Tuesday, October 15, 2024

10-15-24 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Gordon Chang: China Thinks It's in a Struggle with U.S.

2. Judd Dunning: Kamala Harris Represents Everything Wrong with American Politics

3. Robert Spencer: An Islamic Scholar’s Telling Admission

4. Col. John Mills: Drone Swarms over Virginia

5. Michael Levine: Parents, Educators Must Proactively Halt Tyranny's Attraction

6. John Lott: Harris May Own a Gun, But She Doesn’t Want You To

7. Kenneth Rapoza: New Mexico Grants $10 Million to Relatively Unknown China Solar Panel Maker

8. Gianna Miceli: The Corporate Transparency Act - The Threat to Small Business Owners’ Right to Privacy in America

China Thinks It's in a Struggle with U.S.

Gordon Chang, Author of PLAN RED: China’s Project to Destroy America, says China believes it's in an existential struggle with the United States because of who we are. "We have American policymakers, we have leaders who fundamentally misunderstand China's assault on our country," Chang added. "They think we're at peace. They think we can cooperate with the Chinese regime. But the Chinese regime believes it is in an existential struggle with the U.S. And the reason they believe that is not anything we say or do... it's because of who we are. You have an insecure regime in Beijing," he said. [more...]

Kamala Harris Represents Everything Wrong with American Politics

By Judd Dunning, Talk Show Host, Bestselling Author

VP Harris’s track record is a string of failures. Under the Biden-Harris administration, inflation has wiped out savings, driven energy costs through the roof, and crushed working-class Americans. While Americans suffer, Harris herself remains insulated from the fallout. Let’s not forget the Afghanistan debacle that stole American lives, lost and squandered billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment to the hands of the Taliban. Time and time again, Harris has shown no accountability, no plan, and certainly no leadership. To the undecided voters, ask yourself who is on the receiving end of your loyalty. Is it toward your family? What about your country? Or is your self-righteous anger directed toward those with differing views? [more...]

An Islamic Scholar’s Telling Admission

By Robert Spencer, Author of Muhammad: A Critical Biography

Maybe the West and the Islamic world don’t share the same values after all.

One of the least-noted defining moments of the early twenty-first century came in the wake of the 9/11 jihad attacks, when President George W. Bush insisted that the Islamic world held the same values that the West held, and so if a few political adjustments were made, the problem of Islamic jihad terrorism would disappear, and the world would enter a new period of harmony and peace. The only problem with this vision was that the basic premise was false: the prevailing values in much of the Islamic world are quite different from those of Westerners, as a prominent Muslim cleric once again recently demonstrated. [more...]

Drone Swarms over Virginia

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

This is real. This is a cybersecurity, law, policy, and roles and missions of the federal government. This is not a technology issue on how to take them down - that's easy.

A complex swarm of drones wanders at will over the largest American National Security Joint Base cluster. This cluster of bases in Virginia is the largest single concentration of U.S. Military resources, units, and equipment. And someone just flew a drone swarm for 17 days as the Department of Defense and the Inter-Agency process went bonkers. Step 1 on any new, complex, national security issue is answering this question: Who will be the lead department or agency to address the developing crisis? [more...]

Parents, Educators Must Proactively Halt Tyranny's Attraction

By Michael Levine, Success Consultant and Media Expert

Nearly eight decades after Hitler took his own life in a Berlin bunker in April 1945, a disturbing trend has emerged - one that demands attention. According to a recent poll by DailyMail.com and J.L. Partners, 11% of Americans believe that Hitler had some "good ideas." Even more concerning, this belief is especially prevalent among younger Americans and certain minority groups, with 21% of Gen Z and Black voters and 19% of Hispanic voters agreeing with the statement. These statistics raise an urgent question: How did we get here? [more...]

Harris May Own a Gun, But She Doesn’t Want You To

By John Lott, Worldwide Expert on Guns & Crime

VP Harris has pushed back hard on claims that she wants to take people’s guns away by repeatedly saying that she and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz own guns. It sounds reassuring, but it doesn’t align with past statements. Gone are the Democrat nominee’s emphatic assertions from her previous presidential campaign, in which she said, “I support a mandatory buyback program.” When asked whether she agreed with President Biden that she couldn’t ban assault weapons with an executive order, Ms. Harris said, “Hey, Joe, rather than saying no, we can’t, let’s say yes, we can.” It wasn’t just that she took this position, but also the enthusiasm with which she did so. [more...]

New Mexico Grants $10 Million to Relatively Unknown China Solar Panel Maker

By Kenneth Rapoza, Reporter/Columnist for Coalition for a Prosperous America

A new solar company called Ebon Solar has secured a $10 million grant from the state of New Mexico, along with $1 million in financing and another $1 billion in a state-backed bond, to build an 834,000-square-foot solar cell manufacturing facility near Albuquerque, NM. This is one of at least three solar-related projects announced in the state since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022. Israeli multinational EnLight Renewable Energy and U.S. investment company D.E. Shaw are commissioning solar-plus-storage projects to build utility-scale solar projects in the state. Last year, Array Technologies announced plans to build a second tracker manufacturing plant in the state. Ebon Solar will be producing solar cells and panels, primarily targeting the residential market. [more...]

The Corporate Transparency Act - The Threat to Small Business Owners’ Right to Privacy in America

By Gianna Miceli, Expert Cultural & Lawful Rights Commentator 

In a move that has sent ripples of concern through the small business community, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is poised to usher in a new era of extensive federal oversight that could have far-reaching consequences for millions of unsuspecting entrepreneurs across the nation. If you have an LLC, the government will be declaring you to be a criminal on January 1st, 2025, if you do not fork over all your private information to them. By the end of this year, small business owners will be compelled to disclose a wealth of private data to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), under the Department of the Treasury, purportedly as part of an "anti-money laundering initiative." [more...]

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