Thursday, September 4, 2014

9-4-14 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: Is a Devastating Stock Market Crash on the Way?
2. Joseph Klein: ISIS and the U.S./Mexico Porous Border
3. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Gunning for a Difference
4. Kyle Olson: Illinois District May Drop Federal Lunch Program

Is a Devastating Stock Market Crash on the Way?

Security experts warn a terrorist attack on America soil appears imminent. Only days ago, the federal government agreed. Where would the terrorists come from? Our Southern border with Mexico is wide open for anyone to walk across. Our border is under siege. President Obama has no strategy to stop or even slow the invasion of America by terrorists, let alone the desperately poor masses expecting billions of dollars in welfare from cradle to grave. Just the latest wave of illegal immigrant children will cost over $700 million to educate - this year alone. America is already bankrupt and almost $18 trillion in debt. Where will the money come from? Yet the stock market sits at all-time highs.  We’ve all seen this story before. It never ends well: The stock market crash of 1929. The Great Depression. The Great Tulip Bubble. Common sense tells me that this time isn’t different. [more...]

ISIS and the U.S./Mexico Porous Border

ISIS has taken note of the porous border between the United States and Mexico. "A review of ISIS social media messaging during the week ending August 26 shows that militants are expressing an increased interest in the notion that they could clandestinely infiltrate the southwest border of [the] U.S., for terror attack," warns the Texas Department of Public Safety "situational awareness" bulletin, obtained by Instead of taking steps to stop the inflow of illegal aliens across the southern border into the U.S., the Obama administration has all but put out the welcome mat for more illegal aliens to enter. Border agents are overwhelmed. Without sufficient National Guard or other military resources monitoring vulnerable portions of the border, it is only a matter of time until ISIS infiltrators make their way into the U.S. and begin wreaking havoc. [more...]

Gunning for a Difference

Guns are always a loaded topic here in the States, and the death of an Arizona firearms instructor by a 9-year-old girl has fired up gun discussions once again about US gun policies. The little girl lost control of her weapon when it kicked back upon being fired, accidentally hitting and killing her instructor. This tragedy further proves that children are not equipped to handle powerful automatic weapons, and that a more appropriate age limit should be implemented at shooting ranges. Over the years, Americans have witnessed over and over again horrific tragedies like this. Too many guns end up in the hands of children and mentally ill individuals, and something needs to change. But despite such incidents, firearms tourism is booming across the U.S. [more...]

Illinois District May Drop Federal Lunch Program

After a dramatic plunge in lunch sales of nearly 20 percent, the Downers Grove High School District is considering ditching the National School Lunch Program. The district – some 30 miles from the home of school lunch overhaul champion Michelle Obama – finds itself with 67 percent of its students choosing alternatives to the healthier school-prepared meals required to receive federal reimbursements, which currently equal about $520,364 per year. The Downers Grove district wouldn’t be the first to opt out of the federal National School Lunch Program. [more...]

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