama has decided to come clean with his plans for a second term. In a matter of 48 hours he gave us two hints so big you couldn’t miss his intentions. First, Obama gave notice that every state could receive a “waiver” to opt out of demanding that welfare recipients must work to receive their benefits. This isn’t some radical right-wing conspiracy Obama is trying to wreck. This was a bipartisan law of the land intended to “end welfare as we know it” and passed under Democratic President Bill Clinton. It has worked mega-successfully (with nary a complaint) for almost two decades. Why would anyone, who isn’t a committed radical intent on exploding entitlements, debt and crisis, try to end this law? Obama has showed his true colors. He’s not satisfied with 46 million Americans on food stamps, 11 million on disability (5.5 million in just his first term), millions more on unemployment benefits, and tens of millions on other government handouts. He wants to make it even easier to get on welfare, without any requirement to work. Going to work might get in the way of your ability to vote on November 6. [more...]

President Obama, In Classic Alinsky Style, Continues to Mock the People Who Are Responsible for America's Success

President Obama was so far out of line in his disrespectful rant against business owners that he’ll be shocked at the outrage he’s caused. He has bitten the hand that feeds America. He showed his true colors in a July 13th speech in Roanoke, VA, where he blasphemously attacked American businesspeople and showed complete disdain for the very people who have done more for America than any other group of citizens. His contempt for those who create jobs (the very ones who offer opportunity to America’s workers at a level far beyond any nation in history) was a look into the heart of a man who disrespects and shows disdain for those who are the backbone of what makes our economy sound. This is a perfect example of what the influences of Barack Obama’s training in Saul Alinsky’s organizations has created in his attitudes towards America and what he believes our nation’s future should be. In my new book, No Tomorrows: How to Halt America's Imminent Collapse and Return to the American Dream - And Why it Must Start with the 2012 Elections, I explain how Saul Alinsky influenced Barack Obama. Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, was said by Obama to be more important to him than anything he ever read or learned in school. [more...]

Obama-Backed UN Gun Control Treaty on Its Way

Government representatives from more than 190 countries, under the watchful eyes of gun control advocates such as Amnesty International and the Control Arms Coalition, are currently in negotiations at the United Nations headquarters in New York to hammer out the terms of the first UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The treaty is supposed to fill the gap caused by the absence of commonly agreed international standards for the transfer of conventional arms, including guns, and their diversion to the illicit market. [more...]

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

7-10-12 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Kyle Olson: Announces “Andrew Breitbart Memorial Essay Contest” for K-12 Students
2. Will McAndrew: Obama Forces Navy to Waste Taxpayer Money for Green Agenda
3. Dave Bego: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor?
4. John LeBoutillier: Is Mitt Romney Blowing his Chance to Win this Election? Announces “Andrew Breitbart Memorial Essay Contest” for K-12 Students

In honor of the late Andrew Breitbart, has created the “Annual Andrew Breitbart Memorial Essay Contest,” for K-12 students throughout the United States. Each contestant will be asked to produce an essay answering the question, “What does America mean to you?” The contest will have three divisions - elementary (grades K-5), middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12). Breitbart, a conservative commentator and founder of several popular national Web sites, passed away in March at the age of 43. [more...]

Obama Forces Navy to Waste Taxpayer Money for Green Agenda

As if government spending is not already at an all-time high, our president and his administration are trying to cook up new ways to waste our taxpayer dollars. I thought that the trips to Maui and Las Vegas for federal judges and GSA workers were bad enough, but this definitely tops the iceberg in the vast pile that is government waste. With gasoline prices heading towards $3 and below domestically in the United States, President Obama and the Navy have decided to use so-called “green fuel” to power Navy ships. Sure, we’re all probably used to the green agenda by now. We know all about solar and wind and electric. But this isn’t any one of those. Under the administration’s directives, the Navy is launching a new “Great Green Fleet” of ships that use a 50-50 blend of conventional and alternative fuel, made from seeds, algae and chicken fat. [more...]

Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor?

It has become obvious that the SEIU has a major interest in the healthcare legislation. Although the SEIU is a major player in the public union market, it is also one of the largest unions in the private sector. Furthermore, the largest share of its private sector members are healthcare employees: nurses, hospital staff, janitors, and home healthcare workers. Is it any wonder, then, that President Obama’s primary piece of legislation was Obamacare? Andy Stern, SEIU’s President at the time, was reportedly in the White House at least 22 times in the first year of Obama’s Presidency, while the main priority was passing Obamacare! [more...]

Is Mitt Romney Blowing his Chance to Win this Election?

