Tuesday, March 26, 2019

3-26-19 Great Guests for Your Show

1. David Horowitz: Christians Face Danger in America
2. Karen Kataline: False Accusers in the Mueller Investigation are Jussie Smollett Times a Thousand
3. James Hirsen: "Unplanned" is a Must-See for a Nation in Denial
4. Daniel Greenfield: NYT: Trump is Guilty No Matter What Mueller Report Says
5. Lowell Ponte: The Left Has Politicized Love, Itself
6. Christine Douglass-Williams: New Mexico Muslims Who Plotted Jihad Massacres Linked to CAIR and Democrats

Christians Face Danger in America
By David Horowitz

Christians are in real danger of persecution in America. Secularists and leftists want to turn the nation into a godless, heathen society where religion has absolutely no role. The war on Christianity is real, and it’s right on our doorstep. My new book, Dark Agenda details the perils facing our nation’s religious freedoms and the efforts by conservatives of all faiths to save them. It’s very bad in the U.S. This war against Christianity is a war of the left, which is the Democratic Party, because Christian values are incompatible with the social justice delusions of the left. [more...]

False Accusers in the Mueller Investigation are Jussie Smollett Times a Thousand
By Karen Kataline

We have seen an epidemic of false accusations lately and they all have something in common: They are being made by Leftists. For example: If convicted, Jussie Smollett could face 10 years in prison for falsely accusing white people and Trump supporters of the ugly attack he staged on himself. The Left-wing media has done everything it collectively could to avoid naming the actual wronged parties in this case. They want to continue to be the final arbiters of who wins the perpetual victim derby. If “Russian collusion” is a crime, there is convincing evidence that Hillary Clinton is guilty of it. If no one is convicted for that crime in the more than two-year investigation of President Trump, shouldn’t the high-level figures in the FBI and the Justice Department face more than ten years? [more...]

"Unplanned" is a Must-See for a Nation in Denial
By James Hirsen

Hollywood loves to rally around a cause, but only as long as the cause is solidly in line with its accepted left-wing ideology. One cause that definitely isn’t, is the advocating of the right of an unborn baby to live. “Unplanned,” a daring new movie that pays no attention to Hollywood’s roster of no-go subjects, has been fighting a constant uphill battle as it forges its way toward release day. Along the treacherous road it has had to traverse, it has been blocked from using certain music in its soundtrack, banned by a Christian radio network, and unfairly rated by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). [more...]

NYT: Trump is Guilty No Matter What Mueller Report Says
By Daniel Greenfield

Some in the media are playing the short game of spinning conspiracy theories about the release of the Mueller report. Others are going the longer game of claiming that the Mueller report doesn't matter. Trump is guilty... because! The best example of this sordid species is a New York Times op-ed, "We Don’t Need to Read the Mueller Report: Even if it is never released, the public already knows enough." What does the public know? The stuff the media lied about. [more...]

The Left Has Politicized Love, Itself
By Lowell Ponte

A new survey by matchmakers OkCupid finds that since 2016, the percentage of people who consider a potential date’s political compatibility more important than romantic qualities has surged from 23 to 30 percent of men and from 27 to 42 percent of women. Reporting this survey, the New York Post quoted several liberal women who admitted their romantic relations with conservative men were much more satisfying than being with leftist “pajama boys." The just-released General Social Survey at the University of Chicago found that “41 percent of Democrats are without a steady partner, compared with only 29 percent of Republicans.” This, reported the Washington Post, “has helped drive singledom to a record high among the overall public.” [more...]

New Mexico Muslims Who Plotted Jihad Massacres Linked to CAIR and Democrats
By Christine Douglass-Williams

A federal grand jury in New Mexico has indicted five Muslims who allegedly trained children to carry out school massacres on terrorism-related offenses, conspiracy to commit murder and kidnapping. The children also lived under abusive conditions. The leader of the group is Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, the son of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, a former board member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). And while the imam is not responsible for his son’s actions, he himself is on record urging a violent overthrow of the ‘filthy’ U.S. government. The elder Wahhaj gave an opening prayer at an event at the Democratic National Convention in 2012 and has been called a spiritual adviser to jihad promoter and Bernie Sanders supporter Linda Sarsour. [more...]

