Thursday, April 26, 2012

4-26-12 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Steve Gill: The GOP VP: Avoiding the Palin Treatment
2. Tony Katz: Rolling Stone & Obama
3. Wayne Allyn Root: Could Spain’s Reign over Dire Economy Subject World to Greater Downfall?
4. Dave Bego: Congress Fights Back: Recent NLRB Power Grab Takes the Center Stage... in Court

The GOP VP: Avoiding the Palin Treatment

The VP candidate eventually picked by Romney may not actually be as important in terms of their value to the ticket as the transparent, open and engaged process by which they should be picked. A surprise VP candidate selection announced suddenly in mid to late August with the Romney team having conducted the process entirely in private will subject their nominee to the Palin treatment, or worse, and the results would probably be similar. Picking the right person, but in the wrong way, could do Romney more harm than good, which means he must thread the needle of both selecting a great VP nominee AND doing it in a way that engages and involves the base, which has never been done before but which may be crucial to victory in November. The VP candidate must have both the battle scars and some measure of success in the presidential primary process. [more...]

Rolling Stone & Obama

Certainly, no rational political enthusiast can take an interview in Rolling Stone magazine without a grain of salt salt mine. However, Rolling Stone's leading, sophomoric questions for President Obama led to very revealing answers from the President. As Weekly Standard reports, Obama was asked by Rolling Stone if there was a way to "break through... obstructionism by Republicans" (I did say it was a leading question!) Obama responded: "Frankly, I know that there are good, decent Republicans on Capitol Hill who, in a different environment, would welcome the capacity to work with me. But right now, in an atmosphere in which folks like Rush Limbaugh and Grover Norquist are defining what it means to be a true conservative, they are lying low. My hope is that after this next election, they'll feel a little more liberated to go out and say, 'Let's redirect the Republican Party back to those traditions in which a Dwight Eisenhower can build an interstate highway system.' It's not that Republicans are lying low; it's that Obama is just lying. Republicans have repeatedly tried to work with President Obama. [more...]

Could Spain’s Reign over Dire Economy Subject World to Greater Downfall?
By Wayne Allyn Root

Write this down - soon you will tune in to the news and it will be “all Spain, all the time.” By this summer (and maybe sooner) Spain will be on everyone’s lips. You will wish you'd never heard of Spain. Spain could take us all down. This month marked the anniversary of the sinking of the supposedly unsinkable Titanic. Spain is the new Titanic. It’s already hit the iceberg and is sinking fast. 1,500 died when the Titanic sank. Spain's sinking could kill entire economies, destroy millions of jobs, affect billions of lives, and drown us all in debt. Spain is about to become a gigantic problem for the entire world. Unlike Greece, Spain is too big to fail, but also too big to bailout. The economic news out of Spain is very, very bad for all of us. The reason Spain is so important is because size matters. [more...]

Congress Fights Back: Recent NLRB Power Grab Takes the Center Stage... in Court

President Obama’s Rogue NLRB, driven by Chairperson Mark Pearce and the President’s radical recess appointees, have encountered serious roadblocks the past several weeks as they continue their quest to achieve EFCA through the backdoor. This past week, the GOP Senators pushed back when they announced they are suing Obama over sham labor board nominees. It is clear that the GOP has tired of the Obama NLRB’s attempted run around of Congress through the creation of regulations such as the Posting Rule - requiring employers to post notices of employee rights under the NLRA in the workplace, and Quickie Elections - substantially reducing the timeframe during which elections are conducted for the purpose of eliminating the employer’s ability to educate its workforce. [more...]

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4-25-12 Great Guests for Your Show

1. John LeBoutillier: The GOP - Finally - Believes it Can Defeat Obama
2. James Hirsen: The John Edwards Trial
3. Doug Johnson: How Can We Support Mitt?
4. Sarah Stern: More Talk as the Iranian Nuclear Bomb Ticks

The GOP - Finally - Believes it Can Defeat Obama

With yesterday’s clean sweep of five more Republican primaries, Mitt Romney has clearly secured the GOP presidential nomination. And - for the first time - even previously cynical members of the Republican establishment now believe Romney has a real chance to defeat President Obama in November. Thus pressure is being exerted on all the remaining candidates, i.e. Newt Gingrich, to embrace Romney and get everyone on the same page. So it was no coincidence that yesterday morning it was announced that Santorum and Mitt would be meeting next Friday, May 4th, for their first sit-down since Santorum suspended his campaign. [more...]

