1. Crista Huff: Hillary Doubles Down on
Trade Prosecutor Lie
2. Wayne Allyn Root: Liberals are Premature
3. Dr. Gerard Lameiro: Forget the Polls, the
Media, the Elite - It Will Be President Trump
4. James Hirsen: Social Media
Involvement Hits Record Highs in Second Prez Debate
5. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Trump Outperforms in
Second Presidential Debate
Joe Messina: Bill Clinton is Not Running
Joseph Klein: Obama’s Syria Catastrophe
Doubles Down on Trade Prosecutor Lie
Clinton lied again, about appointing the Special Prosecutor for trade. No
President has that power and she knows it. She actually said very little about the Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP) trade agreement during the recent debates. She did reference
NAFTA, general economic topics, and Chinese illegal dumping of steel. Her
statements are significantly problematic, because Clinton is well-aware that a
new “trade prosecutor” cannot be interjected into existing trade agreements,
nor into the TPP. That’s because each existing trade agreement has previously
agreed-upon courses of action for trade grievances. [more...]
are Premature Prognosticators
Did you watch the media over the weekend? They were
gloating. They thought the race was over. They thought Trump was finished.
Finito. History. Did you listen to the political experts? They too were burying
Trump. Did you watch the career politicians? Even Republican politicians raced
away from Trump. They were like rats deserting a sinking Trump ship. Did you
hear the many calls for Trump to resign over his comments in a secretly
recorded video from 11 years ago? And then there were the phone calls: I
fielded dozens of gloating calls from my liberal friends; they all believed
Trump was finished. They taunted me. They were congratulating their candidate
Hillary as if she had already won. All of Trump’s critics and doubters were
practicing what I call “premature prognostication.” [more...]
the Polls, the Media, the Elite - It Will Be President Trump
precisely 12 noon on January 20th, 2017, President Trump will be sworn into
office as the 45th President of the United States of America. The historic and
critical presidential election of 2016 will officially come to an end after a
hard fought and tough victory over both the establishment Republican Party, the
establishment Democratic Party, the no longer mainstream media, and countless
polls proclaiming the loser would win. The elite, the media, and the polling
experts will be in shock the day after Election Day. They will be in denial on Inauguration
Day. They will lament their loss of The White House for years to come. [more...]
Media Involvement Hits Record Highs in Second Prez Debate
the second debate in a presidential campaign fails to draw a bigger television
audience than the initial one, and this debate was apparently no exception. Not
so in the social media universe. The second presidential debate was the
most-tweeted political debate in the 10 years of Twitter’s existence, with more
than 17 million debate-related tweets being sent. Trump had the lion’s share of
Twitter talk with 64 percent of the conversation. In contrast, Hillary had 36
percent of the conversation. [more...]
Outperforms in Second Presidential Debate
his weekend setback, Trump’s performance in the intense second presidential
debate bested all expectations and he reassured his base that he’s not going
anywhere. The first 30 minutes of the event put it all out on the table: Trump
apologized for the comments he made years ago, pivoted to aggressively
criticizing the Clintons, their abuses of women and the law, Hillary’s 30 years
of achieving nothing as a politician, and he remained on the offensive for much
of the debate. He stuck to the messages that appeal to his supporters and
certainly outdueled Hillary. She struggled at times defending herself and
constantly asked viewers to follow the fact-checker on her Website in an
attempt to shift the focus away from her imperfections. It was a very strong
performance for Trump who needed a show of force to stop the bleeding in his
campaign. Republicans should feel good about his challenge for the White House
- he’s not going down without a fight. [more...]
Clinton is Not Running
week I have one agreement with the far Left. All this conversation about Bill
Clinton’s sexual escapades is not relevant because Bill is not running... well,
that’s kinda-sorta correct. This is where I say the Democrats define, own and
live hypocrisy. Donald Trump makes lewd comments on what he would like to do to
the beautiful women he sees or comes in contact with. The Left is outraged. How
dare he speak about women like that?! How dare he apologize and expect us to
believe him! They go on to say he should resign, step down, make a sacrifice to
the gods, and more! There’s only one word for all that so-called outrage... “hypocrites!” Democrats will accept
sexual abuse, rape culture and objectification of women by their own as normal
behavior, but anyone else is demonized! Proof? [more...]
Syria Catastrophe
How a cascading series
of blunders by the Obama administration helped lead to the present humanitarian
humanitarian situation in Syria worsens day by day. The Assad regime and Russia
are carrying out intense lethal bombings over the rebel-held eastern Aleppo,
where about 250,000 people are effectively trapped under siege by Syrian
military forces. They claim they are targeting terrorists, not civilians. The
United States and its allies retort that the savage aerial bombing campaign
against civilian targets such as hospitals and shelters has nothing to do with
counter-terrorism. The United Nations Security Council has met numerous times
to address the tragedy, to no avail. This past weekend’s emergency session of
the Security Council was no exception. [more...]