Monday, June 30, 2014

6-30-14 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: How Donald Trump Can Save America with a $50 Million Reward
2. John LeBoutillier: Could Political Purity Be the Undoing of Hillary - Again?
3. James Hirsen: Facebook Admits to Using Unsuspecting Participants in Research Study
4. Joe Messina: No Borders, No Rules = Dictatorship

How Donald Trump Can Save America with a $50 Million Reward

I'm calling on Donald Trump to offer a $50 million reward to any IRS employee (or employees) that comes forward with information leading to the impeachment of Obama or the conviction of his top White House aides. The IRS scandal is the smoking gun. My gut instinct says that the orders to target, persecute, intimidate and destroy critics of the president came directly from the Obama White House. Obama knew. He was in the middle of the conspiracy. Obama was there when the game plan was devised. Can he be directly tied to it? Probably not. I’m betting nothing was ever in writing. But his top aides gave the orders to IRS officials. That's precisely why the e-mails were destroyed. No one would have gone to such an extreme unless those e-mails tied the orders directly to the highest levels of the White House. [more...]

Could Political Purity Be the Undoing of Hillary - Again?

The U.S. senator-elect - who had been a law school professor with a Harvard Law pedigree but had never actually run anything - had come out of nowhere and won a surprising victory and entered D.C.'s upper chamber with passionate national support on the far left far eclipsing any other freshman senator. But, asked about the next presidential race, this senator-elect categorically denied any plans to run for president against the prohibitive frontrunner, Hillary Clinton. What made this rookie politician a national figure before actually even taking office? This freshman senator was 100 percent "pure" on a crucial issue central to the soul of the Democratic Party's left - the base of the party that ultimately determines its presidential nominee - and was passionate and animated when discussing this issue. [more...]

Facebook Admits to Using Unsuspecting Participants in Research Study

Over the past weekend, an astonishing bit of information surfaced concerning social media giant Facebook. In early June of 2014, a research study, which was conducted by Facebook researchers along with academics from Cornell University and the University of California at San Francisco, appeared in a prominent academic journal, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The journal article described the results of researchers' attempts at evaluating users' emotional responses on the Facebook Web site through modification of news feeds. The Facebook site was apparently experimenting to find out whether users could be made to undergo certain emotional changes through what the study referred to as "emotional contagion." According to the journal article, two university researchers, who worked in conjunction with a Facebook data scientist, altered the news feeds of 689,003 users. The research, which modified the algorithm used to place posts into user news feeds, was conducted in 2012 over an approximate one-week period. [more...]

No Borders, No Rules = Dictatorship

This was a heavy news week. Tens of thousands of illegals trampled over our borders. Where is the President? Out campaigning.  The head of the IRS knew about the missing or lost e-mails at the last hearing, yet said nothing! Where is the President? Out campaigning! Five very nasty terrorists are released for one U.S. soldier. Where is the president? Out campaigning. What's he campaigning for? He already won. We are stuck with him 2.5 more years, maybe! (The smell of impeachment is in the air.) Many of the Democrats running for office don't want him involved. Some have even asked him to stay away! [more...]

Thursday, June 26, 2014

6-26-14 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: Who Finances the Terrorists?
2. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Obama's Downfall - No He Can't?
3. Kyle Olson: Los Angeles Teachers Union Demands 17% Raise Despite 68% Graduation Rate
4. Wayne Allyn Root: U.S. Economic Death Spiral Continues

Who Finances the Terrorists?

In addition to the people who actually kill innocents, those who train and dispatch them, and the countries that host them, there is yet one other major contributor to terrorism – those who finance the terrorists. They are the elephant in the room that people do not see. Today’s Islamists do not suffer from a lack of funding. Has anyone ever heard of a terrorist who didn't blow up a supermarket because he couldn't afford the bomb? Also consider that these people have had the wherewithal to wage war for years on end, first against the army and air force of Libya, later against that of Syria, and now also, against Iraq. Who provided the billions needed to wage these wars? [more...]

