Thursday, November 29, 2018

11-29-18 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Karen Kataline: It Takes a Good Guy with a Gun to Stop a Bad Guy with a Gun
2. Daniel Greenfield: Celebrate the International Day of Tolerance with Intolerance to the UN
3. Jeff Ferry: Steel Tariffs Creating Jobs, Boosting GDP
4. Robert Spencer: Lessons from 1,400 Years of Jihad

It Takes a Good Guy with a Gun to Stop a Bad Guy with a Gun
By Karen Kataline

When Democrats gain control of the house in January, they will be fighting harder than ever to convince us that law-abiding citizens shouldn’t be trusted to have guns to defend themselves. Not long ago, they balked bitterly at the accusation that their real goal was to repeal the Second Amendment. Now, many have finally started to admit that this is precisely what they had in mind all along. Good for them. Better for us. They are easier to beat when they tell the truth. Unfortunately, that’s never very often. Conservatives have an excellent argument in favor of the Second Amendment by proclaiming that “it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun.” Unfortunately, it makes no sense to Leftists and it’s instructive to examine why. [more...]

Celebrate the International Day of Tolerance with Intolerance to the UN
By Daniel Greenfield

International Tolerance Day was celebrated at the World Tolerance Summit at the Armani Hotel in Dubai. A photo of the event shows three Arab Muslim men in burnooses sitting under the Summit's subtitle, "Prospering from Pluralism: Embracing Diversity through Innovation and Collaboration." The UAE is an Arab Muslim entity. Good luck obtaining citizenship if you aren’t an Arab Muslim. Leaving Islam is forbidden, but the government has a special site encouraging infidels to convert to Islam. Diversity is great… as long as it’s limited to Muslim men. Pluralism is fantastic. But you’re not allowed to leave Islam. And tolerance is applied equally to Muslim men and other Muslim men on Tolerance Day. [more...]

Steel Tariffs Creating Jobs, Boosting GDP
By Jeff Ferry

Despite pessimistic predictions from many economists, the administration's steel tariffs are creating U.S. jobs and stimulating growth. Steel tariffs, in combination with other economic policies, will drive growth of 2.1 million additional jobs in 2018 over the baseline forecast. An additional 1.2 million jobs are expected to be created annually in the years 2019 through 2021. The performance of the U.S. economy since the steel tariff was implemented in March has been outstanding, with over a million more jobs in the U.S. economy today than in March, and GDP growth roughly half a point higher than economists had predicted. [more...]

Lessons from 1,400 Years of Jihad
By Robert Spencer

The History of Jihad is the first book that chronicles the entirety of the phenomenon of jihad for 1,400 years - not just the jihad against Europe, although that’s very much a part of the book, but also the jihad against India and the jihad elsewhere, also tying in the fact that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is itself a jihad, and, of course, the people who struck us on 9/11 were motivated by the exact same ideology that has motivated the jihad conquests of the distant past and is still with us very much today. If you do not learn from your mistakes, you keep making the same mistakes again and again and again. That’s U.S. foreign policy today, because of, in large part, a lack of awareness and understanding of the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat and of a complete lack of knowledge of the history of jihad. Here are three lessons from history that could have a very great impact on foreign policy today in the United States, were there to be sanity in the State Department, which, of course, I know is at a premium. [more...]

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

11-27-18 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Adam Andrzejewski: Federal Spending Jumps as Agencies 'Use it or Lose it'
2. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Starbucks to Lay Off 5% of Corporate Workforce
3. James Hirsen: Critics Can't Reconcile Trump's Lawful Border Defenses
4. Lowell Ponte: Should You Take a Home DNA Test?
5. Sally Pipes: 'Medicare for All' Lost BIG Time in the Midterms
6. Karen Kataline: Why the 'Good Guy with a Gun' Argument Doesn’t Work with Leftists

Federal Spending Jumps as Agencies 'Use it or Lose it'
By Adam Andrzejewski, Author of Operation Drain the Swamp

At the end of every fiscal year, a spending spree of billions of federal tax dollars occurs in a matter of days. But not all of that money goes to essential items. We found examples of federal purchases for wine, snowboards, pianos, guitars and fancy gym equipment. We dug through thousands of federal contracts for September, the last month of the fiscal year. In just one month, the U.S. government spent more than $6.2 million dollars on gym equipment. One out of every nine dollars spent by the federal government occurs in just the last seven days of the fiscal year. When the bureaucrats cannot even spend all the money that Congress is sending them, there's a problem. [more...]

