Wednesday, September 25, 2013

9-25-13 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Joe Messina: Freedom of Religion for All or None
2. John LeBoutillier: Why the GOP Effort to Shut Down the Government in Order to Kill Obamacare is a Political Disaster in the Making
3. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: The Role of Modern Government
4. Kyle Olson: Parent's Arrest is a Call to Arms against Common Core and Thug Bureaucracy

Freedom of Religion for All or None

I recently read a story about a public school that took students on a field trip to a mosque. At first, I was outraged, as were many of my fellow conservatives. How dare they spend my tax money to go to such a place of hate and an enemy to Americans, those jihadist-loving Muslims. To top it off, the kids were given Qurans and were forced to listen to Muslim scriptures read from their book. Then I heard it, that little voice in the back of my head... you hypocrite! Who me? Really? No way! But as I thought about the term "hypocrite," that's exactly what those thoughts were, hypocritical. [more...]

Why the GOP Effort to Shut Down the Government in Order to Kill Obamacare is a Political Disaster in the Making

On this week's two versions of the POLITICAL INSIDERS, we take an in-depth look at the GOP/Tea Party strategy to shut down the Federal Government next week. Will this help - or hurt - the economy? Will it result in ridding the nation of Obamacare? Will it help the GOP politically or cripple it? Will it actually give President Obama even more political and executive power? As for foreign policy, will Iran roll the administration on the nuclear issue? Will Putin "save the world" on that issue, too? To see the shows, go to Monday, Sunday, Pt. I, Sunday, Pt. 2.

The Role of Modern Government

Before discussing the notion that government should not be involved with personal morality, there is a fundamental principle that must first be presented. For a government to be truly uninvolved with any endeavor (such as education), it cannot be its source of income. Providing money entails issuing guidelines on how it can be spent. Providing a quarter of a budget thus translates into control over a quarter of the funded entity; paying three quarters means controlling three quarters. This reality is echoed in the old Yiddish saying, "Those who pay have the say." Accordingly, if the public voted to keep the government away from the moral pursuits of the people, it could no longer fund them. How should government aid to the universities and their students be seen? Is supporting higher education a civic or a moral pursuit? [more... ]

Parent's Arrest is a Call to Arms against Common Core and Thug Bureaucracy

Yesterday's shocking story from Maryland shows the wheels are falling off the Common Core cart. Parent Robert Small wasn't pleased by the pro-Common Core propaganda show being put on by his local school district, so he decided to stand up at the phony town hall meeting and ask a few questions to his state's education leaders. What unfolded should shock every American, regardless of their feelings about Common Core national standards. What we learned is this...  [more...]

Monday, September 23, 2013

Obamacare Video Wars

The health care battle in our country is intensifying. The House of Representatives recently placed a provision in a spending bill, which would defund the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare.  The Senate, too, has jumped into the fray, and a government shutdown looms large.

Interestingly, another melee is brewing, one that holds the promise of being just as hard fought and equally riveting. The White House has turned to Hollywood in an effort to deal with the increasing unpopularity of the health care legislation. What started out as a celebrity conference involving the president and a number of Hollywood luminaries quickly transformed into an ambitious plan to convince younger citizens to join the less than appealing Obamacare health insurance exchanges. Skilled writers and an ace production team have been enlisted to craft some expertly designed propaganda and deliver it to the public via an extremely well visited video Web site. [more...]

Thursday, September 19, 2013

9-19-13 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Dave Bego: Unprecedented Union Corruption
2. Wayne Allyn Root: Is There a Con Man in the Oval Office?
3. Joseph Klein: President Obama's New Pen Pal
4. Kyle Olson: District Insists Kids Like Eating Pumpkin Parfaits, Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Unprecedented Union Corruption

After battling the SEIU's corporate campaign against my company, and ultimately winning, I firmly believed that I had experienced corruption at its worst. Sadly, I was mistaken. This same scenario is currently being played out in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where the UAW is attempting to force unionize Volkswagen employees through use of a neutrality agreement and card check. In this case, the union claims they have enough votes to win an election, but instead of holding a secret ballot election, which they say takes time and effort, the facility should utilize card check! Based on personal experience and as chronicled in The Devil at Our Doorstep, the truth that was discovered upon talking to my employees throughout these scenarios was that they were intimidated and lied to about the cards they were signing. This is most likely what is occurring at the Volkswagen plant - the UAW is merely attempting to achieve card check through the back door, and the economic impact of these events could be devastating. [more...]