The John Edwards Trial
Legal Analysis by James Hirsen

With a favorability rating at 3 percent, John Edwards is the least popular political figure in America. That's what the Justice Department is counting. The prosecution has a difficult case. They allege that Edwards conspired with two of his backers to secretly funnel about $1 million to his mistress, Hollywood videographer Rielle Hunter, who was pregnant with his child. The U.S. attorneys contend that the cash amounted to illegal, unreported campaign contributions because they were being used to cover up a relationship whose exposure could damage his political prospects. But they are pushing the campaign laws into uncharted territory. The U.S. attorneys are counting on the salacious and shocking testimony of Edwards' aid, Andrew Young to turn the jury against the former presidential candidate, if he can survive cross examination.

New York Times bestselling author and law professor, James Hirsen is available to explain the significance and developments of the Edwards trial.

How Can We Support Mitt?

Even if Mitt Romney was not your first choice for the GOP nomination, we must remember that he would be a far better president than Obama. After all, Romney may be a big government guy, but he’s not out to continue the dismantling of our constitutional republic. So, we must find answers to the tough questions he will face in the general election against Obama. He has some big issues to deal with, such as his liberal record as governor of Massachusetts, his history of flip-flopping, and his creation of and unwavering support of Romneycare. But we must stop the destruction being done to our country by Obama so it is imperative that we come up with good answers to these questions. [more...]

More Talk as the Iranian Nuclear Bomb Ticks
By Sarah N. Stern, Founder and President of the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET)

There is a very dangerous school of thought throughout the West that was succinctly expressed to me a few years back by a State Department Official. “Talking,” he said with a great deal of confidence, “is always better than not talking.  After all, what harm can words do?” Plenty. After the' P5 plus 1 talks'  (The United States, The Russian Federation, China, Great Britain, France, plus Germany), adjourned in Istanbul last Sunday, European Union Chief Negotiator, Catherine Ashton said, “The day-long talks at an Istanbul conference center did not yield an agreement on specific curbs to Iran’s nuclear program, but U.S. and European officials described the negotiations as ‘constructive and useful’ and said a second round had been set for May 23 in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.” [more...]

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

4-24-12 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: Lessons of the GSA Scandal vs. the Secret Service Scandal
2. Al Fadi: Radical Islam & Allegiance to the USA
3. Doug Johnson: The Romneyconomy: What Mitt Needs to Do to Win
4. Sarah Stern: Talk and More Talk as the Iranian Nuclear Bomb Ticks

Lessons of the GSA Scandal vs. the Secret Service Scandal

The national media is dominated at this moment by two gigantic scandals involving the U.S. government. One involves the GSA - General Services Administration - and their excessive spending on a conference in Las Vegas. The other involves the U.S. Secret Service and their excessive behavior on a Presidential trip to Columbia. Both scandals present valuable lessons about the way our government operates. Let’s start with the GSA. This scandal is far more important and far more indicative of how government operates. It illustrates that government employees are addicted to spending taxpayer money. The GSA spending scandal shows precisely why our country is bankrupt and over $100 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities. Why? Because government employees are spending OPM - other people’s money. [more...]

Radical Islam & Allegiance to the USA

Can a Muslim seek citizenship from a non-Islamic country? Can a Muslim soldier maintain his/her allegiance to his non-Islamic country? Are Muslim citizens of a non-Islamic country required to separate themselves and dissimilate? These questions and more represent the reality of what the U.S. administration, current and future, might face. This dilemma, although it existed for a long time, was once again made more explicit through a religious decree issued by a Muslim jurist: Dr. Salah al-Sawy, of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA), which can be read here. In this fatwa, the Islamic jurist, Dr. al-Sawy, prohibits his fellow Muslims to freely seek the citizenship of a non-Islamic country (i.e. the USA), calling it a form of apostasy (a crime under Sharia Law punishable by death). His claim is based on the grounds that such action by a Muslim is a show of disloyalty to Islamic laws and willingness to obey non-Islamic laws, which is a clear contradiction of what Islam stands for. [more...]

The Romneyconomy: What Mitt Needs to Do to Win

Romney needs a clear plan to win against Obama. What he’s done in the primaries won’t work for him in the general election. The Republican establishment feels that Romney is the best man to beat President Obama in the upcoming election. Yet Romney’s campaign has not showed us that they have a winning strategy against Obama. To date, all they’ve really done is compete with other Republicans. They’ve done so not by articulating a clear plan to fix what ails America. Rather, they’ve grossly outspent their competitors and used that money to beat them down with attack ads. If Mitt and his campaign think they can win by doing the same to Obama, then they’re in for a rude awakening. They need a clear plan to win. I recommend... [more...]