Starbucks to Lay Off 5% of Corporate Workforce
By Michelle Seiler-Tucker

Starbucks has announced plans to lay off around 5% of its corporate workforce following organizational and leadership changes within the company. CEO Kevin Johnson revealed that approximately 350 employees would be affected. Starbucks, known for its addicting coffee and juggernaut reputation around the world, is one of many companies who are planning to revamp their strategies, redistribute their assets and clean house. Companies facing sales declines are looking for new ways to stay relevant.  [more...]

Critics Can't Reconcile Trump's Lawful Border Defenses
By James Hirsen

Since the Trump administration authorized the military to use force along the U.S.-Mexico border, many are raising legal challenges to the president's border policy by invoking a 19th century law, the Posse Comitatus Act, which generally prohibits the federal government from using the military for domestic law enforcement functions -unless specifically authorized by the Constitution or Congress. According to U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis, over 5,000 active duty troops are now engaged in supporting missions along the border in Texas, Arizona, and California. [more...]

Should You Take a Home DNA Test?
By Lowell Ponte

“Know thyself,” advised the ancient Greek oracle at Delphi, whose Delphic prophecies sometimes misled those seeking guidance and destroyed them. Today, self-knowledge comes in a box from companies such as or 23andMe. Send them a bit of saliva from swabbing the inside of your cheek and they will discern from your DNA, your genetic blueprint, your ancestral past and – coming soon – your health future. I received such a test kit as an early holiday gift, but thus far I have not decided whether to bare my personal DNA to this modern oracle. Peter J. Pitts, president of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, recently offered five reasons not to let curiosity lure us into taking such tests… [more...]

'Medicare for All' Lost BIG Time in the Midterms
By Sally Pipes, President & CEO of the Pacific Research Institute

Medicare for All - the rallying cry for much of the far left - lost big time in the midterm elections earlier this month. Voters outside liberal enclaves rejected candidates who touted their support for socialized medicine. That was wise. Medicare for All would saddle Americans with trillions in new taxes and diminish the quality of health care available in this country. Before the election, Medicare for All looked like a political winner. According to one Reuters/Ipsos poll, 70% of the public - including most Republicans - supported the idea. [more...]

Why the 'Good Guy with a Gun' Argument Doesn’t Work with Leftists
By Karen Kataline

When Democrats gain control of the house in January, they will be fighting harder than ever to convince us that law-abiding citizens shouldn’t be trusted to have guns to defend themselves. Not long ago, they balked bitterly at the accusation that their real goal was to repeal the Second Amendment. Now, many have finally started to admit that this is precisely what they had in mind all along. Good for them. Better for us. They are easier to beat when they tell the truth. Unfortunately, that’s never very often. [more...]

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Trump’s China Tariffs Are Working and Their Impact Should Not Be Blunted by Potential Loopholes

By Michael Stumo

In response to Beijing’s longstanding commercial espionage practices, President Donald Trump embarked on a series of tariffs against China earlier this year. Free-trade economists and media pundits offered dire warnings when the tariffs were announced. But as recent data have made clear, the tariffs are working. U.S. manufacturing employment has grown by 296,000 jobs over the past year, including 32,000 factory jobs added in October alone.

With the tariffs making progress, it would be unfortunate to see their impact blunted by potential loopholes. But that may be exactly what’s happening, thanks to a recent decision by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to exempt many Chinese products from tariffs. [more...]

Monday, November 19, 2018

11-20-18 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. James Hirsen: Tim Allen - Liberals Have a 'Very Small Window of Sense of Humor'
2. Kerry Lutz: Why California is Burning
3. David Horowitz: The Top 10 University Leaders Who are Supporters of Terror
4. Lowell Ponte: California Smokescreen - More Red than Green
5. Karen Kataline: Is Fox News Turning on Trump?
6. Christian Toto: Fawning Press for New Dick Cheney Movie
7. John LeBoutillier: No Way Out?