Is There a Con Man in the Oval Office?

I keep asking myself: Why Syria? Why now? No war in America history has ever been opposed by 71% of the citizens, or 75% of the military. That's how absurd and unnecessary this potential war is. Then, when you realize Obama has had so many scandals and failures to hide, war is the perfect cover story to mask the most disastrous record in modern presidential history. Obama is a desperate man. He has to cover up the truth. We have a CON MAN in the White House. The sad thing is... it's working. [more to hide...]

President Obama's New Pen Pal

After vacillating for weeks on what to do regarding his red line for the use of chemical weapons in Syria and ultimately retreating, President Obama laid down yet another of his meaningless red lines for Iran. "My suspicion is that the Iranians recognize they shouldn't draw a lesson that we haven't struck [Syria] to think we won't strike Iran," Obama warned in an interview with ABC that aired last Sunday. "I think what the Iranians understand is that the nuclear issue is a far larger issue for us than the chemical weapons issue." There is little doubt that the Iranians have learned precisely the opposite from Obama's back-and-forth flirtation with military action over the last several weeks. Since Secretary of State John Kerry had signaled that any attack against Syria would be "unbelievably small," it is not difficult to imagine Iran's leadership concluding that an attack against Iran, if any, would be small as well. [more...]

District Insists Kids Like Eating Pumpkin Parfaits, Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Students like eating brussel sprouts. No, really they do – at least according to Donegal, Pennsylvania school officials. They insist kids like the new school lunch menu changes inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama, which reportedly include pumpkin parfaits and fresh roasted brussel sprouts. But April Hershey, superintendent in the nearby Warwick district, admitted all is not well: “We struggle with continued mandates that limit what we know to be best practices for our students." [more...]

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9-17-13 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Rabbi D.C. Ganz: Attack Iran, Not Syria!
2. John LeBoutillier: The On-Going Political Revolution - Happening Right in Front of Us
3. Joe Messina: Yes, It's All About Color
4. Elizabeth Imus-Zero: Hey Detroit, Get Ready to Eat Some Cake!

Attack Iran, Not Syria!

It now appears that the U.S. will not be attacking Syria anytime soon, and for a variety of reasons. A few token cruise missiles shot into Syria would likely accomplish nothing. Staging a major military action that could topple the Syrian government could lead to Assad being replaced by an even bigger cutthroat. Also, when dictatorships fall, there is usually an initial period of chaos, and during that time almost anyone might get their hands on some of the poison gas. Despite all promises to the contrary, a serious U.S. attack may eventually necessitate U.S. "boots on the ground" - something that few Americans would tolerate at this point. It just isn’t smart to pursue this conflict at this time. Accordingly, it is all but certain that Congress will not agree to wage this war. There is, however, an urgent need for a different military action in that part of the world, one that the U.S. should be considering at present... ATTACKING IRAN. [more... ]

The On-Going Political Revolution - Happening Right in Front of Us

This week the POLITICAL INSIDERS showed how the American people stopped the President and the Congress from launching military strikes on Syria and how the divide between the American people and the Political Class has never been wider. To see the shows, go to Monday, Sunday, Pt. I, Sunday, Pt. 2.

Yes, It's All About Color

Al Sharpton commented on his show this week that there are no black people on the board of Apple, and that 30% of the largest corporations in America have no black people on their boards. He and the guest on his show went on to state that these corporations also fail to have blacks in positions of authority or management. Really? What study was this based on? Where do they get their numbers? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. asked us not to judge someone by the color of their skin but by the content of their character and abilities. I have many black friends and they all would rather be valued for their character and ability not for skin color. And, as a reminder Mr. Sharpton, you've stated many times that we need to be color blind. [more...]

Hey Detroit, Get Ready to Eat Some Cake!

