Monday, September 29, 2014

9-29-14 Great Guests for Your Show

1. James Hirsen: Feds Greenlight Hollywood's Use of Drones
2. Prof. Paul Merkley: The Ongoing Campaign of Liquidation of Christians in the Arab World
3. Gerard Lameiro: Will "The Virus of Pain" Hit America?
4. Joe Messina: Our Unknown Soldier
5. Kyle Olson: Illinois District Weighs Dropping Michelle Obama's Lunch Program

Feds Greenlight Hollywood's Use of Drones

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the Obama administration recently granted Hollywood an exemption to the government's ban on commercial drone usage. The action by the FAA allows designated television and film production companies to use the unmanned aircraft on U.S. movie and TV projects. After processing applications from seven production companies, the government agency gave six of the firms the legal right to use camera-equipped drones on specified movie and television sets. [more...]

The Ongoing Campaign of Liquidation of Christians in the Arab World

As the political scene in the Middle East becomes increasingly crowded and confused, only one theme becomes ever clearer, even though it is among the least discussed in our midst: The Christian communities of the Arab world are being forced upon the path to extermination. The notion that illiberal attitudes and religious obscurantism would dissolve as the Arab Spring advanced - as democracy developed on Arab soil - has been utterly discredited. In Egypt, the largest of the Arab nations, and the one that seemed to hold out the most promise at first, the experiment in democracy has been dismantled; but the Christian minority has been severely weakened by three years of menace from Islamist mobs. The political eclipse of the Muslim Brotherhood has evidently not significantly reduced this menace. [more...]

Will "The Virus of Pain" Hit America?

There have been reports of the Secretary of State warning about another surge of illegal immigrants that might come across our borders, at the very same time that Central America is dealing with new epidemics of terrible diseases.  Will America's open border policy lead to diseases crossing our southern border?  Will Dengue Fever hit America soon?  Will the U.S. fall prey to Chikungunya, the so-called “Virus of Pain?”  Are people being overly dramatic?  Or is the evidence real that we are in danger?  Should America take immediate action to prevent outbreaks of these terrible diseases in America?  Let's look at the facts right now. Read more in my new book: Renewing America and Its Heritage of Freedom: What Freedom-Loving Americans Can Do to Help. [more...]

Our Unknown Soldier

At the time of this writing Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi will have been in jail six full months - 180 days - a soldier in the United States Marine Corps. His crime? Accidently making a wrong turn into Mexico - our friends, our neighbors to the south. Yes, they claim to be our friends. America, pray for this man. He is in danger, mentally and physically, and even though our president says we never abandon our soldiers, he, Mr. Obama (not "We the People") has abandoned one of our KNOWN soldiers. [more...]

Illinois District Weighs Dropping Michelle Obama's Lunch Program

Boys aren't the only ones being left hungry by the new school lunch rules. Girls are famished, too. "It's just been an issue in the last few weeks," says Altamont superintendent Jeff Fritchtnitch. "It's one thing when boys are telling us they're hungry. They're always hungry. It's another thing when the volleyball players are telling us they want to leave early to get something to eat before the game." Fritchtnitch says the problem of students remaining hungry after eating school-cooked lunches "may be resolved" by dropping out of the National School Lunch Program. "We've got kids that are complaining that they're not getting enough food, because the guidelines are so strict, and we have to keep it that way," says the superintendent. [more...]

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9-24-14 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Gerard Lameiro: Has the FTC Gone Too Far in its Legal Settlement with Google?
2. Joe Messina: The "Big Brass" Break their Silence
3. Kyle Olson: New Hampshire District Mulls Dropping Michelle O's School Lunch Rules
4. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Sports Heroes to Zeroes
5. Dave Bego: 2014 Elections - Do They Think We Are Idiots?

Has the FTC Gone Too Far in its Legal Settlement with Google?

In a Wall Street Journal article last week that discusses the FTC legal settlement with Google, we learn that this settlement might impact technology innovation for the next 20 years!  What legal settlement are they referring too?  Why might it impact technology innovation for 20 years?  Has the Federal Trade Commission morphed into the Federal Technology Commission?  And, what is the FTC’s real role anyway? For more about the impact and costs of regulations on our economic freedom and economic growth, please read my new book: Renewing America and Its Heritage of Freedom: What Freedom-Loving Americans Can Do to Help. [more...]