Tim Allen - Liberals Have a 'Very Small Window of Sense of Humor'
By James Hirsen

“I think it’s funny to make fun of people that are full of themselves. Liberals have a very small window of sense of humor about themselves, so I love poking at it,” says Tim Allen who brought up a current practice in which many liberals routinely engage; that is, the avoidance of rational debate via the mallet of identity politics. "[R]ight now liberals, particularly progressives, hide behind large concepts,” Allen noted. “If you don’t agree with them, if you don’t agree with that position, then you hate women, and you hate gay people, and you hate pro-choice people…” [more...]

Why California is Burning
By Kerry Lutz

Fire knows no prejudice. It goes after everything and everyone in its path. Frightening. Our hearts go out to the people whose lives have been disrupted and damaged. But, as always, it’s largely the government’s fault as well as rabid environmentalism. Believe it or not, the paper/wood industry is the forest’s greatest friend. You wouldn’t know it to hear the media, but its decline has led to greater and greater wildfires out West. And the trend will continue until we come to our collective senses. [more...]

The Top 10 University Leaders Who are Supporters of Terror

In a report released today, the David Horowitz Freedom Center named university leaders from prestigious American campuses including UCLA, Columbia University, Kent State University, Tufts University, and the University of Chicago to the list of the “Top Ten University Leaders Who are Supporters of Terror.” These university leaders provide organizational and monetary support to Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), a campus organization which functions as an arm of the anti-Israel terror group Hamas and which has repeatedly acted to terrorize Jewish students on campus. They also imbue SJP with a false veneer of legitimacy by permitting it to benefit from its association with the university’s academic prestige. Even when SJP chapters repeatedly violate campus rules prohibiting the disruption of campus events (usually pro-Israel events) or when its members chant genocidal slogans, use hateful slurs, and commit violence against Jewish students on campus, university presidents and administrations repeatedly ignore or forgive these hostile, discriminatory and unlawful acts. [more...]

California Smokescreen - More Red than Green
By Lowell Ponte

Why is California ablaze with fires that have scorched more than a quarter-million acres, killed more than 76 people, and have more than 1,200 unaccounted for? The apparent answer is that Democrats have ideologically moved their one-party leftist state a lot closer to Hell. They have turned control of the once-golden state over to progressive environmental zealots and their unnatural idea of social engineering. For nearly two centuries, progressivism has advocated replacing God and religion with the idea that people could fashion a heaven on Earth, a new Eden, if we gave total power to the new ruling elite of Big Government and Big Science. [more...]

Is Fox News Turning on Trump?
By Karen Kataline

The faux outrage against Trump whom networks hate and the complete pass that was given to Obama whom they slobbered and fawned over is mind-boggling. Obama bullied and controlled the press. He even used the power of the federal government to retaliate against them when there was a possibility that they might not report on him favorably. What was their response? “Thank you, Sir, may I have another?" Obama also had a reporter removed from a press conference. Other reporters dutifully applauded. Meanwhile, Trump admonished one reporter at a press conference and removed his press pass which he has full authority to do and the networks go bananas screaming that Trump is against a free press. The circumstances of these two examples couldn’t be more different. So why is Fox News siding with CNN? [more...]

Fawning Press for New Dick Cheney Movie
By Christian Toto

Reporters are already rushing to paint the far-left filmmaker's Dick Cheney biopic as fair and balanced. The movie is “Vice,” a depiction of former Vice President Dick Cheney. The film’s writer/director is Adam McKay, one of Hollywood’s most outspoken, aggressive liberals. McKay injects his politics into all manner of product. The trailer alone, along with recent McKay interviews, suggests the film comes down hard on Team Cheney. [more...]

No Way Out?
By John LeBoutillier

On the latest edition of REVOLUTION_The Podcast... we explore why Donald Trump's mood has become "dark" and "sour" since the Midterm elections. Is it because Bob Mueller is now setting the agenda and Donald Trump can only react? Is it because he now sees his own perilous legal and political future? Has he figured out that he indeed has no way out? [more...]