Just days after Detroit filed for bankruptcy protection, the state of Michigan happily agreed to spend $444 MILLION dollars of taxpayers' money to build a new hockey arena for the Red Wings. Question: Did the taxpayers vote for this, or did the government just decide how to spend our money again? Yes, you guessed it; the government is once again on a shopping spree with our credit card.  So let me get this straight.  WE taxpayers are paying for a new arena that will create 1,100 new jobs versus the 660 jobs now at Joe Louis Arena. [more...]

Monday, September 16, 2013

Insidious: Chapter 2 - Demons at the Box Office

The movie that captured the top spot this past weekend is "Insidious: Chapter 2," a sequel to the 2011 hair-raising film "Insidious," which tells the tale of a boy who is lost in an invisible demon-populated region. "Insidious: Chapter 2" brought in $41 million in its debut weekend, making it the best September opening for any film. The horror sequel raked in $20 million on Friday, the biggest one-day gross in the month of September.

This year the horror genre has been a sizable source of profit for the film industry. Some of the box-office results for scary cinema include "The Conjuring," which took in $260 million worldwide on a production budget of $20 million; "The Purge," which parleyed $86 million worldwide while only costing $3 million to produce; "Mama," which made $147 million worldwide and had an expenditure of $15 million; "The Evil Dead," which did $100 million in box office worldwide with a $17 million price tag; and "The Call," which collected $52 million domestically (the film did not have foreign distribution) with production outlays of $13 million. [more...]

Thursday, September 12, 2013

9-12-13 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Joseph Klein: Russia Rising
2. Wayne Allyn Root: Obama's "Inside Job" Destroying America
3. Ryan Mauro: Assad's Agreement to Int'l WMD Supervision Game Changer
4. Kyle Olson: Federal DoE Brass Spent $7 Million on Travel Last Year Despite 'Sequestration' Cuts...
5. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: Is it Moral or Smart to Attack Syria?

Russia Rising

Following up on its proposal to place Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles under international control for inspection and destruction, Russia submitted its plan to implement this proposal to the United States for review. One day after President Obama's primetime televised speech in which he called for a diplomatic pause before moving forward with any military action against the Assad regime, Secretary of State John Kerry sounded a hopeful note. He liked what he heard from his phone conversation on Wednesday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, whom, Kerry said, "had some interesting observations about the ways in which he thinks we might be able to achieve this." This situation is not likely to be resolve so simply, however, and geopolitical complications appear to be mounting, as Russian President Putin senses his advantage and Obama's weakness. [more...]

Obama's "Inside Job" Destroying America

At Columbia University (class of '83), my fellow classmates admitted they hated America, hated "the rich," and despised Judeo-Christian values. We spent our days discussing and debating their plan to destroy capitalism and radically change America from within by electing one of their own to the Presidency. Once elected, the plan was to overwhelm the system with spending, taxes, entitlements and debt. Capitalism would topple, business owners would lose everything, and Americans would be brought to their knees, begging for government to save them. In that way, America would become a socialist nation.  Recognize that plan? It’s happening right in front of our eyes. Barack Obama was one of my Columbia classmates. No one ever saw him, he rarely (if ever) attended class, even professors don’t remember him. Maybe he was too busy attending socialist or communist meetings and studying this plan, because it is clear he learned well. [more...]

Assad's Agreement to Int'l WMD Supervision Game Changer

The Syrian regime, at Russia's urging, has agreed to permit international supervision of its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in order to avoid U.S. military action. Bashar Assad's announcement came after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry gave an unplanned answer to a reporter's question about how Assad could avoid American strikes. He dismissively said that Assad could entirely dismantle his chemical and biological weapons stockpiles. Shockingly, Russia publicly called on Assad to do just that and the Syrian dictator agreed. [more...]

Federal DoE Brass Spent $7 Million on Travel Last Year Despite 'Sequestration' Cuts...