Talk and More Talk as the Iranian Nuclear Bomb Ticks
By Sarah N. Stern, Founder and President of the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET)

There is a very dangerous school of thought throughout the West that was succinctly expressed to me a few years back by a State Department Official. “Talking,” he said with a great deal of confidence, “is always better than not talking.  After all, what harm can words do?” Plenty. After the' P5 plus 1 talks'  (The United States, The Russian Federation, China, Great Britain, France, plus Germany), adjourned in Istanbul last Sunday, European Union Chief Negotiator, Catherine Ashton said, “The day-long talks at an Istanbul conference center did not yield an agreement on specific curbs to Iran’s nuclear program, but U.S. and European officials described the negotiations as ‘constructive and useful’ and said a second round had been set for May 23 in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.” [more...]

Thursday, April 19, 2012

4-19-12 Expert Commentators for Your Show

1. Tony Katz: CNN, MSNBC Attack Mormons, Romney
2. Doug Johnson: The Obama/Romney Dog Wars
3. Richard Bernstein: Obamacare Would Have Missed Warren Buffett's Cancer
4. Christopher Markowski: The Fairness Fallacy behind the Buffett Rule
5. Will McAndrew: Obama Energy Secretary Gives Himself an "A-Minus"

CNN, MSNBC Attack Mormons, Romney

CNN has been having repeated discussions about Romney, his religion and the 2012 race. At MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell had the same conversation. Is the mainstream press starting a coordinated attack on Romney by attempting to drum up suspicion of Mormons, inciting voters and hoping it will be a self-fulfilling prophesy? [more…]

The Obama/Romney Dog Wars

The Left has attacked Mitt Romney for the story about taking his dog on vacation by putting the dog’s crate on top of the family car. They are painting a picture of a person who doesn’t care about man’s best friend. The Right has countered by bringing up President Obama’s admission that he ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia while ignoring a legitimate and far larger issue regarding animals and the president. But then again, the Right are the worst fighters on the planet. Our leaders (I hate to call them leaders when they aren’t qualified to lead anything) seem to think that a winning argument is to give in to the Left on everything in return for hoping that the Left will like them. [more...]

Obamacare Would Have Missed Warren Buffett's Cancer

Just imagine Warren Buffett, one of the great investors and philanthropists of our time, could have died unexpectedly from an easily treatable disease. Under the government’s watch, that would have been perfectly acceptable. Several months ago, President Obama’s Preventative Services Task Force issued a recommendation that men no longer need to receive the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test as a way to detect prostate cancer. The Task Force argued that once prostate cancer is detected, it can lead to more tests and treatments which can be very costly and unnecessary. [more...]

The Fairness Fallacy behind the Buffett Rule

The President of the United States has decided to take his traveling circus of illusion on the road to pitch his version of a Brave Fair World and the magic of his Buffet Tax that will make this all possible. Every millionaire would be subject to the new rule and according to all the king's horses and all the king's men, "it will help us close our deficit." When the rule was first floated President Obama stated the tax "could raise enough money" so that we "stabilize our debt and deficits for the next decade." And he added, "This is not politics; this is math." Now, I wasn't particularly a very good mathematics student, but I was most certainly not this bad. [more...]

Obama Energy Secretary Gives Himself an "A-Minus"

The day that President Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu took over our country, the price of gasoline was $1.84 a gallon on national average. Today the nationwide average for a gallon of gasoline is $3.92. So when Energy Secretary Chu was asked about his personal performance on controlling the cost of gasoline he gave himself better than an “A-minus.” If this were the private sector, this guy would be fired. However, he seems to think he’s doing his job just fine. [more...]

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4-18-12 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Dave Bego: Employees Push Back Against SEIU’s Persuasion of Power
2. Doug Johnson: Tax Day is Just Another Day for Federal Employees
3. Tony Katz: Google at Odds with President Obama
4. John LeBoutillier: The Romney-Obama General Election has Begun... Who Will Win?