The Top 10 University Leaders Who are Supporters of Terror

David Horowitz Freedom Center 
Releases Report on
“The Top Ten University Leaders Who Are Supporters of Terror”

Campuses include Columbia, UCLA, Tufts, Kent State and George Mason

University leaders from prestigious American campuses including UCLA, Columbia University, Kent State University, Tufts University, and the University of Chicago are among those cited by the David Horowitz Freedom Center as the “Top Ten University Leaders Who Are Supporters of Terror” in a new report.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) receives university funding and institutional support from America’s preeminent universities. It derives credibility from this collegiate sponsorship, and it is common for university departments and academic centers to co-sponsor its events and speakers and for college professors to participate in its programs. Even when SJP chapters repeatedly violate campus rules prohibiting the disruption of campus events (usually pro-Israel events) or when its members chant genocidal slogans, use hateful slurs, and commit violence against Jewish students on campus, university presidents and administrations repeatedly ignore or forgive these hostile, discriminatory and unlawful acts. 

The report exposes ten presidents and chancellors of prominent American universities who have “renounced their duty to protect the welfare of all students on their campus by allowing the hateful, pro-terrorist rhetoric and actions of SJP to proceed unchecked.”

In alphabetical order by institution, the ten university leaders and campuses are: Lee Bollinger, Columbia University; Angel Cabrera, George Mason University; Beverly Warren, Kent State University; Leslie Wong, San Francisco State University; Anthony Monaco, Tufts University; Carol T. Christ, University of California-Berkeley; Howard Gillman, University of California-Irvine; Gene Block, University of California Los Angeles; Robert Zimmer, University of Chicago; and Renu Khator, University of Houston.

As has been revealed in congressional testimony, Students for Justice in Palestine is a campus front for Hamas terrorists. SJP’s propaganda activities are orchestrated and funded by a Hamas front group, American Muslims for Palestine, whose chairman is Hatem Bazian and whose principals are former officers of the Holy Land Foundation and other Islamic “charities” previously convicted of funneling money to Hamas, which is a State Department-designated terrorist organization whose explicit goals, as stated in its charter, are the destruction of the Jewish state, and the extermination of its Jews.

The release of the Top Ten report was timed to coincide with the National Students for Justice in Palestine Conference which is taking place this weekend at UCLA.  UCLA Chancellor Gene Block is among the campus leaders named on the list.

“For nearly two decades, SJP has promoted Hamas lies and propaganda in order to establish a beachhead of support for anti-Israel terrorists on American campuses, resulting in a dramatic rise in anti-Semitic incidents and the harassment of Jewish students,” said David Horowitz, founder of the Freedom Center.

“American universities like the University of California allow these terrorist allies to use their authority and prestige to lend this genocidal offensive an aura of respectability,” Horowitz continued. “Our campaign intends to expose SJP and other supporters of BDS as fronts for Hamas and to press universities to cease their funding and support of these organizations.”

Visit for more information on SJP’s links to Hamas and to read our new report on the Top Ten University Leaders Who are Supporters of Terror.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center, founded in 1988, is a not-for-profit organization located in Sherman Oaks, California. The Center’s mission is to defend free societies like America and Israel, which are under attack by totalitarians both religious and secular, domestic and foreign.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

11-13-18 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Lowell Ponte: How Today's Dems are Seizing Power
2. Karen Kataline: How Did #MeToo Score in the Mid-terms?
3. James Hirsen: SNL Apology is the Real Deal
4. Christian Toto: Kimmel Lets Borat Sexualize the First Lady
5. Sally Pipes: At the VA, Bureaucrats - not the Doctors - Hold the Scalpel
6. John LeBoutillier: Midnight in Paris for an Uneasy President

How Today's Dems are Seizing Power
By Lowell Ponte

2018 will go down as the year Democrats left democracy dying in the dust. Republican wins were not close, so Democrats in both Arizona and Florida seem to have invented many tens of thousands of votes in an arrogant criminal attempt to steal high government offices. Democrats now assume they can get away with unlimited Grand Theft Government because they control the unelected branches of government that were supposed to prevent such crimes. They own most of the judges. They own most of the “journalists” who were supposed to be watchdogs against government corruption, but who are now Democratic lapdogs ready to broadcast any lie that serves their leftist masters. The election thieves will not be caught, because those charged with stopping them are now Democrat comrades. How do they concoct votes? [more...]

