Tuesday, July 16, 2013

7-16-13 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Joel Gilbert: Obama Stole Election by Letting Homeless, Disabled People Vot
2. Wayne Allyn Root: Slandered in the Media
3. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: Egypt: Should the U.S. Help One Undemocratic Arab Faction Unseat Another?
4. Rob Olive: A Shameful Display of Gun & Racial Politics in the Aftermath of Zimmerman

Joel Gilbert: Obama Stole Election by Letting Homeless, Disabled People Vote

Joel Gilbert's theory is that Barack and Michelle both cast early votes as a "signal to their followers" to commit voter fraud. "I think a large percentage of those on absentee voted again on Election Day," said Gilbert. By his estimate, these double-voting Obama supporters made up as much as 25 percent of the electorate. "Romney actually won the election on Election Day," he added. "But because they had stacked the vote through absentee ballots, through dead people, homeless, disabled people, people voting two, three times, I believe that's how they knew they would win the election." [more...]

Slandered in the Media

This past week MSNBC's Rachel Maddow tried to defame and slander me in a bizarre, rambling 15 minute diatribe. She even gave me a name, "birther." It sounds similar to "murderer," except it means I dared ask questions about Obama. Funny enough that none of the questions I have asked about the President ever involved his birth or birth certificate. Never. Not once. But hysterical defenders of Obama never let a fact get in the way of a good slander. Rather than attacking a patriotic American, shouldn't journalists be asking questions of the President? Do the answers to the questions I asked scare her that much? Am I getting that close to the truth? Do I pose that much of a threat? [more...]

Egypt: Should the U.S. Help One Undemocratic Arab Faction Unseat Another?

What, if anything, should the U.S. do as such events are unfolding, both in Egypt and in other where dictatorships rule? The Ancient Jewish Writings teach, "People should not tear down a synagogue until another synagogue is built." The text is discussing a community in the process of replacing its old temple with a newer and better one. It is saying that being optimistic and almost certain the new structure will be completed is insufficient. Unforeseen difficulties can arise over the course of almost any project, and the new temple might not be ready when planned; in fact, it might never be completed at all. Accordingly, before dismantling the old temple, the community should first be certain that the replacement is already built and usable. [more...]

A Shameful Display of Gun & Racial Politics in the Aftermath of Zimmerman

Despite presidential interference, threats of violence, and unprecedented pressure by the Justice Department, the jury found Zimmerman not guilty. That's because, when the available evidence was presented, this was a case of self-defense. Obama and others can wish it weren't so, but that doesn't change the facts. For the President to then use this as an occasion to ask what more we can do to "stem the tide of gun violence" is preposterous. It shows how little regard he has for both our system of justice and the Second Amendment to our Constitution. This wasn't a case of "gun violence," except under the warped definition used by people like Mayor Bloomberg who considers the Boston Marathon bombing suspects victims of "gun violence," as well. Rather, this was self-defense. [more...]

Rob Olive is the author of Essential Liberty, a novel that presents a disturbing scenario in which firearm confiscation has become a reality in present-day America. 

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