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Corsi Vindicated with the Release of the Mueller Report

I feel vindicated since I rejected Robert Mueller’s plea deal because I felt it was fraudulent. The one count Mueller wanted me to plea to was my first day testimony when I had not yet downloaded my 2016 e-mails. I wanted to give his prosecutors my computers voluntarily in the condo where they were located since the last day I used them. My "crime?"  I had forgotten key e-mails. 

Mueller’s prosecutors allowed me to go home for 10 days to load and review the 2016 e-mails. I returned and amended my testimony. The charge Mueller wanted me to plea was the first day’s testimony, when I made memory mistakes. I never knowingly gave Mueller testimony I knew to be false on a material matter because I intended to deceive them. I gave 40 hours of voluntary testimony always intending to tell the truth, admitting my memory of e-mails and conversations from 2016 was not good. 

Mueller’s prosecutors blew up my testimony because they couldn’t believe that in July, 2016 I figured out Assange had Podesta e-mails he planned to make public in October 2016. 

That Mueller did not indict me proves they wanted me to plead guilty to someone Mueller could not prove was a “lie.”  I never had any contact with Assange directly or indirectly. Mueller’s prosecutors were convinced I was the link between Roger Stone and Assange.  That never happened and the prosecutors couldn’t prove otherwise. 

I wrote Silent No More: How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller's "Witch Hunt" to give a firsthand account of what I consider to have been abusive questioning, especially in the last 20 hours when I was honestly trying to see if there might have been anyone who could have connected me to Assange. The FBI visited or otherwise questioned virtually everyone I contacted in 2016 and 2017. In the end, I knew I could not stand before a federal judge and swear under oath that I committed a crime I know I did not commit. 

My wife woke up one morning while I was struggling over the plea deal and told me she would rather visit me in prison the rest of my life than have me be a different person than the man she married. I would not lie if that was what it took to keep me out of prison. That was a critical moment in my decision to resist Mueller. 

Silent No More documents the abuse I suffered and is the background for the federal civil suit I filed in U.S. District Court in D.C. I wrote the book because I wanted people to understand the Kafka-like torture Mueller has put me and my family through for the past seven months. This book details the psychological torment I underwent because of the attempts by the prosecutors to break me.

This is not justice in America. Nobody in this country should ever again be forced to experience what I went through - prosecutorial abuse of power I believe was criminal in nature. I did nothing wrong and the prosecutors made it clear they hated me for my books, going back to co-authoring UNFIT FOR COMMAND in 2004. [more...] Watch Dr. Corsi on FNC.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Case for Jexodus

By Daniel Greenfield

Zionism has always appealed to two kinds of Jews: those who are running to it and those who are running away from something. Jexodus, meaning a Jewish exit from under the shadow of the donkey, also has those who are running away from something, usually anti-Semitism, and those who are running toward something, a better vision for the country, for their community and for their families. The negative Jexodus will be the aftermath of a radicalization that splits the Democrats, as it did Labour in the UK along dividing lines of militant socialism, Islamism, and anti-Semitism. These three ‘isms’ will split Jewish Democrats alone those same lines leaving the radicals on the inside and moderates outside. Those Jews who remain will be required to prove their loyalty by denouncing Jews and Israel. These demands will be put forward in the stridently anti-Semitic tones commonplace on the fringes of the Left. [more...]

