Wayne Allyn Root: The Lowest Rated President in History
Rabbi D.B. Ganz: Why Does the President Continue to Support Obamacare?
Joe Messina: CPAC = KKK?!
John LeBoutillier: CPAC Results, President Obama's Deteriorating Standing,
Obamacare's Effects on the 2014 Races and Tuesday's Special Election in Florida
Kyle Olson: Indiana District Asks for
52 Weeks to Fulfill a Public Records Request...
The Lowest Rated President
in History
poll numbers are among the lowest in history. As of last week, Obama's approval
rating is at 38%. That’s just barely above Richard Nixon. Keep in mind Obama
has the support of about 35% to 40% of the American population that will NEVER
abandon him, no matter what he does, no matter how bad the jobs numbers look,
no matter how low the economy goes, no matter how much scandal and corruption
is exposed, no matter how strong the facts are against him. Nothing will
ever change their minds. These are the "low information voters" of
the Democratic Party. If 35 to 40% of the population would support a Democrat
for president if he ran from a prison cell ... if 35 to 40% would support Obama
no matter what he does, no matter how far America sinks under his leadership,
how could Obama's approval rating be at only 38%? [more...]
Does the President Continue to Support Obamacare?
Ted Cruz from Texas said something in a recent interview with which I take
issue. He mentioned that the despite being almost categorically critical of
President Obama, the man deserves to be praised. He continues to promote
Obamacare, despite the fact that it is becoming increasingly unpopular with the
public and an ever-greater danger to Democratic candidates everywhere. Mr. Cruz
opined that had Bill Clinton been the president, at this point he would have
dropped his support for Obamacare out of political expediency, notwithstanding
whatever he believed in personally. Mr. Obama, however, is more of an idealist
who sincerely wishes to transform the country into a Socialist state. Hence, he
continues to promote the bill, despite the negative fallout. [Why?...]
= KKK?!
you believe that the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), held
by a group of white, elitist, stuffy old men, was infiltrated by blacks,
homosexuals, Hispanics, Asians and atheists? Oh my! What is this world coming
to? What's really crazy is that so many on the Left wrote lies about this. No,
not mis-truths, not misspeaks, just lies...
period. The Left would have you believe that CPAC = KKK - that
Conservatives and Conservative Republicans are nothing more than the KKK
rebranded. How desperate is that? [more...]
Results, President Obama's Deteriorating Standing, Obamacare's Effects on the
2014 Races and Tuesday's Special Election in Florida
this week's POLITICAL INSIDERS, we explored the CPAC results, the
President's weakening political standing, Obamacare's effects on this year's
Senate races and Tuesday's Special Congressional Election in Florida's 11th
Congressional District. Watch our shows here: Sunday Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
and Monday on
the Dot Com. [more...]
Indiana District Asks for 52 Weeks to Fulfill a Public
Records Request...
it any wonder parents are losing faith in public schools? Last winter, EAGnews
submitted a number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to Indiana
school corporations to analyze the amount of politicking that occurred using
taxpayer dollars during the 2012 election campaign. Several school corporations
rejected our request as either being "too broad," despite the fact
that we provided four names and a specific date range for such communications.
Others said that the law didn’t apply to such a request and thus denied it. But
the Fort Wayne Community Schools district – a hotbed for union political
activity – surprisingly agreed to comply with our request. [more...] Go here
for Common Core Watch