Obama's Downfall - No He Can't?

As of late, it seems that nothing can improve President Obama's rapidly declining approval ratings. This does not come as a surprise to some given the current scandals concerning the IRS and the VA that continue to plague the Obama presidency. The discussion is more prevalent than ever regarding the president’s competency as the leader of the free world. A new poll is shifting the media's depiction of Obama's second term in a manner seldom experienced with a single survey. Obama has hit a new low with an overall approval rating of 41 percent. But what's most troubling is the 54 percent who believe that he's unable to lead the country, compared to the 42 percent who believe he can. This is a disaster for the president. The essential role of the president can be compared to an owner of a business. You must assert an almost palpable sense of leadership to be respected by those you employ and the people you are in business to service. The exceptional leader is always thinking three steps ahead. Working to master his own environment with the goal of avoiding problems before they arise. Obama has failed at presenting an image even close to the public that voted him into office. [more...]

Los Angeles Teachers Union Demands 17% Raise Despite 68% Graduation Rate

The United Teachers Los Angeles union is claiming its members haven’t received a raise in "7 years" and is demanding a 17 percent raise. The recently approved $6.6 billion budget for Los Angeles schools reportedly doesn't include a pay hike for unionized employees. The union apparently doesn't count automatic "step" raises as actual raises. An analysis by EAGnews in 2012 found the school district spent $47 MILLION on automatic "step" raises the previous school year alone, which are awarded not for performance, but because the employee survived another year. The Los Angeles Times reports LAUSD’s most recent graduation rate was 67.9 percent. [more...]

U.S. Economic Death Spiral Continues

The Commerce Department said on Wednesday gross domestic product fell at a 2.9 percent annual rate - the economy's worst performance in five years, instead of the 1 percent pace it had reported last month. Our economy's growth has again fallen below 'stall speed.' This means not only that any recovery has stalled, but also that we might be trapped in an economic 'death spiral' and revealing the nasty truth that the Great Recession of 2009 never really ended. Our spendaholic, taxaholic politicians are choking the life out of this economy. They are frightening would-be investors with uncertainty about future taxes, regulations and penalties. And they are poisoning the environment needed to produce jobs, prosperity and optimism. [more...]

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6-24-14 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: Historic Tea Party Upset
2. Joe Messina: $15 Minimum Wage = Small Business Death Sentence
3. Dr. Larry Kawa: Labor Unions Turning on Obamacare
4. John LeBoutillier: Mitt Fits the Bill?
5. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: The World Cup & Brazil's Booming Sex Industry

Historic Tea Party Upset

Wayne Allyn Root is available for interviews on Wednesday to explain what he believes and predicts will be the historic Tea Party upset by Chris McDaniel over 36-year U.S. Senate legend Thad Cochran in the Mississippi U.S. Senate GOP primary on Tuesday night. Wayne has been barnstorming the state speaking at rallies across Mississippi for Chris McDaniel. Wayne has spoken to hundreds of Mississippi voters and understands the how and why of what he predicts will be a historic U.S. Senate upset.

$15 Minimum Wage = Small Business Death Sentence

Recently some cities have enacted a $15.00 per hour minimum wage piggybacking on the president signing a $10.10 minimum wage order for federal "vendors" - not employees, just "vendors." The cities decided they knew better and dealt a death blow to an already fragile economy. Many small businesses and fast food and hospitality-based businesses need inexpensive workers to ensure they keep costs down on food and services that otherwise most Americans wouldn't buy. That's right. Americans want bargains. They don't want $12 hamburgers and a $14 Rooty Tooty pancake plate, or a $150-a-night Motel 6 room. [more...]