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

3-19-19 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. David Horowitz: The New Zealand Morality Play
2. James Hirsen: College Admission Scandals Imitate TV Scripts
3. Lowell Ponte: How to Invest When Politics Goes Schizophrenic
4. Karen Kataline: Leftists See Bigotry Everywhere... Except Where it Actually is
5. Sally Pipes: Americans Like 'Medicare for All'... Until They Realize What's in It
6. John LeBoutillier: The West Has Cracked

The New Zealand Morality Play
By David Horowitz

My new book, Dark Agenda is a concise, chilling book brimming with evidence that links numerous cultural depredations to one overriding theme: The left's attack on Christian America. If the horrific massacre of 49 Muslims at prayer in two New Zealand mosques shows us anything, it is how askew the moral universe has become since the attacks of 9/11. Since that date, Muslim fanatics have carried out more than 34,000 deadly terror attacks against “infidels” (i.e., people who do not share their faith), murdering – often by the most barbaric methods – hundreds of thousands of Christian men, women and children merely because they are Christians. Yet the world of progressive moralizing seems not to notice these casualties or to reflect on the consequences of the war that Muslims have initiated and continue to prosecute. Virtually the same day as the New Zealand bloodbath, Muslim militants entered a church in the Philippines and mowed down 20 Christians. That same week Muslims in Nigeria slaughtered 85 evangelical Christians – for being Christians – an atrocity that received little attention in the West. [more...]

College Admission Scandals Imitate TV Scripts
By James Hirsen

The admissions scandal that recently hit some of the nation’s most prestigious colleges and universities has resulted in the largest prosecution of an alleged scheme to influence higher education admission decisions made at top tier institutions. The ongoing investigation is named “Operation Varsity Blues,” a title that was also used for a 1999 cult movie. “Varsity Blues” is best known for a scene in which the quarterback son shouts to his football obsessed father the following words: “I don’t want your life!” When prosecutors and investigators used the title of a movie as a name for their investigation, they may not have fully realized the bizarre “life imitates art” connections, which the facts presented with respect to the two most famous defendants involved in the case, actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Laughlin. [more...]

How to Invest When Politics Goes Schizophrenic
By Lowell Ponte

For most of America’s history, we have been governed by two political parties of one mind. Both Republicans and Democrats were mostly practical, centrist and pro-capitalist. Even liberals eager to tax business were careful not to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs of jobs and prosperity. With the 2018 election, this secure political environment for investors has changed. In our newly schizoid politics and economics, one of America’s two parties is now largely controlled by self-described socialists who hate the free market and want to destroy it. History is again up for grabs in class warfare, and every future election will be Russian roulette, with the fate of American free enterprise hanging on whether capitalist or anti-capitalist politicians win. How long can our nation, divided against itself, continue to stand? [more...] Get the report: Protecting Your Wealth in Today's America

Leftists See Bigotry Everywhere... Except Where it Actually is
By Karen Kataline

It is the rare Republican today who hasn’t been called a racist or a bigot, particularly if he or she is running for office. From candidates for city council to presidential hopefuls, Republicans across the nation are perpetually put on the defensive, as if they have to prove that they're not racists. This has been the real goal of Democrats, and it has worked like a charm. But in reality, the left is guilty of precisely the same sins they falsely accuse Republicans of perpetrating. The left has worked so hard at its agenda of identity politics, and has stereotyped everyone according to various groupings, that when it’s time to admonish one person in a specific case, the leftists fear the very behavior that they themselves planted – that everyone belonging to that group will revolt as the “victims” they’ve been taught to be. [more...]

Americans Like 'Medicare for All'... Until They Realize What's in It
By Sally Pipes, President & CEO of the Pacific Research Institute

Fifty-six percent of Americans want to establish 'Medicare for All,' according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll. A Reuters survey last August found even stronger support, with 70 percent of Americans backing single-payer. With favorability numbers like those, it's no surprise that Democrats angling for the presidency in 2020 are campaigning on single-payer. So, is America just a presidential election away from single-payer health care - a progressive goal since the Truman administration? Not quite. Polling shows that Americans don't understand what 'Medicare for All' entails. Only 13 percent say they've heard a lot about the plan, according to a study from NORC at the University of Chicago. [more...]

