Tuesday, July 26, 2016

7-26-16 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Michael Stumo: How the TPP Commission Erodes our Sovereignty
2. Daniel R. Joseph: It’s Foreign Affairs and Globalization, Stupid!
3. Joe Messina: DNC Double Standards
4. Lowell Ponte: The DNC’s New Hammer is the Mayor Who Wrecked Baltimore
5. Crista Huff: Senator Tim Kaine Opposes the TPP Because it’s not Bad Enough
6. Dr. Gerard Lameiro: The New Trump Party
7. Wayne Allyn Root: Welcome Back, Ronald Reagan
8. Joseph Klein: Kaine - The Face of the Democrats’ Dangerous Foreign Policy Priorities

How the TPP Commission Erodes our Sovereignty

Paul Ryan and Barack Obama have been pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership as a trade agreement. We know from past experience these deals promote other countries’ market access to US consumers more than they promote exports.  But the TPP is more about global governance and sovereignty than trade. [more...]

It’s Foreign Affairs and Globalization, Stupid!

“It’s the economy, stupid!” That was the mantra uttered by the first Clinton presidential candidate in 1992.  Focusing on the economy is actually typical of most election cycles and certainly the economy is central to this election.  But if you look closely, you’ll see that, perhaps more than any other time in recent history, it is America’s relationship with the outside world - from the economy to immigration to security - that is taking center stage at this election. [more...]

DNC Double Standards

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has resigned from the DNC (effective AFTER the Convention) because they found out through WikiLeaks that the DNC plotted and worked against everyone EXCEPT Hillary. Instead of denying it and fighting back, she simply resigned. Sorry, something is wrong here. Here is how it works with the Dems: When the e-mails beat on Republicans, then they are true and real. When a Secret Service agent, the CIA or the FBI accuses a Republican of something, it’s gospel truth. When it smells like a Conservative Republican has done something illegal, the Left immediately yells “guilty,” “cover-up,” or “white privilege.” But when a Democrat is caught red-handed, it’s a conspiracy or a right-wing plot to make them look bad - because, you know, the Feds are out to get them. [more...]

The DNC’s New Hammer is the Mayor Who Wrecked Baltimore

Look who the Democrats gave the gavel to on Monday from their inner circle to symbolize what their party stands for – Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the outgoing mayor of Baltimore. In the spring of 2015 Baltimore was ablaze, as Craig R. Smith and I recount in our book, We Have Seen the Future and It Looks Like Baltimore: American Dream vs. Progressive Dream. Rioters had unleashed volleys of stones on the police. The Mayor’s response was to order police to fall back and not interfere with the rioters, lest this further inflame the anger of people over the death of local heroin pusher Freddie Gray. [more...]

Senator Tim Kaine Opposes the TPP Because it’s not Bad Enough

Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), newly selected running mate to POTUS candidate Hillary Clinton, was apparently for the TPP before he was against it. Mere days before his decision to join Mrs. Clinton on the Democratic POTUS ticket, Sen. Kaine listed quite a few positives about the TPP in an interview with The Intercept. Yet the day after Kaine’s vice president candidacy was announced, he agreed to officially oppose the TPP as part of his candidacy. [more...]

The New Trump Party

One of my ten predictions about the historic and critical 2016 presidential election is the end of the Republican Party has we know it. This prediction is coming true.  It’s happening now right in front of us. We see a new Trump Party emerging. Let’s look at the transformation of the old Republican Party into the new Trump Party now... [Go here for a complete analysis...]

Welcome Back, Ronald Reagan

I’ve argued for a year that Donald Trump is our Reagan, that in almost every way, Trump is Reagan, Part Deux. It was a lonely argument for most of the past 12 months. Not so much anymore. Donald Trump delivered the greatest Republican Presidential address since Reagan. [more...]

Kaine - The Face of the Democrats’ Dangerous Foreign Policy Priorities

Hillary Clinton settled on Virginia Senator Tim Kaine to be her running mate.  Senator Kaine’s self-effacing description of himself is “boring,” a trait that Hillary appears to relish. “I love that about him,” she told CBS News. Hillary also was looking for someone with knowledge of national security issues. Senator Kaine serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Arms Services Committee. What she really found in Senator Kaine is a running mate who epitomizes the Democratic Party’s increased willingness to turn on our close ally Israel and give the benefit of the doubt to Iran and the Islamists. [more...]

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