Labor Unions Turning on Obamacare

If Democrats want to win in 2014 and 2016, they had better think twice before turning their backs on labor unions. In 2008 and 2012 labor unions came out in droves to support President Barack Obama even over labor stalwart Hillary Clinton. Labor unions have shown tremendous loyalty to the Democratic Party and Barack Obama; so why have the Democrats turned their back on labor unions? The answer is simple: Obamacare - which has become the sacred cow for Democrats. No one is allowed to speak up against it. No one is allowed to illustrate its shortcomings. Like all laws revered as sacred cows, they end up as nothing more than golden calves or false hopes. Obamacare will end up being the false hope of this administration and the Democratic Party. [more...]

Mitt Fits the Bill?

Here is the dirty little secret of the GOP donor class, i.e. the rich establishment bundlers who funded the recent presidential campaigns of the Bushes, Sen. John McCain and former Gov. Mitt Romney: They are actively trying to recruit Romney to run again in 2016 - and Mitt is indeed interested. Their first choice coming out of the 2012 election debacle was Gov. Chris Christie, but his candidacy has virtually crashed and burned - despite his desperate self-denial. Other than his uber-patron, Ken Langone, the donors have moved on. [more...]

The World Cup & Brazil's Booming Sex Industry

As a leading authority in the business brokering industry, I've sold hundreds of companies and franchises to many eager entrepreneurs and business owners throughout my career. In my line of work, I broker the buying and selling of businesses; in the case of the World Cup, however, business is booming for those who broker the buying and selling of sex. With every World Cup tournament, Super Bowl, and major international event, prostitutes from every corner of the world sashay to that location to capitalize on the demand for physical intimacy. As darkness falls, the streets are sure to come alive as numerous "women of the evening" are seen standing on street corners, leaning into cars, making their own set of business deals. Prostitutes are now offering World Cup "specials" just in time for the rousing spectacle watched by millions across the globe. [more...]

Monday, June 23, 2014

Kanye on Barack

It seems that Kanye West is ready and willing to express aloud whatever he is thinking at any given moment.

While appearing on a Left Coast radio station, Kanye seemed to take aim at the current occupant of the White House. In an interview on Los Angeles' Power106 FM, he said of President Barack Obama: "You can't effect change from inside the White House like that ... You gotta have the money." Reporters interpreted his words as having knocked Obama for his presidential track record, the implication being that in Kanye's apparent belief, change cannot generally be achieved directly from the Oval Office.

Moments after making the first statement, Kanye shifted gears and focused on a different form of currency that he thought was needed in addition to cash in order to prompt change. "Good ideas usually aren't connected to money as much.... Creativity and extreme genius are extremely cheap," he said. He seemed to be suggesting that bona fide change could not be achieved without first having an infusion of cash as well as a cachet of inspired intellect. [more...]

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Labor Unions Turning on Obamacare

If Democrats want to win in 2014 and 2016, they had better think twice before turning their backs on labor unions. In 2008 and 2012 labor unions came out in droves to support President Barack Obama even over labor stalwart Hillary Clinton. Labor unions have shown tremendous loyalty to the Democratic Party and Barack Obama; so why have the Democrats turned their back on labor unions? The answer is simple: Obamacare - which has become the sacred cow for Democrats. No one is allowed to speak up against it. No one is allowed to illustrate its shortcomings. Like all laws revered as sacred cows, they end up as nothing more than golden calves or false hopes. Obamacare will end up being the false hope of this administration and the Democratic Party. [more...]

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6-17-14 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: The Minimum Wage Trojan Donkey
2. Joe Messina: The California Voting Rights Act
3. Sandy Botkin: Choosing a Successor for Your Business
4. Joseph Klein: Leader of Jihadist Onslaught in Iraq Released on Obama's Watch
5. John LeBoutillier: Iraq, Hillary's Book, and the Shocking Eric Cantor Defeat

The Minimum Wage Trojan Donkey

Monday the International Monetary Fund (IMF) joined with labor unions, big government progressives and other pro-wealth-redistributionists in nudging the U.S. government to mandate increasing the U.S. minimum wage from $7.25 to $10 an hour. The IMF downgraded U.S. GDP growth by 40% this year to 2% this year, yet they still view increasing the U.S. minimum wage as part of the solution. But bestselling author and conservative spokesman Wayne Allyn Root believes pushing wages up is part of the problem, not the solution. "Like most progressive ideas, it sounds appealing to the public, which is struggling to stay afloat in today's stagflationary U.S. economy, but in reality it's a farce – a giant Trojan Donkey,” says Root. Watch Wayne's Video [more...]