Employees Push Back Against SEIU’s Persuasion of Power

Emboldened by President Obama and his recent recess appointments to the Rogue NLRB, the SEIU appears to be stepping up its patented Persuasion of Power, which projected through its notorious Corporate Campaigns is vividly chronicled in my new book, The Devil at Our Doorstep. In simple terms, the SEIU’s Corporate Campaigns are designed to intimidate employees and employers into forced unionism. The end goal is to force the employer to sign a Neutrality Agreement, which substitutes Card Check for the secret ballot election. The SEIU then uses intimidation tactics to force a bare majority of employees to sign a union card. No election is held, and there is no chance for the employees to hear both sides of the story. There is no protection for employees from union thugs. [more...]

Tax Day is Just Another Day for Federal Employees

You think federal employees and politicians have to live by the same rules as the rest of us?  Think again. Did you know that federal employees owe about $1 billion in federal taxes and politicians owe millions more? And to remedy the situation, Congress is considering passing legislation that would give those owing the taxes one year to make arrangements to pay what they owe or set up some sort of payment plan. If they don't pay by that time, then the government will have the right to garnish their wages. This is another example of the culture they have built for themselves as privileged people who are above the rest of us. [more...]

Google at Odds with President Obama

The President and Google co-Founder Sergey Brin are at odds. While Brin argues that unnecessary regulations inhibit entrepreneurship and innovation, Obama takes the position that government - and regulatory schemes - makes entrepreneurship and innovation possible. Brin recently explained to The Guardian how government interference and the dominance of Apple and Facebook make it extremely difficult to innovate in today's Internet environment. A few days earlier, President Obama, lambasting the Ryan Plan, took credit for allowing companies like Facebook and Google to exist. [more…]

The Romney-Obama General Election has Begun... Who Will Win?

With Santorum now out of the GOP race, the Obama-Romney general election has begun. Will it be a race based on great substantive differences or will it be an empty campaign? What should Romney do to defeat President Obama? All of this - and much more - is discussed on CAMPAIGN INSIDERS featuring Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier each week on both the Fox News Channel (on Sundays at 5:25pm ET) and on (on Mondays at 11am ET). [more...]

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

4-17-12 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Doug Johnson: Obama Thinks it's Romney's Achilles Heel, But it Might be Mitt's Secret Weapon
2. James Hirsen: Eco-Liberals Saw Job Force as 'Evil Empire'3. Kyle Olson & Wisconsin Public Employee Unions Turning Out to be their Own Worst Political Enemies

Obama Thinks it's Romney's Achilles Heel, But it Might be Mitt's Secret Weapon

Obama may think that a 1950s image will hurt Mitt Romney, but Romney could turn this into a big win if he handles it right. The Obama campaign has decided to attack Mitt Romney on a variety of levels. One of the ideas they have is to attack him as a man of the past, who is out of touch, who isn’t prepared to deal with current or future events. I've heard that they want to use his appearance with the slicked back hair and conservative professional image as a way to compare his style to that of the 1950s. Their attack will paint a picture of him as a man of the '50s raising the question of how effective he can be when he's so old fashioned. [more...]

Eco-Liberals Saw Job Force as 'Evil Empire'By James Hirsen

At a time when both the nation and the state of California are in dire need of an economic boost, George Lucas came up with an entertainment business plan that included the creation of hundreds of jobs. Unfortunately, the employment enhancing idea that Lucas was contemplating involved building a complex, which was to be located in the liberal bastion of Marin County, California, a community just north of San Francisco. Now, courtesy of the environmentalists in the Marin area, the would-be Lucas jobs are headed elsewhere, along with all of the tax revenue that would have been generated. Lucasfilm had planned to start construction of the production facility in 2013. However, some homeowners decided to join forces with environmentalists to stop the expansion. [more...]

Wisconsin Public Employee Unions Turning Out to be their Own Worst Political Enemies

It’s fun to watch Wisconsin’s self-serving public sector unions flirt with electoral disaster. On the one hand, they admit their effort to recall Gov. Scott Walker is a huge test of their credibility. As Greg Junemann, president of the Professional and Technical Engineers Union, recently told, “If we lose, it’s a shot in the mouth. We can survive it, but we’ll be reeling.” Given that statement, one would expect the unions to be doing everything in their power to maximize their chances of victory. That would involve strong efforts to unite the Democratic Party, and avoidance of situations that make the unions look less than genuine in their arguments. But despite their determination to remove Walker from office, the unions keep tripping all over themselves. [more...]

