Thursday, December 8, 2022

12-8-22 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. John Lott: The "Crazy Right-Wing Shooter" Myth

2. Scott Powell: The Parallel Universe of the CCP and the World Economic Forum

3. Daniel Greenfield: Biden Admin Claims Vaccine Mandate Opponents Don't Care About Troops

4. Judd Dunning: Don't Let Globalist, Elitists Lead Us to Mediocrity

5. Sally Pipes: Open Enrollment Numbers Hide Obamacare's Expensive Failures

The "Crazy Right-Wing Shooter" Myth

By John Lott

If you only read the New York Times editorials, you'd believe that political violence in America is a "right-wing" problem. The Times has been warning of violence from the right for years, but on Nov. 19 and 26, they wrote two long editorials making these claims. The violence stems from the lies "enthusiastically spread" by Republican politicians. Democrats' only complicity was their $53 million in spending on "far-right fringe candidates in the primaries." Both editorials mention the mass murderer in Buffalo, New York, as a political right-winger. But they have been doing that all year. In May, the Times claimed he was of the right because he was racist and listened to a video on a "site known for hosting right-wing extremism." You wouldn't know it from reading The Times, but the Buffalo killer was yet another mass murderer motivated by environmentalism. [more...]

The Parallel Universe of the CCP and the World Economic Forum

By Scott Powell

Two fronts of the same irregular war

After the G20 meeting in Indonesia three weeks ago, WEF chairman Klaus Schwab broadcast on CGTN TV that "the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model..." For Schwab, China is the model because the totality of its social controls is what is needed to facilitate the Great Reset and consummate the New World Order. This plan calls for the end of sovereign states, the end of private property and the remaking of the economy based on environmental, social, and governance rankings. It also means the replacement of oil and gas with so-called green and sustainable sources of energy, the transformation of agricultural production, the replacement of traditional money with social credit score-linked digital currency, and the requirement of universal health passports - to name some of the key WEF objectives. Americans are slow to fully understand that the survival of freedom is at stake. Elite capture, influence, and control from Chinese communists and from those brainwashed by Klaus Schwab and his WEF cult must be rejected and stopped. [more...]

Biden Admin Claims Vaccine Mandate Opponents Don't Care About Troops

By Daniel Greenfield

Congressional Democrats have agreed to jettison the military vaccine mandate. The Biden administration, however, continue to fight on. “Making sure our troops are ready to defend this country and prepared to do so, that remains the president's priority and the vaccine requirement for COVID does just that," White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby contended. "But Republicans in Congress have obviously decided that they'd rather fight against the health and well-being of those troops, rather than protecting them." As part of its hostility and contempt for the military, Biden, Defense Secretary Austin and other leftist apparatchiks imposed a wholly unnecessary and illegal vaccine mandate that forced our men and women in uniform to leave and helped lead to a recruiting crisis in order to purge conservatives. Now this same corrupt gang of traitors is talking as if they care about the lives of the troops. [more...]

Don't Let Globalist, Elitists Lead Us to Mediocrity

By Judd Dunning, Newsmax Columnist

Most American still know what is true and when something is not true, good, or in line with values established by God. In these instances, we have a moral obligation and right to judge and discern, and even a right to feel disdain and disgust. Cultural Marxists thrive in an ethos where all actions can be rationalized as for the greater good, meaning their greater good. Moral relativism brings their warped versions of tolerance and social justice. They demand we tolerate them no matter what they say or do. Claiming any ultimate good brings out their intentionally false smears of bigotry and racism. For leftists, communists, socialists, globalists and elitists, moral relativism prohibits any entity being better or best. God is not sovereign, and America is not great. These are their big lies. Americans know better: There is a higher good. [more...]

Open Enrollment Numbers Hide Obamacare's Expensive Failures

By Sally Pipes

It's beginning to look a lot like... open enrollment. On December 15, the Affordable Care Act's sign-up period will officially close for coverage that takes effect January 1. The Biden administration has already begun crowing about how many people have signed up. In mid-November, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra boasted that 3.4 million people had enrolled between November 1 and 19. "This may be a very good Christmas for a lot of Americans," he said. Days earlier, Biden announced that enrollment was up 40% compared to last year, and that a majority of Americans could get coverage for "$10 a month or less." But exchange plans are only affordable because Democrats have earmarked billions of dollars in new spending to cover most enrollees' premiums. Rather than address the underlying problems with his old boss's signature healthcare law, Biden and his team have given insurers a direct line to the federal treasury. [more...]

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