The California Voting Rights Act

California legislators have once again decided they know best. Instead of fixing our infrastructure, getting our debt under control, and making sure we weren't the most welfare-friendly state in the union, they come up with another drug-induced law called the CVRA, the California voting rights act (signed into law in 2002). The law, in its simplest form (obviously crafted by the same people who wrote Obamacare) says that because minorities seem to have a hard time getting elected in local races, intervention is needed to make it an almost sure win. The California legislators decided that because many cities and towns didn't seem to reflect the demographics of the locals, they needed to step in. Let me translate for you: too many Republicans were winning seats in local elections and they needed to change that. [more...]

Choosing a Successor for Your Business

Most people are so business growing their business that planning the business succession goes on the backburner. It is critical that succession be considered. After all, why not reap the rewards of your success with a great retirement as well as keeping the business in the family?  Here are some thoughts that you need to consider, which will apply to ANY business owner... The bottom line: Selling a business can really beef up your retirement. However, you must consider these factors several years in advance before you consider retiring or the business might just die off leaving your family with nothing. [more...]

Leader of Jihadist Onslaught in Iraq Released on Obama's Watch

On October 22nd, 2007, Osama bin Laden admitted in an audiotape, entitled "Message to the people of Iraq," that al Qaeda was losing the war in Iraq because it had made mistakes and no longer had the allegiance of Sunni insurgents who had switched sides. When Barack Obama became president on January 20, 2009, the war in Iraq was essentially won. The al Qaeda-backed insurgency was reduced to smoldering embers. George W. Bush's surge had succeeded. Safely behind bars at the time was Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, an al Qaeda-linked point man who was imprisoned at Camp Bucca in Iraq, after being captured by U.S. forces in 2005. According to a Pentagon assessment at the time, al Baghdadi "would kidnap individuals or entire families, accuse them, pronounce sentence and then publicly execute them." However, the Obama administration decided to shut down the Bucca prison camp and hand over its prisoners to the Iraqi government, including Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, in 2009. The Iraqi government later released him. Al Baghadi boasted to the U.S. soldiers who had held him prisoner, "I’ll see you in New York." [more...]

Iraq, Hillary's Book, and the Shocking Eric Cantor Defeat

On this week's POLITICAL INSIDERS, we discussed: the political implications of the potential collapse of Iraq; the troubled rollout of Hillary's new book; and the shocking Eric Cantor defeat.  Watch our shows here: Sunday Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. [more...]

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Staging of the Illegal Immigrant Children Crisis

Thousands of illegal immigrant children, who somehow made the arduous journey from Central America, have arrived in the United States. The sheer number of illegal border crossings by minors, who are reported to have made the trek to the U.S. unaccompanied by parents or guardians, has severely strained the capacity of the U.S. Border Patrol’s detention facilities in South Texas. In order to adequately house the children, officials have had to resort to the use of warehouses and military bases, some of which are located out of state.

In the 2009 fiscal year, the total number of children detained by border patrol agents amounted to about 3,000. About 6,000 unaccompanied children crossed the border illegally in 2011. Now, astoundingly, projections for the year 2014 put the number of children who will come here illegally at around 90,000.

A surprising number of politicians and scores of mainstream media professionals are conditioning the public mindset to believe that, somehow on their own, the illegal immigrant children were able to navigate the 1,800-mile distance it took to get through the Mexican badlands to United States safety. However, mere common sense would dictate that moving such a large number of children from point A to point B would necessitate some type of organized logistical support. [more...]

