Thursday, March 29, 2012

3-29-12 The Best Guests for Your Show

1. Joseph Klein: Obamacare in Critical Condition
2. Doug Johnson: The Hypocrisy of the Republican Leadership
3. Kyle Olson: Spineless Illinois Politicians Propose to Shift Pension Burden to Schools
4. James Hirsen: Jane Fonda’s Nancy Reagan Role Linked to ‘Game Change’ Writer
5. Will McAndrew:
Green Energy Gets More Tax Breaks than Oil and Gas

Obamacare in Critical Condition
By Joseph Klein

President Obama’s signature legislation, "Obamacare," has been debated in the political arena and all across the country for over two years. The central issue boils down to the scope of federal government power over individual purchase decisions. Will the constitutional scheme of limited enumerated powers granted to the federal government have any meaning if the Obamacare individual mandate is held to be constitutional? The answer to this question revolves mostly around two key provisions of the Constitution. They are: the Interstate Commerce Clause, which specifically authorizes Congress “to regulate commerce... among the several states,” and the “Necessary and Proper Clause,” which authorizes Congress to “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution” its other enumerated powers. [more...]
The Hypocrisy of the Republican Leadership
By Doug Johnson

House Speaker John Boehner, the third most powerful person in government, is trying to show his strength at standing up for America by writing a letter to President Obama regarding his "hot mic" comments made in Korea earlier this week. According to an article by ABC’s Jake Tapper, Mr. Boehner is requesting that the president explain his comment to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev about waiting until after the election so he’ll have more flexibility. Mr. Boehner’s letter is fairly strongly worded but means nothing. Sure, it puts forth an image that he is standing up for the nation and holding the president accountable, but that’s all it is. It's all showboating, no matter how much he may say otherwise. Not only will the president ignore it, but Boehner doesn’t have the backbone to do anything about it regardless of what the answer is. He’s proven that enough times in the past. [more...]
Spineless Illinois Politicians Propose to Shift Pension Burden to Schools
By Kyle Olson

By and large, politicians are not willing to tackle the unsustainable costs they’ve created. Consider Illinois public employee pensions. Public employee pensions have been a state expense. Therefore, a big chunk of legacy costs don’t need to be shown on school district books. But new legislation proposed by Senate Democrats seeks to change that. They want local school districts to bear that burden. The problem? One third of Illinois school districts are already on “financial watch lists,” according to the New York Times. So the geniuses in Springfield are proposing to increase the weight because it is likely much easier to raise property taxes in local communities than it is to reform spending or raise state taxes in Springfield. [more...]
Jane Fonda’s Nancy Reagan Role Linked to ‘Game Change’ Writer
By James Hirsen

The writer of the upcoming movie, “The Butler,” in which Jane Fonda has been cast to play the role of former First Lady Nancy Reagan, has a track record of bashing the GOP on film. Lee Daniels, who directed the Academy Award-winning film “Precious,” is co-writing the upcoming project with Danny Strong. Strong is the writer who adapted HBO's “Game Change” from the book of the same title. The movie was sharply criticized by John McCain, Sarah Palin and other prominent conservatives as having distorted facts and depicted Palin in a highly negative light. [more...]
Green Energy Gets More Tax Breaks than Oil and Gas
By Will McAndrew

Once again Obama will go to Congress to play the class warfare card. This time he will pit the mighty oil producers against the lowly green energy companies. In a new bill sponsored by Sen. Robert Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey, Congress would end approximately $2.1 billion per year in tax breaks over a period of ten years. The idea is to take increased tax revenue from oil and gas companies and give it to the struggling green energy companies. “This money can be better spent promoting domestic manufacturing, encouraging the development of clean energy technologies that will reduce our dependence on oil, and cutting the deficit,” the White House said in a statement supporting the Menendez bill. The hidden agenda there is that our need is to cut our dependence on all oil and not just foreign oil. [more...]