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

4-11-12 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Tony Katz: Will the Tea Party Support Romney?
2. Doug Johnson: Santorum Exits Race
3. Dave Bego: Time to Set the Tone for November in Wisconsin
4. Wayne Allyn Root: Ted Kennedy is Unlikely Hero
5. James Hirsen: 'Hunger Games' Star Jennifer Lawrence Hits PETA

Will the Tea Party Support Romney?

With Rick Santorum out of the GOP race, Mitt Romney becomes the presumptive nominee. How will the Tea Party react? Tony can provide unique insight into this crucial development:
What will the Tea Party do?
What are the real problems with Romney?
Where will the Tea Party be most effective?
Does the Tea Party trust Romney?
What happens after Election Day?

Santorum Exits Race

Regardless of the reason Rick Santorum exited the GOP race, the fact is that he accomplished an amazing feat rising to a second place finish with virtually no money. Santorum brought to the table important issues, reminded us that principles are important, and showed us by his life that there are some things more important than power and position. Many of those issues will continue on to the GOP convention in Tampa, probably with some being adopted as parts of the GOP platform. And just because Rick is out of the race does not mean it’s over. Newt Gingrich is still holding on and may rise again like a phoenix from the ashes to have a significant impact on this contest. With Newt, you have to wait and see because even when he’s down, you can never be sure he is out. And with such a strong distaste for Romney on the part of many conservatives it is very possible that many of Santorum’s supporters may move their support to Newt Gingrich. It may be enough to make Newt a serious player at the GOP convention in August. [more...]

Time to Set the Tone for November in Wisconsin

Last August, Big Labor attempted to undo Gov. Scott Walker’s initiative to cure Wisconsin’s massive debt, incurred as a result of years of Big Labor collective bargaining gone wild. The plan was to recall votes on six state Senate Republicans in order to regain the majority in the Wisconsin senate, but the plan failed miserably. Big Labor was confident that the pressure created through its foot soldiers would encourage voters to oust all six Republicans. However, only two were defeated, leaving the majority of the state Senate to the Republican Party and preserving the Governor’s laws to reign in Big Labor and its collective bargaining monopoly. Now Big Labor is after Gov. Scott Walker in a recall election which is certainly the most important non-presidential election of the decade. [more...]

Ted Kennedy is Unlikely Hero

I was never a big fan of Ted Kennedy while he was alive and screwing over the taxpayers. But since his death, I’ve started to really appreciate the guy. He has managed to do in death what he never accomplished in life - become a hero and patriot. In essence, Ted Kennedy saved America and capitalism from Obama. His death changed the course of history; it opened the door for Scott Brown to become the new Massachusetts senator, the first Republican to win in almost half a century. That one gift from Kennedy deprived Obama of the 60th vote he needed in the U.S. Senate to push through every socialist program his little heart desired. So by dying, Ted Kennedy became the anti-Obama. [more...]

'Hunger Games' Star Jennifer Lawrence Hits PETA

Jennifer Lawrence, the newly minted Hollywood superstar of the blockbuster film “The Hunger Games,” recently made some distinctly right-of-center remarks in an interview that appears in the latest issue of Rolling Stone magazine. Lawrence, who in “The Hunger Games” plays archer warrior Katniss, spoke about a scene in “Winter’s Bone,” a movie in which she previously appeared, which has her gutting a squirrel. Addressing the issue of whether or not the scene had been created by Hollywood special effects, Lawrence let her feelings be known about the animal rights organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). “I should say it wasn’t real, for PETA,” Lawrence said. “But screw PETA.” [more...]

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4-10-12 Expert Commentators for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: The Greatest Nation on Earth
2. Richard Bernstein: Obamacare Built on Legal "House of Cards"
3. Doug Johnson: Romney’s Environmental Positions Shaped by Obama Czar
4. Christopher Markowski: Wasting Away Again in Obamaville
5. Will McAndrew: The Real Reasons behind Skyrocketing Gasoline Costs
6. Ryan Mauro: Obama Welcomes Brotherhood Run for Egyptian Presidency

The Greatest Nation on Earth

Is it Canada or Australia?

How did it happen? Under President Obama, America is following the European socialist model of big government, big spending, big entitlements, big taxes, free health care and billions wasted chasing a mirage called “green energy.” The result is massive debt, insolvency and bankruptcy. We are a nation in decline, much like the old Soviet Union before its collapse. Mr. Obama has taken an America that used to be the pride of the world and turned it into a creaking, 100-year-old building that must be evacuated before someone gets hurt. Meanwhile Canada, our neighbor up north, and Australia, on the opposite side of the world, which we’ve treated as our weak, goofy cousins, have followed the American model of capitalism, free markets and fiscal conservatism. The results are worth noting. Canada and Australia are booming. America is in free fall. [more...]