The "Big Brass" Break their Silence

I knew it wouldn’t be long before the men and women of the military with their high standards and moral values would eventually start to spew. Unlike the henchmen of Hitler who followed orders fearing for their lives or simply for the glory of their motherland, most of our military troops fight because they believe in what this country stands for. Ultimately, our military is loyal to the country, not to the Commander in Chief. They know how to follow orders. They have been trained that they are part of a bigger picture and not to question, just do. But there's an integrity alarm that starts to go off in their heads when someone who has never even played a game of Battleship starts to dictate war games and strategy. [more...]

New Hampshire District Mulls Dropping Michelle O's School Lunch Rules

Dissatisfied with school lunch edicts handed down from Washington, D.C., the Windham School District is the latest to explore opting out of the National School Lunch Program. Superintendent Winfried Feneberg called them "draconian-seeming restrictions." The board's heartburn stems from school lunch and snack nutrition regulations championed by First Lady Michelle Obama. Steel told the board the district would stand to lose "thousands of dollars" in federal reimbursements each year. "If we were to opt out, I’m assuming the district would still want to provide lunch for our needy students," Steel says. "And that means we’d have to add at least $1.15 to our meal prices if participation rates stay the same." [more...]

Sports Heroes to Zeroes

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, has since implemented a new policy in the aftermath of the Ray Rice domestic violence case. The new policy states that a player will be suspended six games if convicted for domestic violence and suspended indefinitely for a second offense. There is also the case of Adrian Peterson, Minnesota Vikings Player who allegedly beat his child so hard with a stick the boy was left with lacerations, and Darren Sharper, a five-time Pro Bowl player now serving jail time for raping two women by use of drugs. It is ridiculous that these people are being paid so much, while the average schoolteacher risks losing their job for so little as touching a child out of sympathy for their struggle or for situations when reprimanding them. In general, teachers are the heart of this country’s education system. They are the true heroes, not these NFL athletes - or any type of pro athlete. [more...]

2014 Elections - Do They Think We Are Idiots?

In recent weeks, Big Labor's campaigns of intimidation and misinformation have risen to new heights. This is highlighted by the recent headline Unions say they’ll get even with Scott Walker, for passing popular laws restricting collective bargaining agreements and dues collection in Wisconsin. Such tactics are typical big labor strategy, as chronicled in The Devil at Our Doorstep, which clearly exposes the SEIU’s Death by a Thousand Cuts Corporate Campaign to use intimidation and misinformation to achieve its goals. Unions accuse corporations of have an unfair advantage, stating that they have more money to spend on election candidates. The truth, however, is that unions are outspending corporations on campaign ads despite court ruling. [more...]

Monday, September 22, 2014

China's Digital Giant Alibaba Emerges as Major Hollywood Player

China's e-commerce giant Alibaba enjoyed a record-breaking debut on Wall Street last week, which shook the financial world. Now the massive firm has its sights set on Hollywood.

Other digital concerns, including Amazon, Netflix, Hulu Plus, Crackle, and YouTube, have been making executives in the industry nervous with their incursions into the entertainment world. Amazon recently intruded into entertainment biz territory with its funding of original programming designed to stream on its Prime Instant Video service and containing content intended to compete with television cable and broadcast networks.

Alibaba’s massive reservoir of cash, competitive advantages in China, and newfound status of being the globe’s largest stock market listing make it a digital company that has the potential to generate an even greater degree of anxiety in the entertainment business than those previously mentioned. [more...]