Thursday, June 12, 2014

If the Tea Party Takes Over, It'll Be Led By the Likes of John Boehner

After Eric Cantor's dramatic loss in Virginia, many now feel that traditional Conservative principles may soon prevail within the Republican Party.  I doubt it.

It's very easy for talk show hosts and columnists to be "ideologically pure." It doesn’t cost them anything, and it’s also good for ratings. Congress, however, is different. It is very difficult to get things done up there without collecting votes from others, including those who favor support of objectionable policies. That support comes at a steep price, as they will demand the same favor in return. Hence, by definition, almost all accomplishments by Congressional legislators entail "selling one’s soul" (to some degree) and being willing to vote against one’s conscience.

Another pervasive corrupting factor in the U.S. government is the influence of contributions. Because the U.S. system requires politicians to run very expensive campaigns in order to get elected, all but the super wealthy must solicit political contributions and that, too, is very pricey. Corporate and private donors contribute this money to politicians as a way of buying their votes on certain issues.

My suspicion is that when the Mitch McConnells and John Boehners of the Republican Party started in politics, their policies were mostly in line with today's Tea Party. However, after joining the world of congressional realpolitik, they were soon casting votes for what they had always opposed, and that left them on a slippery slope of no return. I am not condoning this wishy-washy self-serving behavior of today's Republican establishment; but, in truth, there are few politicians who are able to retain absolute integrity and not be crushed by the realities of the job. [more...]

Rabbi D.B. Ganz studied the Talmud full time for 15 years at the Rabbinical Seminary of America (AKA Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim) in Queens, NY. He served as Dean of the Hebrew Academy of Suffolk County, an Orthodox Jewish elementary school in Long Island. He is the author of Uncommon Sense, a book that applies the wisdom of the Talmud to many major social and political topics faced by today's Western societies. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6-10-14 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: Medicare, Obamacare and the VA All Have the Same Fatal Flaw
2. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Sterling and His $2 Billion Deal
3. Kyle Olson: Ex-New York City Teachers Threaten to Sue to Get Retroactive Raises
4. John LeBoutillier: Bergdahl, the VA Scandal and Hillary

Medicare, Obamacare and the VA All Have the Same Fatal Flaw

What is common to Medicare, Obamacare and the VA is that they are all run by government rather than for-profit private industry. But who is really in charge of a government-run entity such as Medicare? If, for example, ongoing Medicare fraud was suddenly discovered in Omaha, Nebraska, who ultimately should bear the blame? The answer to this question literally boggles the mind. Those REALLY in charge of Medicare are: 1) the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services), the agency that actually runs Medicare; 2) the Department of Health and Human Services that oversees the CMS; 3) the OMB (Office of Management and Budget) that approved Omaha's fraudulent funding requests; 4) the President of the United States who signed the funding bill allocating unnecessary money for Omaha, the respective Appropriations Committees of both; 5) the U.S. Senate; 6) the U.S. House of Representatives that approved that amount for Omaha; 7) the entire Senate; and 8) the entire House that voted those sums for Omaha into law. [more...]

Sterling and His $2 Billion Deal

Donald Sterling is releasing his proposal to sue the NBA, leaving only approval by the league's owners for Steve Ballmer to become the new owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. Sterling is to sign off on the $2 billion sale to Ballmer, former Microsoft CEO, bringing this global race-infused fiasco to a close. Donald Sterling's attorney said, "he has made an agreement with the NBA to resolve all their differences." Sterling gave his consent to a deal that was negotiated by his wife, Shelly Sterling, to sell the team. [more...]

Ex-New York City Teachers Threaten to Sue to Get Retroactive Raises

New York City municipal unions waited to negotiate new contracts until Bill de Blasio was mayor and with good reason: they knew the Progressive Democrat would give them whatever they wanted. And did he ever, awarding retroactive raises for three previous years to the city's teachers. But the mayor didn't include retroactive raises for teachers who resigned over the past few years, and they are suing to get what they consider their piece of the pie. [more...]