How Did #MeToo Score in the Mid-terms?
By Karen Kataline

For almost a year, I’ve been writing about the Democrats’ attempt to turn women into the next big victim-group-turned-voting-bloc just in time for the mid-terms. Consequently, they also attempted to turn straight men into blocs of their perpetrators. (Toxic masculinity anyone?)  I believe this has been one of the prime motivators for the blatant politicization of the #MeToo movement. You may remember that the “community organizing of women” came the day after Trump’s inauguration when Democrats were forced to turn hoards of women who were prepared to celebrate a Hillary win into a hoard of women protesting Donald Trump. [more...]

SNL Apology is the Real Deal
By James Hirsen

This past weekend “Saturday Night Live” showed how an apology is done. Producer Lorne Michaels, cast member Pete Davidson, and writers of the show expressed their sincere contrition for the wrong committed during the previous week’s show. In an interesting sidebar to “SNL”’s faux pas and subsequent public apology, it looks as though a new GOP figure has emerged with a future as bright as the stars. Dan Crenshaw, a veteran of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, ran for Congress in the recent mid-term elections in a district in Houston, Texas. The former Navy SEAL wears an eye patch, because his right eye was lost as a result of an I.E.D. explosion that took place in Afghanistan while he was serving the nation. Crenshaw was the object of vicious “SNL” ridicule, when, during the “Weekend Update” segment of the show, Davidson, displayed a picture of him with his eye patch intact and said, “You may be surprised to hear he’s a congressional candidate from Texas and not a hit man in a porno movie.” [more...]

Kimmel Lets Borat Sexualize the First Lady
By Christian Toto

Jimmy Kimmel invited Sacha Baron Cohen onto his show last week. The British comic introduced an election-themed video featuring his Borat character. He’s the clueless, sexist, Jew-hating reporter from Kazakhstan. The bit found Borat trotting out the usual anti-Trump bromides – he called the President “Premier Trump” to play up the faux Russian collusion angle. Late in the routine Borat interviews a Republican voter, bringing up the First Lady in awkward fashion. [more...]

At the VA, Bureaucrats - not the Doctors - Hold the Scalpel
By Sally Pipes, President & CEO of the Pacific Research Institute

Staff at nine Veterans Affairs hospitals recently canceled more than 250,000 orders for diagnostic tests. They thought the orders were duplicative or unnecessary. In many cases, they were mistaken. As a result, veterans went without needed CT scans, ultrasounds, and other potentially lifesaving tests, according to a USA Today investigation. This is just the latest failure in the VA's long history of denying care for veterans. Rolling out government-run health care nationwide, in the form of "Medicare for All," would be an unmitigated disaster for patients. [more...]

Midnight in Paris for an Uneasy President
By John LeBoutillier

On the latest edition of REVOLUTION_The Podcast... we analyze the “depressed” and seemingly angry mood of Donald Trump since the Midterm elections. What has happened to cause this anger and reported “sour” state since last Tuesday? Why the shunning of many allies in Paris and remaining in his hotel room? [more...]

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Experts Say China Telecom Diverted U.S. Internet Traffic Through China

By Jeff Ferry

Three Internet security experts have accused state-owned telecom giant China Telecom of diverting internal U.S. Internet traffic through China. The purpose, apparently, was corporate espionage.

According to Doug Madory, an expert on Internet traffic at Silicon Valley software maker Oracle, China Telecom’s network sent out false signals that diverted Internet traffic supposedly bound for the Verizon network onto the China Telecom network. The traffic passed through Hangzhou and other Chinese cities, and this went on undetected for an incredible 30 months, from late 2015 through 2017, according to Madory.

“China Telecom… has misdirected Internet traffic (including out of the United States) in recent years. I know because I expended a great deal of effort to stop it in 2017,” Madory wrote in his Nov. 5th blog post on Oracle’s website, entitled “China Telecom’s Internet Traffic Misdirection.” [more...]

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

11-7-18 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Daniel Greenfield: The Kavanaugh Election
2. Michael Stumo: Strong Jobs Growth in October Powers U.S. Economy Forward
3. Christian Toto: Hollywood's Closing Argument - 'We're All Going to Die!'
4. Adam Andrzejewski: Congressional Transparency Scorecard
5. Sally Pipes: Democrats Bet Their Midterm Fortunes on Failed Health Care Policy
6. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Lowe's is Closing 51 Stores in the U.S. and Canada
7. Robert Spencer: Sharia, Corruption and Jew-hatred Come to the House

The Kavanaugh Election
By Daniel Greenfield

The Democrats raised $950 million to take the House and another $513 million to take the Senate. They boosted their spending by 44% while Republican spending only rose by 21% since the last midterms. With that much at stake, just as in the Kavanaugh nomination, the Democrats used every dirty trick. Republicans were harassed, threatened, assaulted and even shot. The media accused them of racism, sexism and treason. No smear was too low. No accusation too improbable. And some of them worked. Before the election, these tactics exploded in the Kavanaugh hearings... and so did the backlash. [more...]