During the "sequestration" budget controversy earlier this year, Education Secretary Arne Duncan predicted the sky would fall if U.S. schools had their federal aid reduced even by a tiny amount.  "Kids are gonna get hurt," was his impassioned refrain during the kerfuffle. But the threat of “sequestration” cuts – which was known since 2011 – didn’t stop Duncan’s department from racking up the frequent flier miles and hotel loyalty points during the 2012-13 school year. All told, the U.S. Department of Education spent $7,054,341.36 on airlines, hotels, restaurants, rental cars and miscellaneous expenses, according to documents obtained via an open records request. [more...]

Is it Moral or Smart to Attack Syria?

The world reacted with justified moral indignation to Syria's use of poison gas on humans.  The Obama administration apparently feels that the USA is therefore morally obligated to attack Syria.  It may at first seem counter-intuitive, but an ancient Jewish principle is that when one group of people is being massacred by another group, an unaligned third nation should NOT dispatch their own soldiers, some of whom will die, in order to save many more of the victims. Accordingly, America should NOT send even a few of its soldiers to their deaths in Syria in order to save many more Syrian lives. Doing so is not morally righteous. [more on 'Thou Shalt Not Kill'...]

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Obama's "Inside Job" Destroying America

Barack Obama proves you don't need Russia, or China, or North Korea, or radical Muslim terrorists to take down the White House. Obama is doing more damage from the inside than our worst enemies could ever imagine - without firing a shot.

At Columbia University (class of '83), my fellow classmates admitted they hated America, hated "the rich," and despised Judeo-Christian values. We spent our days discussing and debating their plan to destroy capitalism and radically change America from within by electing one of their own to the Presidency. Once elected, the plan was to overwhelm the system with spending, taxes, entitlements and debt. Capitalism would topple, business owners would lose everything, and Americans would be brought to their knees, begging for government to save them. In that way, America would become a socialist nation.

Recognize that plan? It’s happening right in front of our eyes. Barack Obama was one of my Columbia classmates. No one ever saw him, he rarely (if ever) attended class, even professors don’t remember him. Maybe he was too busy attending socialist or communist meetings and studying this plan, because it is clear he learned well. [more...]

Monday, September 9, 2013

9-9-13 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: Is it Moral or Smart to Attack Syria?
2. Joe Messina: One Nation "Under God?"
3. John LeBoutillier: Will the Syrian Debate in D.C. Cause an American Political Revolution?
4. James Hirsen: Hollywood Mostly Silent on Syria

Is it Moral or Smart to Attack Syria?

The world reacted with justified moral indignation to Syria's use of poison gas on humans.  The Obama administration apparently feels that the USA is therefore morally obligated to attack Syria.  It may at first seem counter-intuitive, but an ancient Jewish principle is that when one group of people is being massacred by another group, an unaligned third nation should NOT dispatch their own soldiers, some of whom will die, in order to save many more of the victims. Accordingly, America should NOT send even a few of its soldiers to their deaths in Syria in order to save many more Syrian lives. Doing so is not morally righteous. [more on 'Thou Shalt Not Kill'...]

One Nation "Under God?"

We've become a nation that pushes its citizens to trust in the government and not God. The phrase "under God" in our Pledge of Allegiance means about as much as telling your wife you love her as you beat and abuse her. They are just lies and empty words. As an example, the Massachusetts Supreme Court will be ruling on Doe v. Action-Boxborough Regional School District and whether the pledge violates students' rights. The battle over the Pledge has been lost several times around the country in many federal courts. Previously, they have used the non-existent separation of church and state law. This time they are using the infringement of student rights. Well, guess what?  "Under God" has been settled in court many times now. [more...]

Will the Syrian Debate in D.C. Cause an American Political Revolution?

Syria: is this the issue that is going to change American politics for years to come? Are we witnessing a game-changing pre-revolutionary moment in our political history – a time when the elites have so alienated the American people that our politics will never again be the same? [more...]

Hollywood Mostly Silent on Syria

As President Barack Obama continues to push for a military strike on Syria, the Hollywood community's most vocal anti-war celebrities seem to be taking a hushed approach when it comes to discussing the issue. When George Clooney was recently asked about a possible U.S. military intervention by a reporter at the Venice Film Festival, the actor responded, "I actually thought you would ask me about Ben Affleck playing Batman, but no, it's Syria." The long list of notables, who had previously made it a point to let the world know their viewpoints regarding war when a Republican president was serving in the Oval Office, include Clooney, Sheryl Crow, Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, and Danny Glover, among others. All seem to be AWOL this time around when it comes to voicing anti-war comments. [more...]