Thursday, September 18, 2014

9-18-14 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Prof. Paul Merkley: Understanding Islam's Confidence
2. Bill Shireman: Why the Biggest Climate March in History Will Build the Movement against Climate Protection
3. Kyle Olson: Principal Confiscates American Flags from Student Vehicles in School Parking Lot – on 9/11
4. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Wage Wars
5. Joseph Klein: Netanyahu's ISIS Moral Clarity

Understanding Islam's Confidence

From the beginning, Muslims have taken the view that the Prophet Muhammad's message contains everything that Allah has given us to know about everything. It is far too easy for the Muslim tour guide to dazzle a flock of Christian tourists with descriptions of the magnificence that plays around them. The lesson that serious Christians should be absorbing is usually lost. It is about Islam's absolute and unqualified confidence in its unqualified right to explain other people’s religion to them. [more...]

Why the Biggest Climate March in History Will Build the Movement against Climate Protection

This Sunday in New York, hundreds of thousands of climate activists will take to the streets to rejuvenate grassroots, media, and political support with "the biggest climate march in history." They may succeed - but not in the way they hope. The march is proving to be a grassroots bonanza for climate "skeptics," who are already leveraging the event to boost their movement, according to Future 500's analysis of activism in the lead up to the march. [more...]

Principal Confiscates American Flags from Student Vehicles in School Parking Lot – on 9/11

A number of students at Woodruff High School decided to remember the September 11th terrorist attacks by flying American flags on their trucks in the school parking lot. That move violated a school policy banning students from drawing an "unusual amount of attention to oneself." The four students came to school on 9/11 with large American flags mounted on posts in their truck beds. [Principal Aaron] Fulmer removed the flags from their trucks and returned them at the end of the school day. Fulmer wanted them removed from the students’ vehicles. He was just enforcing a "long-standing district policy," he says. [more...]

Wage Wars

A series of protests partially funded by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) sought to highlight the difficulty of low-wage workers. Workers across the country gathered over Labor Day demanding that they be paid no less than $15 per hour. President Obama, the man whose job is to make America a competitive economy globally, publicly sided against business owners when he stated, "America deserves a raise." Such a statement by the President of the United States shows that even he does not understand why the U.S. economy is flawed or how economics works. [more...]

Netanyahu's ISIS Moral Clarity

Confronted with pure evil in the form of ISIS, President Barack Obama treats the jihadists as if they represented an isolated threat that can be dealt with on its own. ISIS (or ISIL as the U.S. government calls it, or the Islamic State as the jihadists now call themselves) has no relationship to Islam, according to the president and his Secretary of State John Kerry. Unlike President Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees the threat and its animating ideology without rose-colored glasses. Addressing a conference of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Prime Minister Netanyahu described the repugnant vision as one of global supremacism. [more...]

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9-16-14 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Robert Spencer: The War at Home
2. Gerard Lameiro: Will America Erect an Iron Tax Curtain around us to Keep Corporations in?
3. Dave Bego: Big Labor's Campaigns of Intimidation and Misinformation
4. Joe Messina: The Pledge of Allegiance is Political?
5. John LeBoutillier: Did Pres. Obama Have to Be Dragged Kicking and Screaming into Fighting ISIS?

The War at Home

As the Islamic State beheads a third hostage and the world recoils in horror and reassures itself that all this has nothing to do with Islam, it is useful to remember that jihad activity continues in the United States – although hardly anyone notices amid the rush to dissociate Islam from the mounting violence committed in its name and in accord with its literal teachings. Take, for example, a Muslim from Seattle, Ali Muhammad Brown who is "currently in jail on $5 million bail for the alleged murder of a college student in late June." He has "already been charged with gunning down two men at 29th and King Street in Seattle's Leschi neighborhood on June 1." And he is "now the prime suspect in a fourth homicide." [more...]

Will America Erect an Iron Tax Curtain around us to Keep Corporations in?

In a powerful and profound Editorial this week, The Wall Street Journal presents new information from the Tax Foundation that America’s tax burden on businesses is nearly the worst in the industrialized world.  That’s right, America is ranked number 32 out of 34 of industrialized nations that are part of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).  This ranking is from a new index that utilizes 40 tax policy variables in its index.  If that's not enough bad news, there are some who want to raise the taxes even further, and erect barriers for corporations that seek to flee America, looking for a reduced tax burden. [more...]

