Tuesday, February 20, 2024

2-20-24 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. John Lott: Insurrectionists and the Bloomberg School of Public Health - Report Shows How Out of Touch Left-Wing Academics Are

2. Judd Dunning: Judicial Overreach and Political Vendettas

3. Andrew Bostom: The World's Most Influential Muslim is a Genocidal Jew-hater

4. Col. John Mills: The Era of Grand Treaties from the Cold War is Over

5. Daniel Greenfield: Federal Agencies Already Prepping to Sabotage a Potential Trump Presidency

6. Kenneth Rapoza: How to Stop Fentanyl for Real

7. James Hirsen: American Culture and the Overton Window

Insurrectionists and the Bloomberg School of Public Health - Report Shows How Out of Touch Left-Wing Academics Are

By John Lott

According to the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, the threat of an armed insurrection is so pressing that we must quickly enact wide-ranging gun control measures. Its new report "Defending Democracy" proposes restricting concealed carry in public places, banning carrying around legislative buildings and polling places, enacting red flag laws and "openly denouncing violence." [more...]

Judicial Overreach and Political Vendettas

By Judd Dunning

In a flagrant display of judicial overreach and political vendetta, President Trump has been ensnared in a financial debacle meticulously orchestrated by the old guards of Washington, D.C. and progressive liberals. The egregious fines totaling a staggering $437 million, alongside a potential $100 million in interest, are not merely numbers but a symbol of a sinister war waged against not just a former President but against the very fabric of American freedom. Let's dissect the absurdity and the perilous precedent it sets. Trump's financial tribulations, dictated by a judiciary seemingly blinded by political bias, threaten to devour up to 27% of his net worth. This isn't justice; this is financial assassination under the guise of legal procedure. The implications are chilling: today it's Trump, tomorrow it could be any American whose political stance doesn't align with the prevailing winds of the judicial or political elite. [more...]

The World's Most Influential Muslim is a Genocidal Jew-hater

By Andrew Bostom, Author of The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism

Toward the end of each year, Jordan’s Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center (RISSC) - a pre-eminent avatar of mainstream "moderate" Islam - issues its annual rankings of "The World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims." This year's top ranking was bestowed upon Yemeni theologian Habib Umar bin Hafiz who reacted to the Oct. 7 massacre by spewing sacralized antisemitism. [more...]

The Era of Grand Treaties from the Cold War is Over

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

Treaties only work when there is credible deterrence and willingness to inflict cost for a party failing to adhere to the treaty.

Congressman Mike Turner created a freakout on media and Capitol Hill with his unprecedented break in traditional decorum on sensitive space matters. Here are some takeaways... [more...]

Federal Agencies Already Prepping to Sabotage a Potential Trump Presidency

By Daniel Greenfield

The "resistance" is at it again. Joe Biden’s allies are getting antsy about his administration's pileup of unfinished environmental rules — especially with the threat that a second Trump presidency could undo them all. Biden's agencies are facing a deadline this spring to finish some of their most important regulations to ensure that a Republican Congress and White House can’t erase them next year, including a crackdown on power plants' climate pollution, protections for endangered species and a bid to protect federal employees from politically motivated firings. This obviously raises the question of who actually runs the federal government, but if you still don't know the answer to that, try running for office and actually passing a law. [more...]

How to Stop Fentanyl for Real

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Merely imposing sanctions against nine Mexican drug cartels and Chinese money-laundering organizations is nowhere near good enough.

The 370-page Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, a.k.a. the "border bill," is dead. But one 24-page chapter in the bill, called the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, is not. That bipartisan, bicameral piece of legislation wants to starve the fentanyl drug runners through sanctions against specific Mexican drug cartels and Chinese money-laundering organizations. Note to Congress: Did sanctioning Russian money men stall Russia's war with Ukraine? Has it hurt the Russian economy, which grew more than that of the EU last year? Obviously not. [more...]

American Culture and the Overton Window

By James Hirsen

In America, a sizable number of our governmental, institutional, corporate, media, and even religious figures have been operating at warp speed to implement changes within society. From the classroom to the courtroom, to the boardroom and beyond, fundamental philosophy has been supplanted, institutional policy altered, and underlying goals redesigned. It seems as though the changes that have occurred have impacted each and every facet of our lives. As a result, many of us are suffering, often silently, in mind and in spirit. [more...]

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