Tuesday, November 9, 2021

11-9-21 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Judd Dunning: Biden Mandate Mania - No... Resist and Don't Comply

2. Wayne Allyn Root: Vaccine Mandate is Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy USA and End Capitalism

3. Kenneth Rapoza: Trade Deficit Breaks All-Time Monthly Record

4. Steve Turley: It's Over! Biden & Harris are Imploding

5. James Hirsen: Chronicles of Conversion

6. Daniel Greenfield: If You Liked the Steele Dossier, You’ll Love the Center for Countering Digital Hate

Biden Mandate Mania - No... Resist and Don't Comply

By Judd Dunning

The Biden administration is now treating our people once again, as subjects, not citizens. And nothing stings of more actually regressive hubris than the imposition upon American's classless autonomous freedom than our self-anointed ruler, Joe Biden's sweeping and generalized COVID mandates. On days when Biden remembers his latest executive edict or policy pronouncement, he knows he was against mandates before being for them. Vaccine mandates on American businesses are Democrat Party political power porn. It's all a game, and liberals love it. Liberal vaccine and mask mandates are about power, not science. [more...]

Vaccine Mandate is Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy USA and End Capitalism

By Wayne Allyn Root

Back in the '80s, I was a Columbia University student learning about a plan to destroy America and end capitalism. It was called Cloward-Piven - named after a Columbia University husband-and-wife professor team. Their insane goal was to turn America into a socialist, communist hellhole. They planned to do it by overwhelming and collapsing the U.S. economy with massive debt, created by getting as many Americans as possible to depend on welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits. In the ensuing economic catastrophe and collapse of our country, every business owner would get on their knees to beg the government to save them. At that moment of crisis and chaos, we would become a socialist/communist country. Don't look now, but it's happening. [more...]

Trade Deficit Breaks All-Time Monthly Record

By Kenneth Rapoza, China Expert/Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

The September goods and services trade deficit rose substantially last month – by a whopping $8.1 billion – to come in at $80.9 billion as more ships waiting at sea off the coast of California will make this year our first-ever $1 trillion deficit in manufactured goods trade with the world. The goods deficit for September was the highest all year at $98.15 billion, the Bureau of Economic Analysis says. That’s up from a goods deficit of $89.23 billion for August, which was actually revised upwards from $88.16 billion. The $98.15 billion deficit for September is the highest monthly deficit ever recorded in U.S. history. [more...]

It's Over! Biden & Harris are Imploding

By Steve Turley

Biden and Harris are imploding. There's just no other way of putting it. Poll numbers are in absolute and utter freefall, and there's nothing that their cheerleaders in the lamestream media can do to stop it. The latest Suffolk University/USA Today poll has Biden's approval rating right now at 38 percent. That abysmal rating means that 59 percent disapprove of the 'Brandon' regime. Just to put this in context, this was the fourth poll in a row that has Biden in the 30s. The latest Trafalgar poll, which was the only polling outlet to call New Jersey correctly, has Biden sinking as well to 39 percent approval. The latest Quinnipiac poll has Biden barely clinging to life at just 37 percent approval. And the latest Zogby poll has Brandon's approval rating cratering to an utterly humiliating 36.4 percent. So, we've got now four independent, back-to-back polls coming out, all showing Biden in the 30s. The same USA Today poll has Kamala Harris's approval falling to an utterly dismal 28 percent. [more...]

Chronicles of Conversion

By James Hirsen

C.S. Lewis is best known for his literary works of fiction, "The Chronicles of Narnia," which have been adapted for radio, television, stage, and cinema. However, he is also greatly revered in the academic world, having taught at Oxford and Cambridge. For Christians and other faith-filled people, though, he is highly regarded as being one of the most influential Christian thinkers and writers on record, particularly for his non-fiction masterpieces "Mere Christianity" and "The Problem of Pain." His personal story of how he went from atheist to skeptic to believer is so compelling that a new film, "The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis," has made its debut. [more...]

If You Liked the Steele Dossier, You’ll Love the Center for Countering Digital Hate

By Daniel Greenfield

After campaigns to censor "election misinformation," and "medical misinformation," the latest wave of the censorship campaign calls for banning "climate misinformation" from the Internet. A report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate warns of the free speech threat from, "climate disinformation, including articles that undermine the existence or impacts of climate change or misrepresent data in ways that might erode trust in climate science experts." And nothing builds trust like eliminating dissent. [more...]

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