Big Labor's Campaigns of Intimidation and Misinformation

In recent weeks, Big Labor's campaigns of intimidation and misinformation have risen to new heights. This is highlighted by the recent headline Unions say they’ll get even with Scott Walker, for passing popular laws restricting collective bargaining agreements and dues collection in Wisconsin. Such tactics are typical big labor strategy, as chronicled in The Devil at Our Doorstep, which clearly exposes the SEIU’s Death by a Thousand Cuts Corporate Campaign to use intimidation and misinformation to achieve its goals. Unions accuse corporations of have an unfair advantage, stating that they have more money to spend on election candidates. The truth, however, is that unions are outspending corporations on campaign ads despite court ruling. [more...]

The Pledge of Allegiance is Political?

Now I've heard it all! The PC police at CBS Sports banned a commercial with a little girl reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. At first, I thought, "here we go again." It has the phrase "under God" and we don't want to offend the 20% of the country who doesn't believe in God and we certainly don't want them to feel left out. But that wasn't the problem. Then I thought they must have been tight on time and a 15-second Pledge would have caused them to have to bump one of those commercials with a hamburger-eating, sauce-dripping, car-washing, bikini-clad woman who uses the top part of her bikini to wipe off the BBQ sauce. Nope. That wasn't what happened either. OK, then WHAT? The knuckleheads at CBS Sports decided that it was too political. Yup, the Pledge of Allegiance is too political. [more...]

Did Pres. Obama Have to Be Dragged Kicking and Screaming into Fighting ISIS?

Was President Obama's ISIS speech a game-changer – or more of the same? Is he fully invested in destroying ISIS – or is he again "leading from behind?" What effect will this have on this year's elections? Is November going to be a "wave" election? Will it be a big year for the GOP? This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS. [more...]

Monday, September 15, 2014

Prominent Film Critics Heap Praise on Pro-abortion Propaganda

PBS recently aired "After Tiller," a documentary that lauds doctors in the United States who openly perform late-term abortions. The film leaves out essential facts, falsely stereotypes the pro-life movement, and disingenuously sanitizes the practice of partial birth abortion. It has nevertheless won the Candescent Award at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and has been written about in glowing terms by numerous mainstream movie critics, which resulted in its obtaining of an extremely positive 94% rating on the Rotten Tomatoes Web site.

A. O. Scott of The New York Times acknowledged that the film is "a partisan document in the culture wars." The movie critic gave it a positive review nonetheless, opining that the documentary is "impressive because it honestly presents the views of supporters of legal abortion, and is thus a valuable contribution to a public argument that is unlikely to end anytime soon." [more...]

Friday, September 12, 2014

9-12-14 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: Election 2014 - My 10-Point Plan for GOP Victory
2. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Hack Attack - The Apple of a Hacker's Eye
3. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: The President's Speech on Terrorism - Fiction, Not Reality
4. Kyle Olson: Bill Introduced to Disarm 'Cupcake Cops'

Election 2014 - My 10-Point Plan for GOP Victory

Back in 1994, a "Contract with America" won Republicans control of Congress. In my new book, The Murder of the Middle Class, I lay out the "Middle Class Contract with America" that will help do it again in 2014. America needs more jobs, not more partisan politics. This is a common-sense contract to protect, save and serve America’s middle class. This contract is bipartisan and has only three goals: support, stimulate and reward middle class job creation. 1. Start with a national income tax vacation. Ronald Reagan already proved that a radical plan that gives power (and money) back to the people can turn the worst recession since the Great Depression into the biggest economic expansion in world history. [Go here for the 10-Point Plan ...]

Hack Attack - The Apple of a Hacker's Eye

It was only about 15 years ago when a handful of random teenagers from across the world ended up re-networking the Web in an unprecedented way that is now referred to as hacking; and still today most hacking is done by young teens. Their ingeniously misdirected minds are the foundation of cyber security; it’s a 100 billion dollar industry and still growing today. Structured upon a new type of business tactic called H-Commerce, or the hacking business of you, the consumer is now the one who is consumed. Hacking threatens the public's sense of security and trust in digital platforms. [more...]