The West Has Cracked
By John LeBoutillier

On the latest edition of REVOLUTION_The Podcast... we analyze how the worldwide moral order has been cracked - as evidenced by the white nationalist attacks in New Zealand, the crooked college admissions cases in the U.S., and other governmental and political scandals throughout the West. What will fix it? Who will patch it? Will the 2020 elections begin the healing process? [more...]

Thursday, March 14, 2019

3-14-19 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Lowell Ponte: Rampant, Flagrant Vote Manipulation to Tilt the Nation Leftward
2. Karen Kataline: Superficial, Pretentious Hollywood Hypocrites
3. Daniel Greenfield: Why the Democrats Won't Take on Anti-Semitism
4. Sally Pipes: Medicare Expansion Would Make Socialized Health Insurance Inevitable
5. Kerry Lutz: Bad Manners Equals Bad Politics

Rampant, Flagrant Vote Manipulation to Tilt the Nation Leftward
By Lowell Ponte

“It’s a power grab for the American people,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, a progressive Caucus member who last week helped ram through House passage of H.R. 1, the Democratic Party’s nearly 700-page “voter reform” act. “What kind of government would cancel the vote of its own citizens,” asked Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), “and replace it with non-citizens?” One of 29 Republican amendments Democrats slapped aside would have condemned voting by illegal aliens. H.R. 1 instead encourages illegal aliens to vote wherever permitted in state and local elections, such as in sanctuary city San Francisco. Local elections are where future members of Congress develop their name identification, contributors and political skills. [more...]

Superficial, Pretentious Hollywood Hypocrites
By Karen Kataline

The unfolding college admission scandal has ensnared a few Hollywood celebrities. It shouldn’t much of a surprise that celebrities are so concerned about their kids appearing to be accomplished that they don’t care whether they actually are. Some have made the point that these parents didn’t do their kids any favors... but that assumes that it was ever about their kids. The need to maintain the appearance of perfection and superiority is about themselves; their kids are merely an extension of them. The only surprise in this story is that these celebrities have been exposed and are being held accountable. It probably won’t be long before Hollywood hypocrites start blaming Donald Trump for it all. In this case, they might be partially be right: the era of Trump continues to expose the “phony” in some of our most pretentious people and institutions. [more...]

Why the Democrats Won't Take on Anti-Semitism
By Daniel Greenfield

Every few weeks, some political or national figure demands a national conversation about race. What does a conversation about race mean? Invariably, an indictment of the fundamental unfairness of our country, the historical roots of racism in white supremacy, and the national guilt of white people. We don’t have national conversations about anti-Semitism because the problem can’t be narrowed down to an easily blamed demographic. The Democrats invariably try to blame anti-Semitism on the usual suspects - white male Republicans living more than two hundred miles from a Starbucks; but the largest toll of violent anti-Semitic attacks tend to fall on New York City’s black neighborhoods. [more...]

Medicare Expansion Would Make Socialized Health Insurance Inevitable
By Sally Pipes, President & CEO of the Pacific Research Institute

Several lawmakers want to pull more people into Medicare. This would hurt anyone with private insurance, and it would inevitably lead to single-payer, government funded healthcare, which would deprive people of any choice over their healthcare. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., recently introduced S.470, a bill that would let any citizen or permanent resident between the ages of 50 and 64 buy into Medicare. It received broad support from her Democratic colleagues. [more...]

Bad Manners Equals Bad Politics
By Kerry Lutz

The Oxford dictionary defines manners as, “Polite or well-bred social behavior.” America should be mourning the death of manners and common courtesy. Once upon a time, manners were taught and ingrained in schools and at home. Discipline would often be imposed for serious transgressions. Unfortunately, successive generations have downgraded the importance and the need for them. Why are manners/common courtesies so important? The answer lies in what should be our collective desire for the attainment of a civil society. [more...]

