Thursday, December 5, 2019

12-5-19 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Dr. Laura Schlessinger's New Bestseller Urges 'Tough Love'
2. Evelyn Markus: Human Rights for All
3. Robert Spencer: Why Israeli-Palestinian "Negotiations" Will Always Fail
4. Don Buckner: Made in America 2020
5. Daniel Greenfield: Nihilism, Human Waste and Human Extinction in San Francisco

Dr. Laura's New Bestseller Urges 'Tough Love'

America's most trusted therapist Dr. Laura Schlessinger is back with another instant bestseller, fearlessly tackling the perplexing issues we all face in today's increasingly complicated world in her new book, Love & Life: Tough-Love Advice on Dating, Marriage, Child-Rearing, Values, Faith, Resilience. In her new book, Dr. Laura dives into the controversial topics and thorny problems that face today's men and women, parents and grandparents, husbands and wives, and everyone seeking love, fulfillment, and success in all their relationships. In Love & Life, Dr. Laura candidly discusses the ins and outs of marriage, divorce, remarriage, and dating, as well as parenting, personal responsibility, loss, and disappointment. She delves into how to enjoy life and live with reality and reveals the "only New Year's resolution you'll ever need." [more...]

Human Rights for All
By Evelyn Markus

In our respect for other cultures, we should not look away from injustices in those cultures; we should fight against injustices in any culture. After all, human rights are universal. Those who bravely stand up for human rights in their culture deserve our solidarity and support. And this is where the liberal world often makes the wrong choice. Instead of supporting heroes in their struggle for equality within their culture of origin, we dismiss them as bigots, because they criticize their culture. Instead of backing up the fight for modern developments of these women within their culture, we prefer to prove to each other we aren't racists. Yet, by denying the rights of equality of women, gays, and others, because they belong to a certain culture, we are more racist than ever. It is the moral interest of liberal people to support Muslim reformers. As a Jew and as a member of the LGBT community, it is in my own interest as well. [more...]

Why Israeli-Palestinian "Negotiations" Will Always Fail

Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer recently delivered a powerful exposé at the Freedom Center's Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach, FL. He unveiled the duplicity and deception at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian "peace process" and explained why Anwar Sadat should not be revered as a man of peace. His new book is: The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process. [more...]

Made in America 2020
By Don Buckner, Founder & CEO of

The Made in America 2019 inaugural kickoff in Indy was an incredible success featuring American Made machines and products. Hundreds of companies and thousands of attendees came together with a single mission - more Made in the USA. After completing due diligence on over 30 venues, we are excited to announce that The TCF Center in Detroit, formerly known as the Cobo Center, will host Made in America 2020. Detroit is the best midwestern option to meet our date requests and the amount of square footage that we need. I was a bit apprehensive about Detroit, but after visiting, I was pleasantly surprised at the comeback in Detroit. The convention center was recently renovated and expanded in 2015 and it exceeded our expectations. [more...]

Nihilism, Human Waste and Human Extinction in San Francisco
By Daniel Greenfield

"I think mankind is doomed to extinction," Andres Petroselli, better known as 'Cobre', told me. Petroselli, an Argentinian muralist, has traveled around the U.S. putting up giant murals of famous people. He spent seven days working on a giant eight-story mural of Greta Thunberg in San Francisco. The location of the mural in the 94102 zip code has a more obvious environmental problem with over 23,800 cases of human waste reported in that zip code. But nobody is going to paint a mural about that. Instead, the San Francisco mural is meant to call attention to a greater global catastrophe. And how better than do so than with a lot of paint. Especially while safely in the air and away from the ground. [more...]

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