Bergdahl, the VA Scandal and Hillary

On this week's POLITICAL INSIDERS, we discussed: How successful has the Obama White House been at diverting attention from the VA scandal by bringing home Bowe Bergdahl? Or did this cynical plan backfire as they replaced one shocking scandal with an even more stunning one? Has their dissembling and incompetence finally broken some Congressional Democrats away from the Obama Administration? Can Hillary - whose book launch this week is tantamount to announcing her 2016 candidacy - separate herself from Team Obama?  Watch our shows here: Sunday Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. [more...]

Monday, June 9, 2014

6-9-14 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Dave Bego: Buyer's Remorse over Obamacare
2. James Hirsen: Republicans See Some Needed Hope in CA Primary Results
3. Joe Messina: America Has a New Owner and it Ain't George Soros
4. John LeBoutillier: Is Pres. Obama's Trade of a Questionable POW for Five Taliban Officials His Worst Decision Ever?

Buyer's Remorse over Obamacare

Last year we exposed Big Labor's dissatisfaction with Obamacare - the exception being the SEIU, who was allowed to be the architect of the Affordable Care Act as repayment for its role in the President's 2008 Election. There has been little written about labor union's dissatisfaction with Obamacare since. Big Labor's Gasping Dinosaurs, however, have not been vocal or shown visible support of Obamacare, especially during this time when the President has proclaimed the program's success. This success has been attributed to 8 million people having signed up - despite the fact approximately 6 million people lost their private health care and that same 8 million is nowhere close to the 30 million uninsured Obamacare was supposed to cover. It now appears many of the Big Labor bosses are experiencing buyer's remorse. [more...]

Republicans See Some Needed Hope in CA Primary Results

The recent primary election results in California brought some rare good tidings to the beleaguered Golden State GOP. The Democrats in the California State Legislature, who once thought that they were easily going to recapture supermajorities in both state houses, now see their desired outcome as a much more remote possibility. Surprisingly, candidates in key races for the California State Senate, who by significant margins obtained the highest vote counts, were Republicans. The state senate is significant in that it is the legislative body in which Democrats were involved in scandals, which resulted in three politicians being suspended from office and criminal charges being lodged against them. [more...]

America Has a New Owner and it Ain't George Soros

I was under the impression that Mr. Obama was a constitutional professor at some school who's records I am sure have been sealed by court order at this time. I was always taught and have seen that there are three branches of government. The branches of government were created and configured to keep each other in check so that no one group would have all the power. Our Founding Fathers knew that if any one group had the ability to grab all the power, they would and we would quickly become a monarchy or dictatorship. These were very smart men. The current president and constitutional professor can't seem to find the truth if you put it in a marked bag using orange reflective highway paint and handed it to him. Even members of his own team are calling him out. He claims that the Bergdahl swap was a "time is of the essence" thing. Not true! There was no imminent danger. He wasn't dying and there was no immediate threat of execution. [more...]

Is Pres. Obama's Trade of a Questionable POW for Five Taliban Officials His Worst Decision Ever?

Has President Obama's trade of a questionable POW for five Taliban leaders exposed the Administration's hubris and arrogance? Is Hillary's book the kick-off for her 2016 presidential campaign? Why is she doing interviews only with female reporters? Is the American Dream now dead? These topics – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS on Fox News Channel this Sunday evening at 7:30 PM ET. [more...]

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Obama Makes One of the Worst Trades in History

The Indians were robbed. They were conned into selling Manhattan for $24 of trinkets in 1626. That was the worst trade in history. Until now. Obama just got conned, robbed and schooled even worse than the American Indians. Obama's trade for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl now joins the infamous list of “Worst Trades in History.”

In the sports world, there have been many legendary bad trades: Julius Irving, Kobe Bryant, Nolan Ryan, Hershel Walker to the Minnesota Vikings for an entire team of players and draft picks that led to three Super Bowl victories for the Dallas Cowboys. But the worst sports trade ever was the Red Sox selling Babe Ruth to the Yankees. The Red Sox didn’t win another title for 86 years. The Yankees became the greatest American sports franchise in history. They won 7 world championships with Babe Ruth. It was called, “The Curse of the Bambino.” [more...]

