Tuesday, March 26, 2019

3-26-19 Great Guests for Your Show

1. David Horowitz: Christians Face Danger in America
2. Karen Kataline: False Accusers in the Mueller Investigation are Jussie Smollett Times a Thousand
3. James Hirsen: "Unplanned" is a Must-See for a Nation in Denial
4. Daniel Greenfield: NYT: Trump is Guilty No Matter What Mueller Report Says
5. Lowell Ponte: The Left Has Politicized Love, Itself
6. Christine Douglass-Williams: New Mexico Muslims Who Plotted Jihad Massacres Linked to CAIR and Democrats

Christians Face Danger in America
By David Horowitz

Christians are in real danger of persecution in America. Secularists and leftists want to turn the nation into a godless, heathen society where religion has absolutely no role. The war on Christianity is real, and it’s right on our doorstep. My new book, Dark Agenda details the perils facing our nation’s religious freedoms and the efforts by conservatives of all faiths to save them. It’s very bad in the U.S. This war against Christianity is a war of the left, which is the Democratic Party, because Christian values are incompatible with the social justice delusions of the left. [more...]

False Accusers in the Mueller Investigation are Jussie Smollett Times a Thousand
By Karen Kataline

We have seen an epidemic of false accusations lately and they all have something in common: They are being made by Leftists. For example: If convicted, Jussie Smollett could face 10 years in prison for falsely accusing white people and Trump supporters of the ugly attack he staged on himself. The Left-wing media has done everything it collectively could to avoid naming the actual wronged parties in this case. They want to continue to be the final arbiters of who wins the perpetual victim derby. If “Russian collusion” is a crime, there is convincing evidence that Hillary Clinton is guilty of it. If no one is convicted for that crime in the more than two-year investigation of President Trump, shouldn’t the high-level figures in the FBI and the Justice Department face more than ten years? [more...]

"Unplanned" is a Must-See for a Nation in Denial
By James Hirsen

Hollywood loves to rally around a cause, but only as long as the cause is solidly in line with its accepted left-wing ideology. One cause that definitely isn’t, is the advocating of the right of an unborn baby to live. “Unplanned,” a daring new movie that pays no attention to Hollywood’s roster of no-go subjects, has been fighting a constant uphill battle as it forges its way toward release day. Along the treacherous road it has had to traverse, it has been blocked from using certain music in its soundtrack, banned by a Christian radio network, and unfairly rated by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). [more...]

NYT: Trump is Guilty No Matter What Mueller Report Says
By Daniel Greenfield

Some in the media are playing the short game of spinning conspiracy theories about the release of the Mueller report. Others are going the longer game of claiming that the Mueller report doesn't matter. Trump is guilty... because! The best example of this sordid species is a New York Times op-ed, "We Don’t Need to Read the Mueller Report: Even if it is never released, the public already knows enough." What does the public know? The stuff the media lied about. [more...]

The Left Has Politicized Love, Itself
By Lowell Ponte

A new survey by matchmakers OkCupid finds that since 2016, the percentage of people who consider a potential date’s political compatibility more important than romantic qualities has surged from 23 to 30 percent of men and from 27 to 42 percent of women. Reporting this survey, the New York Post quoted several liberal women who admitted their romantic relations with conservative men were much more satisfying than being with leftist “pajama boys." The just-released General Social Survey at the University of Chicago found that “41 percent of Democrats are without a steady partner, compared with only 29 percent of Republicans.” This, reported the Washington Post, “has helped drive singledom to a record high among the overall public.” [more...]

New Mexico Muslims Who Plotted Jihad Massacres Linked to CAIR and Democrats
By Christine Douglass-Williams

A federal grand jury in New Mexico has indicted five Muslims who allegedly trained children to carry out school massacres on terrorism-related offenses, conspiracy to commit murder and kidnapping. The children also lived under abusive conditions. The leader of the group is Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, the son of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, a former board member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). And while the imam is not responsible for his son’s actions, he himself is on record urging a violent overthrow of the ‘filthy’ U.S. government. The elder Wahhaj gave an opening prayer at an event at the Democratic National Convention in 2012 and has been called a spiritual adviser to jihad promoter and Bernie Sanders supporter Linda Sarsour. [more...]

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