The President's Speech on Terrorism - Fiction, Not Reality

On the eve of 9/11, President Obama delivered yet another one of his stirring talks - this time on how he and his administration are now about to boldly destroy ISIS. Like many of his speeches, it sounded great. My sense however, is that it was more a work of fiction than reality. The gruesome activities of ISIS and its repeated threats to America have been in the news for months. Furthermore, Iran, which is the greatest terrorist killer of all, continues its headlong march toward acquiring nuclear arms. Yet, the Obama Administration has consistently refused to militarily oppose these two mortal threats, this despite the fact that its "soft approach" has accomplished virtually nothing. He said, "Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim." ISIS and every single one of the terrorist groups definitely are Islamic. They invoke the Muslim theme of Jihad to justify their objectives and their murders, and their savage legal system of Sharia comes straight from the Koran. How can he say that ISIS is not Islamic? [more...]

Bill Introduced to Disarm 'Cupcake Cops'

Texas Congressman Ted Poe has introduced H.R. 5417 in an attempt to disarm the "federal food police." The legislation would prohibit any funds from being used to implement USDA's new ban on school fundraisers and bake sales during school hours. The regulations were a signature initiative by First Lady Michelle Obama. "The federal food police need to stay out of our schools," Poe says. "First, the regulators came in to our lunchrooms, then vending machines and now school fundraisers. Bake sales are as American as apple pie. For years, students and parents have used the bake sale as a way to raise funds for school trips, athletic competitions, new uniforms and other activities. Teachers in my district have come to me concerned that this new rule will prevent their students from holding various after school activities. Washington bureaucrats have no business telling any American (no matter what age) what they can and cannot eat," the congressman says. [more...]

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9-9-14 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Bill Shireman: Could Islamic State Defeat the U.S.?
2. Wayne Allyn Root: GOP Roadmap to Victory: Become the Party of the Middle Class
3. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Uncle Sam Wants to Buy a Pot Farm for Less than It's Worth
4. Joe Messina: The NEW Meaning of the Word Transparency
5. Kyle Olson: Teacher Pleads Guilty to Giving Middle Schooler ‘Full Contact’ Lap Dance during Class

Could Islamic State Defeat the U.S.?

Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) could win its battle with the West and advance its cause of Islamic fundamentalism - if America's two major parties cannot unite in opposing them. I believe the enemy is not just Islamic fundamentalism; it is fundamentalism, period. I blame political and media strategists from both the right and left for using fundamentalist tactics right here in the U.S. to create raging fanatics on all sides of all issues - people who are easy to manipulate into supporting the selfish political objectives of their clients. [more...]

GOP Roadmap to Victory - Become the Party of the Middle Class

It’s happening right now in America: billionaires and big business are teaming up with Obama and his socialist cabal to destroy the middle class.  Unfortunately, the tone deaf GOP has not only allowed them to do it, but they've managed to take the blame for the crime. They've allowed Democrats to paint the GOP as "the party of the rich." Eric Cantor becoming Vice Chairman and Managing Director of a Wall Street investment banking house is precisely why the GOP can't shake its reputation as "the party of the wealthy" and why Romney couldn't get the support of the "other 47%." It's all about branding. Democrats are good at it. The GOP is not. [more...]

Uncle Sam Wants to Buy a Pot Farm for Less than It's Worth

Last Tuesday the U.S. Government posted a listing on their Web site soliciting proposals from cannabis farmers (and subcontractors if necessary) having the capability to develop plants with different variations of THC. The proposal requests a pot farmer to temporarily contract their property, crops, services, knowledge, and assistance to the Department of Health and Human Services. Because marijuana is illegal by federal law, it is probable few, if any, cannabis farms have accurately documented income and cash flows in par with government regulations. In order to get your money's value, farms like such would have a lot of financial cleanups to do. [more...]

The NEW Meaning of the Word Transparency

President Obama stated he had no strategy to deal with ISIS/ISIL. When his generals and others on his security council said we have a plan and are waiting on the White House to act, the White House quickly came out and stated what the president really meant was, they were "fine tuning," "looking at all options," "hadn't decided on one."  Transparency, by definition, means easy to understand, easy to see through, easily detected, easily understood. I'm sorry, but none of this is "easily detected, understood or seen through" a/k/a "transparent." It's all pretty hazy if you ask me. [more...]

