Thursday, April 5, 2012

4-5-12 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: Obamacare: The Perfect $17 Trillion Trojan Horse
2. Richard Bernstein: Small Businesses Crack Down on High Health Care Costs
3. Tony Katz: Obama is Making the Case For His Own Impeachment
4. Doug Johnson: What Did the President’s Comments about the Supreme Court’s Power to Overturn Obamacare Really Mean?

Obamacare: The Perfect $17 Trillion Trojan Horse

Forget the Supreme Court review of Obamacare. There was much bigger news this week about Obama's signature healthcare program. Nancy Pelosi said "We must pass Obamacare to find out what’s in it." Well, someone finally took her up on it, read the entire 2,900 pages, and he did the simple math. The long-term debt it creates is not the $1 trillion Obama claimed - it is $17 trillion - more than DOUBLE our current backbreaking national debt. [more...]

Small Businesses Crack Down on High Health Care Costs

When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was signed into law back in March of 2010, we all knew it would be a matter of time before small business felt the pinch of rising health care costs. After almost two years of waiting, the most expansive federal health care program is starting to rear its ugly head affecting entrepreneurs across the country. According to a new report from human resources consulting firm, Towers Watson, small businesses are making significant changes to offset the high cost of health care in anticipation of Obamacare, which has several parts already in effect. [more...]

Obama is Making the Case For His Own Impeachment

The President’s latest tactic, taking on the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review with a preemptive strike against justices who might contemplate an unfavorable ruling on ObamaCare, following on the heels of last week’s "open mic gaffe" in which he explained to Russian President Dimitri Medvedev that he’d have more "flexibility" to sacrifice American security after his re-election, leads to one question: Is Barack Obama making his own case for impeachment? Obama is no longer fit for the job. I don’t say this lightly. I don’t say it with glee or joy; and I don’t say it with malice, but rather with recognition that the Office of the President must be protected. And the citizens of the United States must protect themselves from a president who is either incapable or unwilling to fulfill his responsibilities to the American people and respect the Constitutionally proscribed limitations on his powers. [more...]

What Did the President’s Comments about the Supreme Court’s Power to Overturn Obamacare Really Mean?

President Obama fully understands the constitutional power of each of the three branches of our government. His words this week about the Supreme Court and their authority regarding overturning legislation may be a telltale sign of something very sinister in his views of how our government should work. On March 31, 2008, as a candidate, Obama stated, "The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States." Yet since his inauguration he’s appointed dozens of czars using his administration’s unique interpretation of executive powers thereby avoiding the need for Senate confirmation and any accountability to Congress. [more...]

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