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

9-4-13 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Ryan Mauro: Obama Addresses American Islamist Convention
2. Dave Bego: Desperate Big Labor Shows True Colors on Labor Day
3. Joe Messina: The Definition of a "Living Wage"
4. Brigitte Gabriel: The Syria Decision
5. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: The Government's Role in the War on Drugs

Obama Addresses American Islamist Convention

President Obama addressed the 50th annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America via videotape, praising the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity for its partnership with his administration. A Clarion Project report showed that the convention's roster of speakers includes many extremists. "Over the last half-century, you’ve upheld the proud legacy of American-Muslims' contributions to our national fabric and this gathering is a testament to that tradition," Obama says to ISNA. [more...]

Desperate Big Labor Shows True Colors on Labor Day

Over the Labor Day holiday, Big Labor once again demonstrated how desperate it is to rebuild its diminishing membership roles. Despite the fact the tactics they have been utilizing for the last 20 years are not working, they keep on using them. The union membership results speak for themselves: union membership dropped by 398,000 in 2012, leaving membership at post-WWII low off 11.3 percent. [more...]

The Definition of a "Living Wage"

I find it interesting that an industry with 75% percent turnover in workers would want to unionize. No one goes to McDonald’s, Burger King or KFC to pursue a career in burger flipping in order to take care of a family. These jobs are one of the learning cycles in life - a normal and natural progression on the path to one’s life career. They provide great experiences that teach a young person how to take responsibility for his or her actions, to learn how to work in a team environment, to learn what "8 to 5" means and why a company needs to make a profit. These are good skills to have and lessons that need to be learned. It is not meant to be a life sustaining job. [more...]

The Syria Decision

Is America getting ready to unleash the dogs of war based on faulty intelligence?  The UN fact finding mission to Syria is still unconvinced that Assad was the one who used the chemical weapons. In addition, the original intelligence report provided by the Israeli intelligence "Unit 8200 electronic intelligence" group reveals that the August 21st attack was a staged attack by the rebels to force America to get involved in Syria. Assad had been on a winning streak and it had become clear that America was losing interest in supporting what America perceived as increasingly radicalized rebels. Therefore, by using Sarin gas on their own people, the rebels knew they can force America to come and take out Assad or at least weaken him drastically, thus paving the way for a major game changer in Syria. [more...]

The Government's Role in the War on Drugs

Using heroin, cocaine and other such substances can ruin any life. The USA has therefore been waging a massive and decades-long war on drugs, both on the federal and local level. In essence, the government is saying that the people cannot resist this particular temptation, so it is attempting to prevent drugs from being available. A civic matter is something public that is entirely beyond the ability of individuals to deal with, such as road building or enforcing truth in packaging. The personal struggle to avoid harmful substances, however, is a component of one’s personal obligation to live morally. Common sense dictates that it only makes sense to wage war if it accomplishes something. In the case of this war, the battle against drugs has been terribly expensive and most ineffective.  [more...]

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kanye West and Beyonce Choose Money over Human Rights

Two of the best-known names in popular culture, Kanye West and Beyonce Knowles, are getting some heat for their astonishing insensitivity to victims of human rights abuses. Both music superstars recently performed at the Kazakhstan wedding of the grandson of country’s brutal dictator.

Kanye’s case, media reports indicate that he was given a $3 million check for his entertainment services. A Kazakh billionaire and co-owner of one of the country's largest banks reportedly paid the rapper. The amount Beyonce received has not been reported.

Kanye has been using race and class issues to peddle his latest album, "Yeezus," as illustrated with song titles such as "New Slaves" and "Black Skinhead." He apparently has little concern for the oppressed people of Kazakhstan.

It was only a few months ago that Beyonce was embroiled in another human rights-related controversy, when in the spring of 2013 she and husband Jay-Z took a vacation to Cuba and allowed a repressive communist regime to use the couple's celebrity for propaganda purposes. [more...]