Thursday, October 27, 2022

10-27-22 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Judd Dunning: 13-1/2 Reasons to Vote Out All Biden Democrats

2. Robert Marbut: Confronting the Reality of Failed Federal Policy on Homelessness and the Need for Reform

3. Kenneth Rapoza: For China Hawks, a Strong Xi is a Blessing in Disguise

4. Cheryl Chumley: Biden Cracks the COVID-19 Shot Whip in Tyrannical Call for Annual Jabs

5. Scott Powell: The Biden Family is Owned by the Chinese Communist Party

6. Daniel Greenfield: Covering for Fetterman May Cost the Media a Senate Seat

13-1/2 Reasons to Vote Out All Biden Democrats

By Judd Dunning

Everyone sees the undeniable truth. Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama 2.0, but much worse. Biden let himself become a puppet mouthpiece for a cadre of hard left elitists effectively pulling his strings. His weakness allows the hard left to manipulate him with massive effectiveness and America is now openly hurting. Here are the top 13-1/2 reasons to vote out all Bidencrats in the November midterms, return the GOP to control of the Senate and House, and refute Biden’s entire agenda... [more...] Judd Dunning is the Author of 13-1/2 Reasons Why NOT to be a Liberal and How to Enlighten Others

Confronting the Reality of Failed Federal Policy on Homelessness and the Need for Reform

By Dr. Robert Marbut, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow and Former Director of the Federal Interagency Task Force on Homelessness

The problems linked to homelessness, including substance abuse, mental illness, and crime are increasing in America despite untold sums of government money spent to address this complex problem. A new report from Discovery Institute, says Congress and Executive Branch need to focus more on untreated mental illness and substance abuse to reduce homelessness, drug overdoses, jail overcrowding, and misuse of emergency rooms. In essence, we have created an enormous federal homeless assistance program that is functionally equivalent to HUD Section 8 housing - but with no rules. The success of federal programs should not be measured by amounts of inputs - such as numbers of housing vouchers delivered - but by the number of persons recovered from homelessness. Only a few Republicans and almost no Democrats in Congress so far have been willing to confront the reality of failed federal policy on homelessness and the need for reform," according to Bruce Chapman, Discovery Institute founder and Director of the White House Office of Planning and Evaluation under President Reagan. "We are hoping for change in the coming session." [more...]

For China Hawks, a Strong Xi is a Blessing in Disguise

By Kenneth Rapoza, China Expert/Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

A strong Xi is good, not bad. A stone-cold Xi Jinping facing off with Uncle Sam and his European allies is better for the United States.  Why? Imagine a China that allows for Shanghai pride parades. Imagine a China that talks about diversity, inclusion and equity and opens its cities to other Asians to live and work, sort of like the Western world. Imagine Xi closing coal-fired power plants, even if it meant economic harm, to save the planet like his friends in Germany. What happens then? Here is what happens: The recent Commerce Department export restrictions on U.S. computer hardware sold to China would not exist. Every American tech company would exist primarily to serve China and its market's interests. The Trump-era tariffs, increasingly erased by a Chinese currency at five-year-lows to the dollar, would all be lifted, immediately and swiftly. "It’s a new era in Beijing. Let's let bygones be bygones," our leaders would all say. [more...]

Biden Cracks the COVID-19 Shot Whip in Tyrannical Call for Annual Jabs

By Cheryl Chumley

Biden, while receiving yet another COVID-19 shot from his White House Medical Unit staff, advised all of America to do the same - and not just now, but every year: annual COVID-19 shots. Why? Big Pharma and Bill Gates gotta make their money, don'tcha know. This is Biden’s umpteenth shot. He would've received it earlier but, as The Associated Press noted, he "had to delay getting this booster, in accordance with federal health guidance, because he was infected with COVID-19 over the summer." Interesting. Isn't that what the shot was supposed to prevent? As a side note, that's why they're called shots, not vaccines. [more...] Get Cheryl's bestselling book: LOCKDOWN: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom

The Biden Family is Owned by the Chinese Communist Party

By Scott Powell

The reason for America's rapid decline with the woke normalization of censorship, cancel culture, critical race theory indoctrination of the U.S. armed forces, unequal justice, open borders, high crime, and depravity is found in the theory of "elite capture," which has been mastered by the Chinese communists (CCP) and has been the critical strategy in penetrating and subverting America. While the CCP uses front groups and bots for propaganda, they have mastered all the techniques of infiltration to influence, compromise and coopt elites to "capture" them. Typical targets include university professors and scientists, media executives and reporters, and corporate and political leaders. Without a doubt, the greatest elite capture by the CCP has been the Biden family, a process that started at least as far back as 2013 when son Hunter accompanied his father Joe, then U.S. vice president, on a trip to China. Today, there is documented proof that that the Biden family has received at least $31 million from entities controlled by the CCP, with greater Chinese payoffs yet to come. Rudy Giuliani sums up what ultimate elite capture looks like, stating: "The Biden Family is owned by the Chinese Communist Party." [more...]

Covering for Fetterman May Cost the Media a Senate Seat

By Daniel Greenfield

The media could have pushed for the truth after Lt. Gov. Fetterman’s stroke, instead, it continued to favor the woke Frankenstein because he had all the left views. As the campaign continued, it doubled down on the cover-ups because the media was now stuck with a candidate that it was beginning to realize was broken but was now the standard bearer of its party. Up until the debate, the cover-up continued. Anyone in the media who insisted on asking questions about Fetterman’s functionality was threatened and smeared. Then the debate arrived and Fetterman's performance made it clear that there was something wrong there. Now the media has defaulted to praising his "courage" for running and attacking anyone who points out the obvious as "ableist." This follows the familiar media cover-up pattern. [more...]

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