Wayne Allyn Root: Is America Ready for Donald Trump as President?
Joe Messina: People of Honor and Integrity Need Not Apply
Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Trust, Verify and Diversify
John LeBoutillier: Why Does President Obama Deny the Middle East is In Chaos?
America Ready for Donald Trump as President?
is a wild card on the horizon. Critics laugh at Donald Trump; they give him no
chance. They say he's too wild and unconventional. They say he's not
serious. Well, it appears he is
serious. He has put "Celebrity Apprentice" on hold. That's a $60
million sign of seriousness. Trump has already built a formidable campaign
organization in the early GOP primary states. Don't look now, but it appears
"The Donald" is about to officially announce he's entering the GOP
presidential race. So let's debunk the critics and naysayers and look at
reasons why Trump as president is no joke. [more...]
of Honor and Integrity Need Not Apply
seems like the more I do stories about our institutions of higher learning, the
more I come to the conclusion that there are no real standards for those
teaching our young people. You may need a degree in order to teach, but that’s
about all; honor and integrity are no longer required. My home state of
Massachusetts shows that no matter how bad one’s character is, as long as they
have a degree and are flaming liberals, they're in. Boston University first
realized they had an issue with incoming sociology Professor Saida Grundy when
a Tweet she sent out was brought to the administration’s attention: "White
male college students are a 'problem population'" and "white
masculinity is THE problem for America's colleges." She is a black college
professor, not that that should matter. As a professor, she is supposed to have
open dialogue with her students. Can you imagine if a white college professor
Tweeted "Black male college students are a problem population and their
entitlement mindset is a MAJOR problem for American colleges"? They’d be
fired before the moving truck got there! [more...]
Verify and Diversify
way to avoid losing money is to diversify, and not just in the type of stocks
you own. I am invested in the stock market, real estate, and many different
businesses. Even within my different investments, I maintain diversity. Whether
you choose to invest in yourself through your business or in the market through
an advisor, be sure to trust but verify. You should be able to have complete
confidence in either your advisor’s expertise or in your own knowledge about
the workings of your business. After all, the only way to combat uncertainty in
your investments is to have a good understanding of your markets and spread out
your assets. All routes of investment have great potential for success, but no
one investment is worth the risk of losing everything, however lucrative it may
seem. I detail more pertinent business tactics in my award winning and
best-selling book, "Sell Your Business For More Than It's Worth."
Does President Obama Deny the Middle East is In Chaos?
does President Obama deny that ISIS is gaining ground in Iraq and Syria? Why
does he countenance Ayatollah Khamenei refusing any inspections as part of the
Iran Nuke Deal? Do the newly released Hillary e-mails contain a smoking gun
that will hurt her candidacy? And why is there so little enthusiasm for the
2016 GOP candidates? This – and much more – are discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS live - on Fox
News Channel Sunday evenings at 7:30pm ET. [more...]