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

6-3-14 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Larry Kawa: One Obamacare Under God with National Healthcare Enrollment for All
2. Joe Messina: "Thought Police" Recruiting
3. John LeBoutillier: How Big is the VA Scandal?
4. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: "But Still I Rise" Like Legendary Poet & Activist Maya Angelou
5. Sandy Botkin: Controlling Emotional Spending

One Obamacare Under God with National Healthcare Enrollment for All

There is a reason why we don't want the federal government to have all of our health records. Whether it is massive security breaches like Ed Snowden and WikiLeaks, or even worse, the use of our medical information against us, we don't trust government to always act in our best interest. That's why when Obamacare was designed, Americans were supposed to register on a state run exchange, not a federally run exchange. No one wants a federal database of everyone's health insurance information. Sadly, according to Politico, that is what we are getting: national healthcare enrollment. As this system becomes more ingrained into how Americans live their lives, we will never have the chance to right this entitlement that has gone so very wrong. We will have one Obamacare, under God, with rising premiums and long lines for all. [more...]

"Thought Police" Recruiting

There are still investigations into President Obama's birthplace. The only people who accept 100 percent that Obama is hiding nothing about his birth, his school years and his true love for this country are the ones who think right-wing, Bible-believing, conservatives like me should not have the right to freedom of speech simply because we don't think like them. The "thought police" are out in force. One of them actually posted on Facebook that I was racist, and the single, simple proof was that I questioned this president's birthplace. [more...]

How Big is the VA Scandal?

As the Veterans Administration Scandal grows, will it affect both political parties? Is the Obama Presidency adrift? Will Republicans finally announce what they are "for" in the coming election? This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS on Fox News Channel this Sunday evening at 7:30 PM ET. [more...]

"But Still I Rise" Like Legendary Poet & Activist Maya Angelou

Are you experiencing a challenge, injury or illness that is holding you back and preventing you from performing at your best? The answers and solutions you are looking for already reside within you. Maya Angelou, an impoverished adolescent from the segregated South who made her way to San Francisco and went on to become one of the most significant literary figures of her time died last week at 86. In my award winning and bestselling book, Sell Your Business for More Than It's Worth, I emphasize the importance of overcoming the obstacles that are placed in our way to help us grow into super-entrepreneurs. Your true and authentic self, your energetic spiritual core is what supersedes everything in the material plane. The biggest lesson we must take from the extraordinary life of Maya Angelou is to rise from the ashes and fulfill our greatest destinies as business owners and entrepreneurs. [more...]

Controlling Emotional Spending

One of my friends was complaining about his wife's spending. He then asked her if she knew what the opposite of spending was. Her answer: "charging." He knew he was in trouble.  One main reason people have incurred a lot of debt is due to their desire for "instant gratification." I have found that most people are VERY shortsighted. We don't want to wait for the long term. We want things now and are not willing to invest or save for the future. Thus, people want "premature instant gratification." This is caused by having what they want, when they want it without regard to whether they need it. From my book, "Lower Your Taxes: Big Time" [more...]

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Sterlings Create Multibillion Dollar Legal Quagmire

Last week wrapped up with a series of unexpected events that were related to the continuing saga of Donald Sterling and his ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers. Sterling's estranged wife Shelly announced late Thursday night that she had signed an agreement to sell the basketball team to former Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer for $2 billion.

On Friday, the NBA cancelled a hearing to oust Sterling, which had been scheduled to take place in a few days. The league continues to move forward, however, in its voting on whether to give the go-ahead of the sale to Ballmer who still needs to obtain the approval of three-quarters of the league’s 30 owners. Also taking place at the end of last week was the filing of a lawsuit by Sterling in a California federal court against the NBA for more than $1 billion, pertaining to the league’s decision to ban for life the disgraced Clippers' owner and force him to sell the team. [more...]