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3-28-12 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Dr. Elaina George: Is Obamacare a Trojan Horse?
2. James Hirsen: Jane Fonda to Play Nancy Reagan
3. Wayne Allyn Root: Obama Is No Ordinary Socialist
4. Richard Bernstein: What America Needs to Know About Obamacare
5. Will McAndrew: Obama’s Big Oil Drilling Lie

Is Obamacare a Trojan Horse?
By Dr. Elaina George

Obamacare has become one of the most polarizing pieces of legislation ever passed. There was so much heat surrounding its passage that people got caught up and blinded by the rhetoric. On one hand, we were told that it had to be passed because uninsured people were practically dying in the streets, while greedy doctors were performing unnecessary tests, amputating feet, and taking out tonsils in their unending quest to make as much money as possible. The initial premise that the problem with healthcare was because of the uninsured was a lie. Because of the emergency medical treatment and active labor act (EMTALA) passed in 1986, no one in this country whether a citizen or not can be denied healthcare. Unfortunately, the uninsured meme was repeated by proponents of the bill and amplified by the corporate main stream media to such an extent that it became a “truth.” [more...]

Jane Fonda to Play Nancy Reagan
By James Hirsen

Jane Fonda has been cast in the role of former First Lady Nancy Reagan in an upcoming film from Lee Daniels called “The Butler,” which is about a longtime White House service worker. Daniels directed the Academy Award winning film “Precious.” Fonda, well known for her Oscar-winning performances, health and fitness videos, and controversial political activism, will portray former President Ronald Reagan’s wife. Fonda’s liberal activism runs contrary to the policies and ideology embodied in the Reagan legacy, particularly in her famed denunciation of the Vietnam War and the photo-op in which she sat with the enemy. [more...]

Obama Is No Ordinary Socialist
By Wayne Allyn Root

One of socialism’s central tenets is demonization of the wealthy. Sound familiar? Obama plays the game of class warfare like no politician in history. His entire agenda is about targeting, demonizing, denigrating and punishing the rich. For Obama hunting the rich is a sport. Another central tenet of socialism is redistribution of wealth, accomplished in several ways. First, raise taxes to outlandish levels. A socialist thinks that what is yours belongs to the state. If Obama has his way, we’ll all be paying tax rates in the range of 70 percent or higher, while losing all deductions. Obama’s answer for every problem is taxes. Every speech is about taxes. Every State of the Union is about taxes. Some people play golf, others play tennis. Obama’s hobby is raising taxes. [more...]

What America Needs to Know About Obamacare
By Richard Bernstein

Here are four points for the next four years of Obamacare that every American needs to know:  1. Obamacare has not been defeated and is not fully in effect. For Americans that think that they’ve seen the worst of Obamacare, remember that the most onerous of government regulations are yet to come.  2. The government has admitted to faulty accounting on the healthcare law.  3. Too much power in the federal government’s hands. 4. Dangerous Side Effects. ...The best news is it’s not too late. The Supreme Court may strike this law down, but most signs point to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act still retaining many of its core features. More than 50% of the states have legally contested its validity. We don’t know what the outcome will be upon repeal or reelection. Congress can still take action, and if they don’t Americans can elect new leaders who will. [more...]

Obama’s Big Oil Drilling Lie
By Will McAndrew

Back in January, President Obama made a claim that he was going to open up 75% of offshore and millions of acres of federal land for domestic oil exploration. That sounded, great didn't it? Then again, we have to remember that this is the government. As we dig a little deeper, we’ve found out that the federal lands they want to open up have very little oil in the ground, if any at all. It's no wonder that domestic oil production from federal lands is down. Under the Obama administration, from its height in 2010, production on federal lands is down some 275,000 barrels a day, according to the Congressional Research Service. The administration will try to take credit for overall oil production in the U.S. increasing by 230,000 barrels per day since the president took office in 2009. However, when you see that we’ve been losing production from federal lands, it becomes easy to see that the increase in production is from technology advances in drilling efficiency and not the government increasing supply. [more...]

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3-27-12 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Dave Bego: Right to Work On the Move
2. Doug Johnson: Jeb Bush Makes Recommendation That Will Cost the GOP the 2012 Election
3. James Hirsen: 'The Hunger Games' Propels Lionsgate
4. Christopher Markowski: America, Get Ready for Another Bailout: Student Loan Debt Debacle
5. Dr. Elaina George: Obamacare = Corporate Driven Medical Serfdom

Right to Work On the Move
By Dave Bego

Recent polls indicate Americans are fed up with Big Labor’s schoolyard bully tactics and their utilization of taxpayer money to support political candidates and liberal agendas. Additionally, Americans are tired of government deficits driven by public sector pay, overblown benefits, and restrictive work rules.  Americans, including union rank and file members, are tired of Big Labor’s attempt to deprive them of basic freedoms and utilize union/membership dues to achieve their political goals. They voiced their displeasure in the November 2010 election. In states like Indiana, elected officials have heard the people’s mandate and passed "Right to Work" legislation (RTW) that will provide each and every individual the right to personally decide if they wish to be represented by a union, without fearing the threat of reprisal. What could be more American than the freedom of choice? [more...]