Teacher Pleads Guilty to Giving Middle Schooler ‘Full Contact’ Lap Dance during Class

A middle school teacher has pleaded guilty to giving a student a "full contact" lap dance during class while students looked on. Felicia Smith, a teacher at Stovall Middle School near Houston, was busted after cell phone video of the incident surfaced. She "will spend three years on probation after admitting to the felony of having an improper relationship with a student," according to the Houston Chronicle. She reportedly is still licensed to teach in the state of Texas, though that is "currently under review." [more...]

Monday, September 8, 2014

George Clooney & Robert Redford Opt for Ideological Film Projects

With the multitude of scandals that are swirling around the current administration, one might think that Hollywood would pick out an incident or two of intrigue to document.

No such cinematic integrity is yet being demonstrated. Instead it looks as though two major Hollywood-based artists are moving forward with film oriented material that more closely aligns with their unyielding ideologies.

There are only a few individuals in the entertainment business who can guarantee that a proposed movie project will be greenlighted. George Clooney happens to be one of them. The producer-director-actor recently chose a new project that is sure to delight partisan liberals in Hollywood and elsewhere. The “Good Night, and Good Luck” and “Syriana” star is reportedly gearing up to direct a movie based on the book “Hack Attack: The Inside Story of How the Truth Caught Up With Rupert Murdoch,” penned by Guardian investigative journalist Nick Davies. [more...]

Thursday, September 4, 2014

9-4-14 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: Is a Devastating Stock Market Crash on the Way?
2. Joseph Klein: ISIS and the U.S./Mexico Porous Border
3. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Gunning for a Difference
4. Kyle Olson: Illinois District May Drop Federal Lunch Program

Is a Devastating Stock Market Crash on the Way?

Security experts warn a terrorist attack on America soil appears imminent. Only days ago, the federal government agreed. Where would the terrorists come from? Our Southern border with Mexico is wide open for anyone to walk across. Our border is under siege. President Obama has no strategy to stop or even slow the invasion of America by terrorists, let alone the desperately poor masses expecting billions of dollars in welfare from cradle to grave. Just the latest wave of illegal immigrant children will cost over $700 million to educate - this year alone. America is already bankrupt and almost $18 trillion in debt. Where will the money come from? Yet the stock market sits at all-time highs.  We’ve all seen this story before. It never ends well: The stock market crash of 1929. The Great Depression. The Great Tulip Bubble. Common sense tells me that this time isn’t different. [more...]

ISIS and the U.S./Mexico Porous Border

ISIS has taken note of the porous border between the United States and Mexico. "A review of ISIS social media messaging during the week ending August 26 shows that militants are expressing an increased interest in the notion that they could clandestinely infiltrate the southwest border of [the] U.S., for terror attack," warns the Texas Department of Public Safety "situational awareness" bulletin, obtained by Instead of taking steps to stop the inflow of illegal aliens across the southern border into the U.S., the Obama administration has all but put out the welcome mat for more illegal aliens to enter. Border agents are overwhelmed. Without sufficient National Guard or other military resources monitoring vulnerable portions of the border, it is only a matter of time until ISIS infiltrators make their way into the U.S. and begin wreaking havoc. [more...]

Gunning for a Difference

Guns are always a loaded topic here in the States, and the death of an Arizona firearms instructor by a 9-year-old girl has fired up gun discussions once again about US gun policies. The little girl lost control of her weapon when it kicked back upon being fired, accidentally hitting and killing her instructor. This tragedy further proves that children are not equipped to handle powerful automatic weapons, and that a more appropriate age limit should be implemented at shooting ranges. Over the years, Americans have witnessed over and over again horrific tragedies like this. Too many guns end up in the hands of children and mentally ill individuals, and something needs to change. But despite such incidents, firearms tourism is booming across the U.S. [more...]