Obamacare Built on Legal "House of Cards"

After three days of intense oral arguments from Solicitor General Donald Vermilli, and the attorneys for the 26 states who sued the government, I learned something I didn’t know before: the argument for Obamacare’s individual mandate is built on a “house of cards” that started in the 1930s. Back then, FDR had proposed and passed the most ambitious legislation in the history of the country under the New Deal. He developed new powers for the government and expanded its reach, particularly in commerce. At that time, the Supreme Court was leary about the expanding role of government as part of FDR’s New Deal. Up until 1936, many decisions were (5-4) in the Supreme Court in favor of invalidating many of FDR’s signature programs. Then in 1936, FDR had a plan to increase the size of the Supreme Court from nine to fifteen. [more...]

Romney’s Environmental Positions Shaped by Obama Czar

As governor, Romney hired an advisor with some of the most radical views and background ever seen in American politics on either side of the aisle. I believe that supporting Romney over Obama is the better choice between the two; but the more I look, the more I find that Romney and Obama are similar in so many ways that it will make Romney much easier for Obama to beat than any of the other GOP candidates. What’s the latest similarity? One of Obama’s czars was an adviser on environmental policy to Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts. [more...]

Wasting Away Again in Obamaville

According to the Department of Labor statistics, 88 million Americans are now "Not in Labor Force." This administration is claiming smaller unemployment figures, when leaving the LABOR FORCE is becoming a trend! Mr. President, show us the true numbers, if you dare! I will discuss the effects of Obama’s economic policies on job creation, why there are no more excuses for this administration, and explain why the free market always brings jobs and prosperity.

The Real Reasons behind Skyrocketing Gasoline Costs

If you turn on your TV between now and November, at some point you will hit on a political ad about the price of gasoline. The Democrats want you to think that Mitt Romney is raising the price. The Republicans want you to believe that Obama is raising the price. The truth is that the price of gasoline is a major problem. Nobody, not even big oil companies, wants to see a skyrocketing price of gasoline. As energy prices go higher, it makes running a business more expensive. This has the unintended consequence of slowing down economic growth (e.g. putting people out of business) and subsequently lowering the price of oil (see oil’s drop to $30 a barrel during the 2008 recession). But why is gasoline going up? And why does it go up every spring/summer? [Find out here...]

Obama Welcomes Brotherhood Run for Egyptian Presidency

The Muslim Brotherhood swore up and down that it wouldn’t seek the Egyptian presidency as proof of its desire for a pluralistic society. At the last minute, the Brotherhood nominated Khairat el-Shater. According to the New York Times, State Department officials actually look at this as a good thing that could stop the more puritanical Salafists from winning. [more...]

Thursday, April 5, 2012

4-5-12 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: Obamacare: The Perfect $17 Trillion Trojan Horse
2. Richard Bernstein: Small Businesses Crack Down on High Health Care Costs
3. Tony Katz: Obama is Making the Case For His Own Impeachment
4. Doug Johnson: What Did the President’s Comments about the Supreme Court’s Power to Overturn Obamacare Really Mean?

Obamacare: The Perfect $17 Trillion Trojan Horse

Forget the Supreme Court review of Obamacare. There was much bigger news this week about Obama's signature healthcare program. Nancy Pelosi said "We must pass Obamacare to find out what’s in it." Well, someone finally took her up on it, read the entire 2,900 pages, and he did the simple math. The long-term debt it creates is not the $1 trillion Obama claimed - it is $17 trillion - more than DOUBLE our current backbreaking national debt. [more...]

Small Businesses Crack Down on High Health Care Costs

When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was signed into law back in March of 2010, we all knew it would be a matter of time before small business felt the pinch of rising health care costs. After almost two years of waiting, the most expansive federal health care program is starting to rear its ugly head affecting entrepreneurs across the country. According to a new report from human resources consulting firm, Towers Watson, small businesses are making significant changes to offset the high cost of health care in anticipation of Obamacare, which has several parts already in effect. [more...]