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

3-12-19 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. David Horowitz Exposes the Left's 'Dark Agenda'
2. James Hirsen: Democrats Creep from Collusion to Obstruction
3. Lowell Ponte: Rampant, Flagrant Vote Manipulation to Tilt the Nation Leftward
4. Karen Kataline: Red Flag Laws - Crazy Until Proven Sane
5. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Opioid Maker Purdue Bankruptcy
6. Robert Spencer: FNC Condemns Judge Pirro

David Horowitz Exposes the Left's 'Dark Agenda'

Dark Agenda is a concise, chilling book brimming with evidence that links numerous cultural depredations to one overriding theme: The left's attack on Christian America's founding in the name of "cultural Marxism." In his new book, David Horowitz writes about the spiteful governmental coercion that's been employed to force The Little Sisters of the Poor, among others, to violate their consciences thanks to Obamacare abortion provisions. And the Supreme Court being the giant secular lever employed by leftists to fundamentally transform "Christian America" - these politically-motivated "lawyers," as Horowitz contemptuously labels the high court, began their anti-Christian, anti-Constitutional mission with the expulsion of prayer from public schools in 1962. He writes, "A nation divided by such fundamental ideas - individual freedom on one side and group identity on the other - cannot long endure, any more than could a nation that was half slave and half free. The urgency that drew the religious right into politics fifty years ago is now an urgency of the nation itself." [more...]

Democrats Creep from Collusion to Obstruction
By James Hirsen

In a cart-before-the-horse scenario, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, stated with certainty that he believes President Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice. Nadler declared this as his committee initiated an investigation to ostensibly determine whether or not the president obstructed justice. Nadler’s panel sent out 81 document requests and subpoenas as part of an unprecedented partisan probe launched at a time it is widely believed that Special Counsel Mueller is wrapping up his investigation and issuing a report. Nadler, who has evidently come to a conclusion prior to his committee’s investigatory work, has also moved past the Mueller report, apparently amid concerns that it will contain no evidence of the supposed Russian collusion, which the Democrat Party and its allies in the left-leaning media have been obsessing over for more than two years. [more...]

Rampant, Flagrant Vote Manipulation to Tilt the Nation Leftward
By Lowell Ponte

“It’s a power grab for the American people,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, a progressive Caucus member who last week helped ram through House passage of H.R. 1, the Democratic Party’s nearly 700-page “voter reform” act. “What kind of government would cancel the vote of its own citizens,” asked Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), “and replace it with non-citizens?” One of 29 Republican amendments Democrats slapped aside would have condemned voting by illegal aliens. H.R. 1 instead encourages illegal aliens to vote wherever permitted in state and local elections, such as in sanctuary city San Francisco. Local elections are where future members of Congress develop their name identification, contributors and political skills. [more...]

Red Flag Laws - Crazy Until Proven Sane
By Karen Kataline

The “Red Flag” bill is among a bevy of egregious bills being hoisted on the citizens of Colorado and being pushed nationally. Proponents claim that this is a necessary measure to take guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. With lavish funding from Michael Bloomberg, it is really a deceitful scheme to circumvent our constitutionally protected rights and desensitize citizens to gun confiscation without due process. Were anti-gun advocates required to stay within the boundaries of criminal justice, the accused would at least have rights. [more...]

Opioid Maker Purdue Bankruptcy
By Michelle Seiler-Tucker

Purdue Pharma LP, the maker of the pain narcotic OxyContin, is currently evaluating bankruptcy filing options. This follows a potential two-thousand lawsuits against the company due to their contribution in the opioid crisis extending across the United States. Purdue Pharma is owned and operated by the Sackler family, and this potential move shows the sheer amount of pressure they are currently enduring. Mounting litigation is accusing Purdue of misleading doctors, patients, and staff about the potential hazards and risks associated with prolonged use of prescription opioids. [more...]