Strong Jobs Growth in October Powers U.S. Economy Forward
By Michael Stumo

The latest monthly jobs report shows that the U.S. economy continues to grow strongly and create jobs. However, a September trade deficit running 21 percent worse than a year ago means urgent action is required on the trade front. The monthly jobs summary reported 250,000 new jobs in October, including 32,000 new manufacturing jobs. So far this year, U.S. manufacturing has added 296,000 jobs, the best record since 1995. Unemployment remains at a historically low level of 3.7 percent, while 3.1 percent growth in average hourly earnings has finally broken through the 3 percent threshold. [more...]

Hollywood's Closing Argument - 'We're All Going to Die!'
By Christian Toto

Some of Hollywood's biggest stars spent the weekend begging us to give the House back to the Dems.  How? 'We’re all gonna die if the GOP retains control of Congress,' they cried. Or, even worse, 'Nazism will rise again, turning the Land of the Free into the Home of the Concentration Camp.' Sound like hyperbole? It’s the precise message being sent by some celebrity elite.  [more...]

Congressional Transparency Scorecard
By Adam Andrzejewski, Author of “Operation Drain the Swamp”

You can't make America great again unless you hold America accountable again. It's time for a Transparency Revolution. More transparency means more accountability. We developed a Congressional Transparency Scorecard, assigning a grade for each member of the U.S. House of Representatives based on voting records and legislation sponsorship. We awarded passing grades to members who help open the books and keep government transparent. Unfortunately, 205 representatives received a "D" or an "F." How is your district's representative performing on transparency? Check our full report for their transparency score here. [more...]

Democrats Bet Their Midterm Fortunes on Failed Health Care Policy
By Sally Pipes, President & CEO of the Pacific Research Institute

Health care has been the most-mentioned issue in Democratic advertisements in the run-up to this month's midterm elections. Many Democrats are making Medicare for All the centerpiece of their pitch to voters. Clearly, Democrats didn't learn their lesson in 2010, when their previous effort at government micromanagement of the health care sector - ObamaCare - cost them their House majority. By supporting single-payer, Democrats are doubling down. Apparently, the problem with ObamaCare wasn't that it rendered health insurance unaffordable for millions. It's that it didn't inject enough government into the health care marketplace. Only a full-scale federal takeover of one-fifth of the economy will do. [more...]

Lowe's is Closing 51 Stores in the U.S. and Canada
By Michelle Seiler-Tucker

Lowe's is planning to close around 51 of its home improvement stores, including 30 in Canada due to underperforming results from those locations. As part of a restructuring initiative, Lowe’s CEO Marvin Ellison plans to close stores whose sales are not reaching expected results. Lowe's main competition is Home Depot whose sales far exceed the sales of Lowes. [more...]

Sharia, Corruption and Jew-hatred Come to the House
By Robert Spencer

As expected, two Muslim women, Rashida Tlaib in Michigan and Ilhan Omar in Minnesota, have been overwhelmingly elected to Congress. The establishment media will celebrate these victories as triumphs of America’s “diversity.” Unfortunately, in reality, neither one is worth celebrating. Tlaib is a vociferous foe of Israel. With the Democrats now regaining control of the House, Tlaib is likely to be an energetic proponent of the new majority’s vendetta against the Middle East’s only democracy. The House is likely to do all it can to roll back President Trump’s pro-Israel polices, with Tlaib as well as Omar as becoming the public faces of the effort. [more...]