Obama is Making the Case For His Own Impeachment

The President’s latest tactic, taking on the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review with a preemptive strike against justices who might contemplate an unfavorable ruling on ObamaCare, following on the heels of last week’s "open mic gaffe" in which he explained to Russian President Dimitri Medvedev that he’d have more "flexibility" to sacrifice American security after his re-election, leads to one question: Is Barack Obama making his own case for impeachment? Obama is no longer fit for the job. I don’t say this lightly. I don’t say it with glee or joy; and I don’t say it with malice, but rather with recognition that the Office of the President must be protected. And the citizens of the United States must protect themselves from a president who is either incapable or unwilling to fulfill his responsibilities to the American people and respect the Constitutionally proscribed limitations on his powers. [more...]

What Did the President’s Comments about the Supreme Court’s Power to Overturn Obamacare Really Mean?

President Obama fully understands the constitutional power of each of the three branches of our government. His words this week about the Supreme Court and their authority regarding overturning legislation may be a telltale sign of something very sinister in his views of how our government should work. On March 31, 2008, as a candidate, Obama stated, "The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States." Yet since his inauguration he’s appointed dozens of czars using his administration’s unique interpretation of executive powers thereby avoiding the need for Senate confirmation and any accountability to Congress. [more...]

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4-3-12 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Doug Johnson: Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare Won’t Fix Cost of Healthcare Coverage
2. Christopher Markowski: College Financial Aid is Killing Us - Today's Outrage
3. Dave Bego: Control Business, Control the Country
4. Ryan Mauro: Al-Qaeda, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood Have a Hay Day in Yemen
5. James Hirsen: 'Schindler's List' Producer Makes Anti-Obama Film

Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare Won’t Fix Cost of Healthcare Coverage

The Supreme Court decision on the legality of Obamacare will have no impact on making healthcare coverage affordable. That is an entirely different problem that no one is addressing honestly. Affordable healthcare coverage is an oxymoron that makes about as much sense as jumbo shrimp or postal service. All the politicians, government bureaucrats, insurance industry experts, doctors and medical industry experts put together cannot make healthcare coverage affordable. Their answers do little, if anything, to help bring the cost down. The real answer is not something Americans will want to hear. [more...]

College Financial Aid is Killing Us - Today's Outrage

Student loans are making college prohibitively expensive. (Corollary: Student loans are like an albatross around the neck of our economy.) What's brought this on, at least for me, was the revelation last year that student loans totaled some $1 trillion. That's a thousand billions, and a staggering amount of money. My contention is it's the existence of student loans that is driving the cost of college through the roof. For evidence, look no further than venerable Harvard University, with an endowment estimated to be $32 billion. [more...]

Control Business, Control the Country

President Obama knows the key to ultimately destroying free enterprise and establishing socialism is tight-fisted control of businesses. His instrument of choice is the Rogue NLRB headed by the radical Mark Pearce, whose former employer the AFL-CIO, recently defended the use of violence by union members. Intimidation is the calling card of the President and his cronies, Big Labor’s Gasping Dinosaurs. They realize the one opportunity to survive and achieve ultimate political power is by winning the 2012 Election and controlling America’s employers through Card Check through Regulation vs. Legislation. [more...]

Al-Qaeda, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood Have a Hay Day in Yemen

Osama Bin Laden had more than a few good reasons to pick Yemen as the best opportunity to create an Islamic state. Yemeni President Saleh was swept away in the Arab Spring, though the rest of his regime remains intact. The power vacuum that already existed under his rule has grown larger and Iranian proxies, Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood are all pouncing on the opportunity at hand. Yemen is the one country where Al-Qaeda is clearly advancing. It has taken over Abyan Province, where it has instituted strict sharia law, going so far as to publicly lash four people 80 times for consuming alcohol. Apparently, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula decided to ignore Bin Laden’s advice to wait three years before moving forward. [more...]

'Schindler's List' Producer Makes Anti-Obama Film

Along with Steven Spielberg, Gerald R. Molen has produced a string of successful and memorable Hollywood movies including the Oscar-winning “Schindler’s List.” In contrast to Spielberg, who is a strong supporter of President Barack Obama, Molen has produced a new anti-Obama film, “Obama’s America: 2016,” which will be released at the kick-off of the general presidential election season. Molen’s documentary is based on author Dinesh D’Souza’s book, “The Roots of Obama’s Rage,” and features the following marketing slogan: “Love Him Hate Him, You Don’t Know Him.” The film explores themes in D’Souza’s book that analyze the formation of the president’s underlying political philosophy and motivation for his policies. [more...]