FNC Condemns Judge Pirro
By Robert Spencer

The fair and balanced network is now as unfair and unbalanced as the rest of them. Fox News Channel “condemned host Jeanine Pirro’s remarks on Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) use of a hijab and said the issue has been dealt with directly.” Sounds serious. But what Pirro actually said was something Fox should have been applauding, if it hadn’t already become just another establishment network. [more...]

Thursday, March 7, 2019

U.S. Goods Trade Deficit Hits Major New Record in 2018

U.S. Goods Trade Deficit Hits Major New Record in 2018
By Michael Stumo

Overvalued dollar drives record U.S. deficits with China, rest of world

Annual data released yesterday by the Commerce Department shows that America’s overall trade balance continued to worsen in 2018. Not only did the United States record its highest-ever global trade deficit in goods - at $891.3 billion - but the annual goods deficit with China soared to a stunning new record of $419.2 billion. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) attributes the rising trade debt to an increasingly noncompetitive dollar, a fast-growing U.S. economy, and a surge in imports intended to beat last year’s tariffs. And all of it comes even as President Trump’s trade measures begin to impact overall U.S. trade flows. [more...]

U.S. Trade Deficit Hits $621B in 2018; Goods Deficit & China Deficit Hit New Records
By Jeff Ferry, CPA Chief Economist

Data published yesterday by the Department of Commerce show that U.S. trade figures continued to worsen in 2018, in response to the strengthening dollar, a fast-growing U.S. economy, and a surge in imports to front-run last year’s tariffs, while President Trump’s trade measures are taking time to have an impact on the trade data. The trade deficit in December leapt 18.8 percent to reach $59.8 billion. That meant that 2018 ended up with a full-year deficit of $621 billion, up 12.5 percent on the previous year and our worst trade deficit in a decade. Those figures are bad, but even more worrying is the goods balance. Our trade deficit in goods for 2018 came in at $891.3 billion, up 10.4 percent from 2017 and the worst goods deficit in U.S. and world history. Our goods deficit is now larger than the entire GDP of 163 nations in the UN. [more...]

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Rep. Ilhan Omar's are Not Just Like Any Other Racial Slurs

The latest anti-Semitic remarks of Rep. Ilhan Omar are not just like any other racial slurs. To say that is to deny history. In my new book, The Secret Life: A Book of Wisdom, I write that Maimonides taught that the lessons of history, and the truths we learn from it, must always be kept at the forefront of our minds, and guide our present course. Truth must be accepted from whatever source it comes, and when history has taught us such a precise lesson - such as about what lies about Jewish control and disloyalty can lead to - we must be most vigilant.

There is a long, brutal past to anti-Semitism, which has seen Jews tortured, raped, mass-exterminated, and their bodies burnt in ovens, all accompanied by such lies and stereotypes. About 80 years ago, Nazi Germany spread propaganda about Jews, using stereotypes with themes that included those of Rep. Omar’s, to paint Jews as disloyal and supposedly in control of society through their money, fomenting hatred. Jews were sent by the millions into gas chambers and exterminated, fueled by the propaganda of the Nazi death machine.

Not dealing with anti-Semitism in light of its unique history would be like ignoring the history of slavery in our country when dealing with racism and prejudice against African-Americans. Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. This may be why many of these same people, seemingly unconcerned about rising anti-Semitism, are also promoting Socialism here. They may be unaware of history’s lessons and of the devastation that Socialism has wreaked on societies in the past century, turning many from rich to poor, from democracy to dictatorship. To those unconcerned about rising anti-Semitism, or, for that matter, those who would lead America into a future of socialist poverty - are they not aware of history? 