Monday, November 5, 2018

11-5-18 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Lowell Ponte: Will We Vote to Destroy Ourselves?
2. James Hirsen: Dems' Policies of the Past Match Trump of the Present
3. Karen Kataline: Justice for Kavanaugh?
4. Christian Toto: Media Hid Baldwin's Hate
5. Jeff Ferry: U.S. Manufacturing Resurgence is Broad-Based
6. Kyle Olson: "Dummycrats" Director Tells of Firsthand Look at the Border

Will We Vote to Destroy Ourselves?
By Lowell Ponte

Elections have consequences, said Barack Obama. He was right. Among the unexpected consequences of voting for him were eight years of economic stagnation, an almost-destroyed American Dream, and a 50-year setback in race relations caused by his relentless divide-and-conquer politics of polarization. These problems reversed in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump, who in less than two years has restored our economy to 4.2 percent growth, reduced unemployment for all groups to the lowest levels ever measured, and in the single month of October alone created an average salary increase of 3.1 percent.

Such an amazing achievement should win overwhelming reelection for Mr. Trump’s party this November. But polls show the leftist media and other Democratic comrades have waged such a one-sided campaign of hate against him that Republicans might lose one, or even both, Houses of Congress. If this happens, the Trump economic miracle could be stymied and destroyed. Millennials whipped into irrational frenzy against the President will be tricked into voting to ruin their own future prosperity. Democrats eager to reverse America’s economic success will become the Grinch-o-crats who steal Christmas. [more...]

Dems' Policies of the Past Match Trump of the Present
By James Hirsen

When it comes to the issue of immigration, a lot of Democrats are singing a different tune than the one the Party sang in the past. The current crop of Democrat leaders are advocating for open borders, throwing their support behind so-called sanctuary cities and states, seeking to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, and believe it or not, actively engaging in voter registration of non-citizens. Some leaders are even pushing to completely abolish ICE, the very agency responsible for enforcing border security. As a result of some of the policies that the Trump administration has implemented, especially the policies that attempt to enforce the rule of law, a sizable segment of the Hollywood community thinks, most likely erroneously, that they have found a safe opening through which they can enter the political arena. The safe opening to which I refer is what left-wing activists have labeled the “separation of families.” [more...]

Justice for Kavanaugh?
By Karen Kataline

The woman who claimed to write an anonymous letter accusing Justice Brett Kavanaugh of raping her in his car has admitted that she lied. Judy Munro-Leighton turned out to be a left-wing activist who admitted that she did it because she was angry. She has never met Justice Kavanaugh. That’s a pretty clear contradiction to the liberal chorus that women never lie about sexual assault. "Women don’t want to call attention to themselves that way,” they say. “That means they should always be believed,” is their refrain. Munro-Leighton admitted that she did it for the attention. Now it's in the hands of the Department of Justice to investigate her for potentially making 'materially false statements' and for 'obstruction'. [more...]

Media Hid Baldwin's Hate
By Christian Toto

It’s becoming clear that Alec Baldwin has been treating people, women in particular, very badly for some time. The news finally leaked this week after Baldwin, 60, got arrested after allegedly punching someone over a parking spot dispute. His arrest let several reporters add their own Alec Baldwin stories to the news cycle.  We already knew Baldwin used a gay slur in the past. His combative nature against photographers and journalists alike is crystal clear. The airline incident where his rage got him kicked off a plane rocked a news cycle or two. That’s on top of the terrible voicemail leak where he called his young daughter a “rude, thoughtless pig.” [more...]

U.S. Manufacturing Resurgence is Broad-Based
By Jeff Ferry

Manufacturing employment in the U.S. has now shown year-on-year growth of more than 250,000 employees for six consecutive months, the largest and most sustained manufacturing job growth we’ve seen since 1998. Manufacturing employment may finally be on the path to a real recovery from the severe downturn that began in 2001, when we lost 1.47 million manufacturing jobs in a single year. As of October, the U.S. added 296,000 manufacturing jobs compared with the previous October. That’s equivalent to a 2.4% increase in manufacturing jobs over the year, with total manufacturing employment standing at 12.785 million in October, per Bureau of Labor Statistics data. [more...]

