1. Judd Dunning: The Right Must Seek Truth
2. James Hirsen: 'The Matrix' of Our Lives
3. John Lott: Biden Says He Wants to Ban
Semi-Automatic Guns, Including Handguns
4. Steve Turley: Shock
Poll - Americans Want to Secede
5. Daniel Greenfield: Republicans Refuse Vaccines at
Same Rate as Black Health Care Workers
6. Patrick Wood: The Globalist Revolution Renews
Attacks, Aims to End Free Speech
The Right Must Seek Truth
By Judd Dunning
Many Americans have forgotten the vital importance of seeking
truth for truth's own sake. Although Americans are a generally exuberant,
gregarious free lot, our Founders never set up our system of American freedom
to blindly trust anything. Always remember that Americans agreed to be ruled,
but only lightly so. After fleeing English rule, America was clearly set up
legally, structurally and philosophically for citizens to mistrust their own
government and die for truth (especially self-evident truth.) That credo
continues. [more...]
'The Matrix' of Our Lives
By James Hirsen
"The Matrix," which debuted in 1999, turned out to be a watershed sci-fi movie. Its impact is enduring, and it seems to have an ethereal quality and relevance that has never been more significant, and in many ways more disturbing, than at our present time. The setting of the film is a dystopian future, one in which humanity lives and breathes a simulated reality, thus the name "The Matrix." Artificial intelligence is the means by which a false reality has been created in order to muddle the minds of human beings but still allow the shells of their bodies to be used as energy sources. [more...]
Biden Says He Wants to Ban Semi-Automatic Guns, Including Handguns
President Biden made it very clear at his CNN Townhall last week that he wants to ban all semi-automatic guns in the U.S.
that have "the ability to fire 20, 30" or more shots. Not only do
semi-automatic guns account for most guns, but they provide important
self-defensive benefits for individuals. If the alternative is manually loaded
guns, victims might not have the luxury of time to manually reload their guns.
If a victim is facing multiple attackers, wounds but doesn't stop the attacker,
or misses on their first shot, making them manually reload their gun may leave
them defenseless. By the way, it is not uncommon for
people to have to fire more than 10 rounds in self-defense. [more...]
Shock Poll - Americans Want to
By Steve Turley
A new poll has just emerged, shocking pundits and pollsters
alike. The amount of Americans wanting to secede is surging. The
poll, conducted by Bright Line Watch in conjunction with YouGov, asked respondents:
"Would you support or oppose [your state] seceding from the United States
to join a new union with [list of states in the new union]?" The survey
found that support for secession has increased among every partisan group.
Particularly support for succession has skyrocketed among southern
Republicans. Support for secession among
southern Republicans was 50 percent back in January of this year, no doubt a
high number for sure. However, that number has leaped to 66 percent in June.
This comes despite the fact that pundits believed that the height of animosity
against Washington, D.C. around the Biden inauguration would quell by the
summer. [more...]
Republicans Refuse Vaccines at Same Rate as Black Health Care
Democrats and their media spent the past week warning that the
country would have to go back to pandemic lockdowns and that it was all the
fault of Republicans for refusing to get vaccinated. The Biden White House
blamed "conservative outlets" on Facebook for spreading "misinformation"
and demanded more censorship. The day after Biden's CNN town hall, the largest
healthcare union in the country took to the streets of Manhattan against
vaccine mandates. SEIU union activists, a fixture at every Democrat rally and
leftist event, protested outside New York-Presbyterian hospital which had
ordered all of its employees to be vaccinated. "We believe that our members
are best equipped to make the healthcare decisions that are right for their
bodies," SEIU 1199's communications director Cara Noel argued. There was
not a MAGA hat in the crowd, but Al Sharpton addressed the crowd in
rhyme. [more...]
The Globalist Revolution Renews Attacks, Aims to End Free Speech
By Patrick Wood
Anyone who thinks there will be a return to "normal"
in America will soon meet the ugly reality that the attacks on American
sovereignty and the Constitution have only just begun. The globalists who are
now openly declaring war on America will not stop until we thoroughly and
completely reject them. The Great Panic of 2020, induced by a globalist
narrative of fear and propaganda surrounding COVID-19, was merely the opening
volley in a global revolutionary war to destroy liberty and freedom everywhere.
All tyrannical revolutions in the past 200 years have started with one singular
strategy to assault citizens' ability to communicate. Free speech is anathema
to would-be tyrants because it allows ordinary people to expose their plans and
actions. Thus, newspapers, radio and TV stations are always the first to be
attacked in order to suppress dissent and to publish revolutionary propaganda.