Monday, March 4, 2019

3-5-19 Great Guests for Your Show

1. James Hirsen: John Wayne Becomes Social Media's Latest Target
2. Karen Kataline: We Finally Have a President Willing to Put Everything on the Line
3. Lowell Ponte: Will Desperate Democrats Destroy Democracy?
4. Adam Andrzejewski: Why Have President Trump's Regulatory Agencies Stockpiled So Much Firepower?
5. Sally Pipes: The New York Health Act Just Became Even More Expensive
6. John LeBoutillier: The Art of Losing

John Wayne Becomes Social Media's Latest Target
By James Hirsen

Social media trolls recently honed in on a new target of attack. The same agitators that consistently seek to tear down statues, ban books, and silence dissidents have now dug up an interview with legendary actor John Wayne, which appeared in a May 1971 issue of Playboy Magazine. Even though Wayne is no longer with us and thus unable to defend himself, the transforming America crowd who are attempting to destroy Wayne’s reputation will not be satisfied until the movie icon’s legacy has been completely redacted from Hollywood history. [more...]

We Finally Have a President Willing to Put Everything on the Line
By Karen Kataline

Whether or not we like to admit it, we are in a full-blown culture war. Every tradition we hold dear is under attack. Suddenly, we are expected to adapt unquestioningly to bizarre cultural changes like the celebration of "gender fluidity," abortion, infanticide, and 11-year-old drag queens. It is assumed as a given that we must force girls to use “non-gender specific” bathrooms, to reward victimhood, and to demonize "toxic masculinity" and law-abiding citizens. And intense pressure is on for us to embrace the destruction of our borders - and to forfeit our right of self-defense. Although it is to our benefit that the Left's destructive agenda is finally out in the open, we haven’t had a Republican president who has been equipped to defeat this festering threat in more than three decades. That is, until now. [more...]

Will Desperate Democrats Destroy Democracy?
By Lowell Ponte

Why do Democrats seem so desperate, so frantic to win by any means - fair or foul? The likely reason is they have seen polls the liberal media have scarcely reported suggesting President Trump could be headed for a huge win in the 2020 elections. Last week, we noted historian Victor Davis Hanson’s analysis of polls showing that President Trump could win 20 percent or more of the African-American vote. Democrats depend on getting 90 to 95 percent of captive black voters. Hillary Clinton lost the presidency in 2016 because she carried only 88 percent of African-American votes. If Mr. Trump wins 20 percent of black voters – as now appears likely – then the Democratic Party is doomed. [more...]

Why Have President Trump's Regulatory Agencies Stockpiled So Much Firepower?
By Adam Andrzejewski, Author of Operation Drain the Swamp

Why does the IRS need five million rounds of ammunition? Why did Health and Human Services purchase four million rounds over the last eight years and stockpile five submachine guns? And what about the 800,000 rounds purchased by the Social Security Administration? These questions we’ve raised before have newfound urgency in light of recent events. In December, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report to congress quantifying purchases of $1.5 billion in firearms, ammunition, and tactical equipment by federal agencies outside of the Pentagon. [more...]

The New York Health Act Just Became Even More Expensive
By Sally Pipes, President & CEO of the Pacific Research Institute

New York's progressive lawmakers are getting more ambitious with their plans for socialized medicine. Assemblyman Richard Gottfried and Senator Ricardo Rivera, the chief sponsors of the New York Health Act, just expanded their proposal for installing the state government as the sole payer for health care in New York and outlaw private coverage. The new version of their bill would cover long-term care and home-support services - in addition to hospital stays and procedures, drugs, doctors' appointments, and virtually every other medical service short of cosmetic surgery. But the problem with the bill was never a dearth of benefits. It's that the plan would impose crippling new taxes on New Yorkers to pay for it while reducing the quality of health care statewide. [more...]

The Art of Losing
By John LeBoutillier

On the latest edition of REVOLUTION_The Podcast... we examine Trump's week from Hell: from the collapse of the Korean talks to the testimony of Michael Cohen, Trump repeatedly lost. With the House closing in and the Mueller Report soon-to-come, a sweaty Donald Trump vented his frustration in an unprecedented Castro-esque diatribe at C-PAC. What's next for this embattled President? [more...]