We have been discussing it for months: is Mitt Romney blowing his chance to win this election? Why isn’t he countering the Bain/outsourcing/foreign bank accounts attacks on him? Can President Obama survive these latest dismal job numbers? And is the GOP - again - frittering away the ObamaCare issue by not focusing on just the tax-raising aspect of the law? [more...]

Monday, July 2, 2012

7-3-12 Expert Commentators for Your Show

1. John LeBoutillier: The National Despair Deepens
2. Dr. Elaina George: Killing the American System of Healthcare
3. Doug Johnson: The Last Independence Day Celebration
4. Richard Bernstein: The Supreme Court's Decision on The Affordable Care Act and How it Affects You
5. Dave Bego: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor?
6. Will McAndrew: America's Biggest Problem: Energy Independence

The National Despair Deepens

Last week’s two monumental Supreme Court decisions - upholding ObamaCare and striking down almost all of the Arizona immigration law - have only further alienated a majority of Americans from the D.C. establishment and deepened the underlying gloomy sense that the nation is careening into unknown territory. A stagnant economy, poor job prospects and two major parties that seem to talk past most people have deeply soured many Americans; pessimism has replaced the normal inherent American sense of optimism. This is the mood as we enter the final four months of the presidential and congressional campaigns. [more...]

Killing the American System of Healthcare

The Affordable Care Act was upheld because the bill was based on Congress’ ability to levy taxes? There were no taxes mentioned in the bill, and for the past two years advocates of ObamaCare swore that the tenets of the bill were not based on taxing Americans - what a lie. Now that this malignant law has passed, we are about to learn the extent of the disease that will ultimately kill the American system of healthcare (by destroying the doctor patient relationship on the one hand, and eliminating both the doctors’ freedom to treat, and patients’ freedom to choose treatment options on the other). For those who thought they were going to get good healthcare, they are in for a rude awakening. The Americans for Tax Reform highlights 20 new or higher taxes that will affect American families and small businesses. [Go here for examples...]

The Last Independence Day Celebration

We have just seen actions taken that will assure us of the imminent collapse of our nation if we do not stop the madness now and begin the turnaround to save our nation. July 4, 2012 may be the last Independence Day celebration in America as we know it. This past week the Supreme Court ruled on the Affordable Health Care law (excuse me while I choke on the word "affordable") which is also known as ObamaCare. This decision will go down in history as a travesty just like the Dred Scott decision and other awful mistakes the court has made over the years. This will go down as the decision that ripped freedom from the hands of the American people and sold our future to a limited few who will inflict the worst kind of tyranny imaginable upon the American people. [more...]

The Supreme Court's Decision on The Affordable Care Act and How it Affects You

Last week's Supreme Court ruling to keep The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in place could prove to be one of the costliest decisions the court has made in years. Health care premiums are rising about 9 to 15 percent a year. And with future costs of ObamaCare uncertain or not clarified, there’s a possibility that companies, their employees and individuals will find premiums becoming unaffordable. Even though the law will provide insurance in 2014 to the roughly 30 million Americans who are now uninsured, I see it as too costly. Health care costs will continue to grow in the coming years. It will impede the ability of some businesses to afford health care plans for their employees and will do additional damage to our health care system. [more...]

Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor?

It has become obvious that the SEIU has a major interest in the healthcare legislation. Although the SEIU is a major player in the public union market, it is also one of the largest unions in the private sector. Furthermore, the largest share of its private sector members are healthcare employees: nurses, hospital staff, janitors, and home healthcare workers. Is it any wonder, then, that President Obama’s primary piece of legislation was Obamacare? Andy Stern, SEIU’s President at the time, was reportedly in the White House at least 22 times in the first year of Obama’s Presidency, while the main priority was passing Obamacare! [more...]

America's Biggest Problem: Energy Independence

We’ve been exporting our hard earned wealth to other nations for years causing America’s financial supremacy to deteriorate. We create so much that if we simply kept more of it in house, we could solve a lot of problems. While every energy source claims to be the greatest, there is no reason why all options can't be explored. It shouldn’t be green energy versus oil and natural gas. It shouldn’t be nuclear versus coal. All options should be on the table. Unfortunately, the media has decided that government backed wind, solar, and other green energy sources are our only option, when we have a tremendous wealth of resources (natural gas, oil, and coal) in the ground that we could extract in a responsible manner. Our shale reserves alone could make us competitive with Saudi Arabia. Think of all of the jobs that could create. Not just oil jobs, but manufacturing, retail, tourism - you name it.  [more...