Illinois District May Drop Federal Lunch Program

After a dramatic plunge in lunch sales of nearly 20 percent, the Downers Grove High School District is considering ditching the National School Lunch Program. The district – some 30 miles from the home of school lunch overhaul champion Michelle Obama – finds itself with 67 percent of its students choosing alternatives to the healthier school-prepared meals required to receive federal reimbursements, which currently equal about $520,364 per year. The Downers Grove district wouldn’t be the first to opt out of the federal National School Lunch Program. [more...]

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

9-2-14 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Joe Messina: Heil Putin! Our New Supreme Commander in Chief
2. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Civics is the Business of Citizenship
3. Rabbi D.B. Ganz: The President's Labor Day Speech - A Conservative Pushback
4. James Hirsen: Hollywood's War on Free Expression
5. Sandy Botkin: Never Borrow from the IRS
6. John LeBoutillier: Is Pres. Obama Playing Politics with ISIS/Ukraine Crises in Order to Keep Senate in November?

Heil Putin! Our New Supreme Commander in Chief

Comrade Vlad came out this week and basically said Russia has nuclear weapons so we will do what we want, where we want, and your mouse of a president will do nothing. Remember that little slip last year when President Obama told then-President Medvedev to tell Vlad he will be more flexible after the election? He must have meant flexibility to back off supporting our allies and do nothing. [more...]

Civics is the Business of Citizenship

The chaos that erupted in Ferguson, MO is the result of creeping civic decay in public life. Over the years, American civilians have increasingly declined in their levels of civic engagement, knowledge, participation and awareness. Civics is the business of citizenship. It is summed up with three things: personal values, knowledge of the system that keeps our world spinning and a skill set to pursue a goal that gets others to go into business with you towards attaining that goal. The whole business of politics has demotivated civilians away from this subject, propelling an epidemic where too many people are illiterate in power. [more...]

The President's Labor Day Speech - A Conservative Pushback

In Obama's Labor Day speech, he outlined what many Democrats are using as a midterm platform, highlighting hopes to raise the minimum wage and pass immigration reform. He also used the speech to portray Republicans as obstructionists who are holding the country back, telling the receptive audience that "most of the policies I am talking about have two things in common: they are going to help more families get ahead, and Republicans who run our Congress oppose almost all of them." I say when it comes to employers and employees, the government should protect the rights and safety of all parties, but it should not interfere at all in the agreements between them. Furthermore, government should not be a wholesale distributor of assistance to the less fortunate. [more...]

Hollywood's War on Free Expression

In the current cultural environment, political correctness puts forth the rationale that an ideological set of standards is being exercised in an effort to prevent offensive expression. However, the implementation of the inflexible liberal rules is sometimes at the expense of liberty and truth. Enforcement of a politically correct rubric has become, in essence, a war on various aspects of free expression including language, writing, images, and music. The left nevertheless continues to expand its politically correct applications, despite the ramifications of the inhibition of speech and alteration of behavior. [more...]

Never Borrow from the IRS

There is one place that you should NEVER, EVER borrow money from, besides loan sharks. Do you know what that place is? I'll give you a hint, people refer to it by using three letters! It's the Internal Revenue Service. If you have employees, you have to pay payroll taxes and other withheld taxes to the government. When things get tight, it is very tempting to borrow from these taxes to pay bills; after all, it is so available. However, don't do it or you will face the bounty hunter from hell. Trust me, they make "Dog" the Bounty Hunter look like a pussy cat. Borrowing tax money is theft; it isn't yours. You are a fiduciary for that money. If you willfully fail to send in the money owed to the government, there is a penalty for 100% of the tax owed. Let me say this again in case you are tired while reading this. You will not only owe the original tax money, but also a 100% penalty! This is in addition to other penalties and interest. It would make a loan shark blush. [more...]

Is Pres. Obama Playing Politics with ISIS/Ukraine Crises in Order to Keep Senate in November?

How can a President of the United States hold a press conference to announce, "We do not have a strategy" and refuse to call the Russian invasion of Ukraine an "invasion?" Is President Obama playing politics here by downplaying these crises and instead trying to rally the Democrat base for this November by talking immigration, income inequality and climate change? This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS. [more...]