Jeb Bush Makes Recommendation That Will Cost the GOP the 2012 Election
By Doug Johnson
Jeb Bush showed his true colors this week, illustrating to any thinking conservative Republican or Independent that they should be wary of his advice. His answers regarding the GOP primary race are a plan for disaster. Bush called on Mitt Romney’s competitors to drop out of the race and support Romney. According to an article by Salena Zito in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, GOP strategist Bruce Haynes said that Bush’s statement was "...literally the sound of the referee’s whistle calling the game to an end." The article also quoted Haynes as saying, "When you have New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Jeb Bush, it makes Republican ears perk up." [more...]

'The Hunger Games' Propels Lionsgate
By James Hirsen

In the entertainment world, Lionsgate generally has been known as the independent studio that has distributed Tyler Perry’s movies and produced the "Saw" franchise. Up until now the company’s top-grossing film had been Michael Moore’s "Fahrenheit 9/11," which took in $119.2 million. Now Lionsgate’s "The Hunger Games" has shattered industry expectations for an opening weekend, with $155 million, according to studio estimates. [more...]

America, Get Ready for Another Bailout: Student Loan Debt Debacle
By Christopher Markowski

FACT: Student loan debt has surpassed $1 trillion; FACT: One in four student borrowers are behind on payments. Get ready for a politically opportunistic bailout. I will discuss the effect that student loans have on the housing market and the overhaul economic health for future generations. I will pick apart the entire higher education industry in “hedge funds with tax exempt status.”

Obamacare = Corporate Driven Medical Serfdom
By Dr. Elaina George

For those who continue to delude themselves that Obamacare will lead them to the healthcare land of milk and honey, I have some news for you - it's never going to happen. Critical thinking would lead one to the conclusion that there is no way to add 30 million more people to a system that is already fundamentally broken. There have been many arguments used to sell Obamcare to the public. Much of it has been disingenuous, peddled not by doctors who are on the front line taking care of patients to the best of their ability, but by corporate interests that stand to gain from profits gleaned from the practice of corporate disease driven medicine, e.g., the pharmaceutical industry, the American Medical Association, AARP, The Hospital Corporation of America, and various unions. [more...]

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3-21-12 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Dave Bego: Vetting Obama’s Political Tactics
2. John LeBoutillier: The State of the GOP Race after Illinois
3. Dr. Elaina George: Obamacare = Corporate Driven Medical Serfdom
4. Joseph Klein: Al Jazeera Joins Forces with Media Matters and ThinkProgress

Vetting Obama’s Political Tactics
By Dave Bego

Obama’s State of the Union Address on January 24, 2012, and his subsequent 2013 budget in which he called for new taxes on wealthy, are no more than election campaign tactics full of candy and political promises. These actions are reminiscent of Big Labor’s tactics utilized during Corporate Campaigns against employers where they make outlandish promises and disseminate misinformation to win employee support. Obama’s tactics should come as no surprise, considering his long-term SEIU ties and training. Comparing Obama’s use of misdirection and overpromising versus the misdirection and promises of Big Labor during Corporate Campaigns, it is easy to understand the current election tactics and predict those yet unseen. [more...]

The State of the GOP Race after Illinois
By John LeBoutillier

Mitt Romney’s healthy victory margin in the non-binding "beauty contest" in the Land of Lincoln needs to be affirmed by a corresponding win in the separate delegate contest.  However, as in many other GOP contests this winter, turnout was down as compared to 2008. This is the single biggest aspect of the Republican race so far: GOP voters are markedly un-enthused by the Republican candidates and instead are choosing not to vote. The implications for November are worrisome. Do these non-voters vote for the GOP nominee - even if they aren’t turned on by him - in order to defeat President Obama? Or do they stay home then, too? [more...]

Obamacare = Corporate Driven Medical Serfdom
By Dr. Elaina George

For those who continue to delude themselves that Obamacare will lead them to the healthcare land of milk and honey, I have some news for you - it's never going to happen. Critical thinking would lead one to the conclusion that there is no way to add 30 million more people to a system that is already fundamentally broken. There have been many arguments used to sell Obamcare to the public. Much of it has been disingenuous, peddled not by doctors who are on the front line taking care of patients to the best of their ability, but by corporate interests that stand to gain from profits gleaned from the practice of corporate disease driven medicine, e.g., the pharmaceutical industry, the American Medical Association, AARP, The Hospital Corporation of America, and various unions. [more...]