"Dummycrats" Director Tells of Firsthand Look at the Border

Kyle Olson, of The American Mirror and writer and director of “Dummycrats” featuring Diamond and Silk, is available to discuss making the movie with the social media stars, and the impact that the film has had. Kyle appears in the film when the ladies dispatch him to the border to better understand the problem with illegal immigration and the need for a border wall. Watch a portion of that scene here. He can give behind-the-scenes insights into filming in the districts of Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters. The film, which debuted in nearly 800 theaters across the country in mid-October, is available via streaming and DVD at It’s a movie every undecided voter should see before the midterm elections.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

11-1-18 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Michael Stumo: Pence's Little-Noticed Speech Marked a New U.S. Realism Toward China
2. Christian Toto: Hollywood's Biggest Stars are Back, Begging You to Support the 'Blue Wave'… But is Anyone Watching Them?
3. Daniel Greenfield: Jew-Haters Support a Massacre of Jews
4. David Horowitz: When a Vote for Trump Provides a License to Destroy a Man’s Character and Credibility by Any Means Necessary
5. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: The Pittsburgh Shootings Highlight National Challenges

Pence's Little-Noticed Speech Marked a New U.S. Realism Toward China
By Michael Stumo

A seismic shot across the bow, Vice President Mike Pence’s Oct. 4 on speech U.S.-China policy garnered surprisingly little coverage. But historians may well mark it as a significant turning point in great power relations. Pence’s address to the Hudson Institute heralded a dramatic shift in America’s approach to Beijing. He clearly and starkly announced that America is initiating a dramatic decoupling from a growing rival. There’s a strong economic basis for the shift. China’s rise has been funded in large part by excessive reliance on America’s consumers. The U.S. racks up trade deficits with China that amount to hundreds of billions annually. And this massive trade debt has already cost the U.S. 3.4 million jobs since 2001. [more...]

Hollywood's Biggest Stars are Back, Begging You to Support the 'Blue Wave'… But is Anyone Watching Them?
By Christian Toto

We’re days before another major election, so you know what that means - Hollywood stars shooting celebrity PSAs to boost the proverbial “Blue Wave” - only, the results this time around are far from vital. The star-studded "Save the Day" video, dropped weeks before the 2016 presidential election, drew massive views. Today, the number stands at more than 8 million, a figure likely amassed during that year’s campaign. In the last few weeks we’ve seen a flurry of celebrity PSAs hoping to smite President Trump’s agenda; only, the YouTube views on the clips haven’t exactly matched “Save the Day.” [more...]

Jew-Haters Support a Massacre of Jews
By Daniel Greenfield

The fake news media has made it official. Criticizing George Soros, an anti-Semite and alleged Nazi collaborator, is anti-Semitic. The Washington Post alone ran two dishonest screeds, “Conspiracy Theories about Soros Aren't Just False, They're Anti-Semitic” and “A Conspiracy Theory about George Soros and a Migrant Caravan Inspired Horror.” The former comes from Talia Lavin, a former New Yorker fact checker who had to resign after falsely claiming that a wheelchair bound ICE agent’s Afghanistan platoon tattoo was Nazi insignia. Seeing her potential for smearing people, Media Matters hired her as a “researcher” on “far-right extremism." What wasn’t good enough for the New Yorker was good enough for the Washington Post, which brought in a disgraced employee of Media Matters, an organization funded by George Soros, to accuse Soros critics of anti-Semitism. The Post did not see fit to inform readers of the fact that its pro-Soros screed was funded by a Soros group, only describing Lavin as “a writer and researcher based in Brooklyn.” [more...]

When a Vote for Trump Provides a License to Destroy a Man’s Character and Credibility by Any Means Necessary
By David Horowitz

Since the election of Donald Trump, it has often seemed as if half the country has gone blind or, more likely, lost the ability to see beyond their noses. The divisions that have resulted are so deep they have split us effectively into two nations, damaging and destroying individual relationships at every level. The political left and its media blame Trump for this fracturing of the nation’s fabric, but Trump was first the target of accusations that he was a traitor, colluding with the Russians, a racist and white nationalist betraying the country’s founding principles. And it was the Democrats who launched a “resistance” to his presidency, boycotting his inauguration and demanding his overthrow from day one of his presidency. [more...]

The Pittsburgh Shootings Highlight National Challenges
By Rabbi D.B. Ganz

The synagogue shootings in Pittsburgh highlights two deadly-serious national challenges. The first is specific and the second is general. The first difficulty is just staggering. If the Pittsburgh shootings and others like it in the recent past can happen, every public place in America is a potential target. Posting armed guards all over would turn the country into an armed camp. And it still wouldn't provide absolute safety, for every place people go cannot be guarded at all times. So, what should be done? The second more general problem is even more troubling. [more...]