Thursday, March 21, 2013

3-21-13 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Dave Bego: A Free Pass for the SEIU
2. Anne Speckhard, Ph.D.: The Steubenville Rape Case Happening Every Friday Night across America?
3. Kyle Olson: Department of Ed Creates New Six-figure Job While Wielding Sequester Ax
4. Doug Johnson: The Next Step - Tracking What's in Your Packages

A Free Pass for the SEIU

Once again the mainstream media and our elected officials have given the SEIU and its puppet in the White House a free pass with regards to their socialistic/communist leanings. The recent passing of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez made international news, but very little was heard in the mainstream media from the President or the SEIU. Despite the fact it was reported that the SEIU celebrated Chavez’s passing as a comrade, very few in the mainstream media stepped forward to expose the SEIU’s Insidious Tentacles that infiltrate the White House. [more...]

The Steubenville Rape Case Happening Every Friday Night across America?

The recent Steubenville rape case brings up some very disturbing issues regarding the attitude of males in this culture seeing females as objects of sexual gratification and consumption that they can abuse and prey upon all because she drank too much and lost her ability to protect herself, fight back or even say no. In the Steubenville case, the girl who was raped is said to have become drunk at a party held by one of the assistant football coaches - a party which she left totally inebriated and vomiting. This alone begs questions of criminal culpability for an adult member of the community - a coach - who was reportedly serving alcohol to minors and failing to protect those who became drunk as a result. [more...]

Department of Ed Creates New Six-figure Job While Wielding Sequester Ax

The Department of Education’s sequester cuts are taking a brutal toll on federally-funded schools on Native American reservations, but the federal agency still found money to create a new six-figure job promoting "Educational Excellence for African-Americans." "The selective austerity shown by the Department of Education and other federal agencies shows the Obama administration is trying to emphasize the budget cuts' effect on the public," said Kyle Olson, founder of the Michigan-based education watchdog Education Action Group. "It seems like there's no rhyme or reason for the cuts that they're making," Olson said. "They are trying to maximize the public effect - the pain - in order to make their point. But the fact of the matter is, the sequester is not a cut; it is a reduction in the rate of growth. The choices they're making are absurd." [more...]

The Next Step - Tracking What's in Your Packages

The next step in the invasion of American citizens' lives is happening. FedEx and UPS are now being told that they must police the contents of sealed packages that they ship. Specifically, at this point, the government wants these companies to make sure no illegal prescriptions are being shipped. WND reported that FedEx spokesman Patrick Fitzgerald said: “What is unusual and really disturbing is it became clear to us along the way that FedEx was being targeted for some level of criminal activity as it relates to these medicines that are being shipped from pharmacies and we find it to be completely absurd because it’s really not our role. We have no way of knowing what is legal and not within the packages that we’re picking up and delivering in this situation." [more... ]

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