Al Jazeera Joins Forces with Media Matters and ThinkProgress
By Joseph Klein

Media Matters, the Soros-funded Obama administration propaganda arm, claims that its prime mission is to correct "conservative misinformation in the U.S. media." Presumably as part of its self-righteous campaign against conservative misinformation, Media Matters decided to team up with the anti-Semitic, anti-American news outlet Al Jazeera, a corrupt media outfit owned and financed by an authoritarian Arab regime that forbids freedom of the press in its own country. Then again, intellectual honesty and truly unbiased journalistic professionalism were never part of Media Matters' mission statement. [more...]

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3-20-12 Expert Commentators for Your Show

1. James Hirsen: George Clooney’s Admirable Sudan Stand
2. Doug Johnson: Our Imminent Collapse
3. Joseph Klein: Another Obama Power Grab
4. Al Fadi: The Dilemma of Democracy and Islamic Terrorism
5. Christopher Markowski: Why We Should Kill the SEC

George Clooney’s Admirable Sudan Stand
By James Hirsen

George Clooney, several congressional members, and a group of additional activists recently gathered to protest the actions of the government of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. The actor and his fellow protesters were arrested outside Sudan’s embassy in Washington, D.C. "I can actually have an opinion and it may not fit what the U.N. wants and it may not fit what other people want," Clooney told NBC. "And so I think it's a lot easier than running for office. I don't have any interest in that." It is a worthy cause for which the Oscar winner has engaged in an act of planned civil disobedience, one that transcends conventional political labels. [more...]

Our Imminent Collapse
By Doug Johnson

Our nation is facing bankruptcy and few people are noticing. With limited exception, our political leaders go on pretending nothing is wrong. This is about an imminent collapse the likes of the Great Depression or worse. We’re not talking about a famous passage of time like an eminent elapse would be. We’re not talking about a famous failure and falling back into bad behavior like an eminent relapse would be. We’re talking about an imminent (as in about to happen, fast-approaching, handwriting-on-the-wall, impending, inescapable, inevitable, likely, looming, menacing, on the verge, unavoidable) collapse (as in bankruptcy, cataclysm, catastrophe, crash, disintegration, failure, ruination, undoing). [more...]

Another Obama Power Grab
By Joseph Klein

The Obama administration issued a new executive order last Friday entitled “National Defense Resources Preparedness.” The Executive Order cited the powers granted to the president by the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, and the president’s constitutional authority as commander-in-chief as the basis for asserting more breathtaking presidential powers over key sectors of the U.S. economy, not only during wars and national emergencies, but also during peacetime. The new executive order gives the president and his executive branch agency heads far more power than was contemplated by Congress in the Defense Production Act. [more...]

The Dilemma of Democracy and Islamic Terrorism
By Al Fadi

Since 9/11, the NYPD developed a surveillance program designed to spy on Muslims. The purpose of the program was to track activities of Muslims at Mosques, Islamic centers, communities, and universities. It also included cataloging mosques and Muslim-owned businesses, recording the license plates of worshippers at mosques, infiltrating student groups and eavesdropping in Muslim neighborhoods The motive behind such surveillance was to detect and deter any terror activities in the wake of the 9/11 attack on NY. When asked about this, attorney General Eric Holder told Congress last week that he’s disturbed by what he’s read about the New York Police Department conducting surveillance of mosques and Islamic student organizations in New Jersey. Unfortunately, one should not go further than the pages of the Qur’an, the Muslims’ holiest book, from which they draw all of their daily life spiritual and moral needs and codes of conduct... one can find some disturbing passages that can shed some light on why SOME Muslims commit acts of terror and violence against others, which in turn can justify what the intelligence community is doing to protect freedom, and the public at-large. [more...]

Why We Should Kill the SEC
By Christopher Markowski

As the speed of trading literally approaches the speed of light, the SEC can't keep up. To wit, there's SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro's claim that many of the Wall Street firms her agency regulates have technology budgets that are larger than her total operating costs. But it's easy to blame the regulators. What's much harder to do is blame the real culprits: Ourselves. [more...]