Thursday, November 7, 2019

11-7-19 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Christopher Markowski: Mexican Drug Cartels
2. Crista Huff: Oil Services and Refinery Stocks Deserve a Niche in Your Portfolio
3. Daniel Greenfield: Ex-Terrorist Calls Out Warren, Sanders for Backing Palestinian 1% Terrorists
4. Lowell Ponte: Fewer Democrats Would Mean Fewer Fires in California

Mexican Drug Cartels
By Christopher Markowski

The Mexican military has been out-gunned by the cartels.  The current president of Mexico says he's not fighting any drug war against these guys.  "It's a waste of time," he says.  He's not even going to bother.  The previous administrations couldn't do anything. They just bought a few people off here and there.  The Council on Foreign Relations says Americans spent $150 billion on cocaine, heroin, meth and marijuana and synthetic opioids like fentanyl. I don't believe that.  I think it's a lot more than that.  We've come a long way since the "Just Say No" campaigns of Nancy Reagan... or "This is Your Brain on Drugs."  There's glamour associated with it now.  I walked the streets of Manhattan and you can smell pot everywhere. There's nothing we can do now. [more...]

Oil Services and Refinery Stocks Deserve a Niche in Your Portfolio
By Crista Huff

Oil drilling and production firms are closely tied to underlying commodity prices. Several leading investment experts and contributors to prefer seeking exposure to the energy sector through niche markets such as oil services, transportation and refinery operations. Here are six favorite ideas. [more...]

Ex-Terrorist Calls Out Warren, Sanders for Backing Palestinian 1% Terrorists
By Daniel Greenfield

While Senator Elizabeth Warren and other 2020 Democrats bemoaned President Trump’s eviction of the Palestinian Authority’s diplomatic delegation from Washington D.C., he’s all for it. "We don’t want them. If the Democrats want them," Muhammad says. "They can take and keep them." While I’m on the phone with Muhammad, and Amit Deri of Reservists on Duty, a pro-Israel campus group getting the real story out there, in D.C., Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Amy Klobuchar, and other 2020 Democrats are partying with the biggest anti-Israel group in America. [more...]

Fewer Democrats Would Mean Fewer Fires in California
By Lowell Ponte

Politicians are largely to blame for California going to blazes. California's politicians - the same ones who have turned Los Angeles and San Francisco into homeless encampments - are busy dismantling lakes dammed to create water storage. These politicians have long wanted to end Proposition 13 with its tight limits on how much they can tax property. What they have schemed up instead, starting in 2022, are water restrictions that punish using more than 55 gallons of water per day with fines of up to $5,000. This is a giant tax on property owners who have a lawn, garden, or swimming pool - a way to tax property because they cannot get voters to repeal Proposition 13. [more...]

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