Thursday, July 28, 2016

Reagan Biographer on Hinckley, Hillary, and more...

Reagan’s 1968 Dress Rehearsal: Ike, RFK, and Reagan’s Emergence as a World Statesman is an inspiring never-before-told history of how Ronald Reagan began to restore pride in America when he first ran for president in the late 1960s. Author and historian, Gene Kopelson’s tireless research uncovered findings based upon never-before-analyzed critical archives.  Against the backdrop history of Reagan’s first campaign for the presidency, it can now be revealed that behind the scenes, none other than former President Dwight D. Eisenhower was Ronald Reagan’s hidden political mentor.

Assassinations of the ‘60s

As assassin John Hinckley is released this summer of 2016, thoughts turn not only to the failed attempt on President Reagan's life in 1981, but also to the tumultuous spring of 1968 when both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated. At that time, Ronald Reagan was on his first quest for the presidency, a story never told before. RFK was Reagan's major political foe during this era, and author Gene Kopelson discusses the relationship between Reagan and RFK, especially how Reagan defeated RFK at an international debate on Vietnam and thus was seen as a terrific GOP presidential candidate against RFK or Lyndon Johnson.

Ronald Reagan says "There you go again" to Hillary Clinton

"There you again" was candidate Reagan's famous 1980 debate quote against Jimmy Carter; but Ronald Reagan had been seeing through the Democrats' plans for bigger government for decades. Indeed, Reagan first sought the presidency in 1968. And on those multiple campaign swings, he decried the loss of individual freedom as the Democrats sought bigger and bigger government. At that time, it was Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" and now, in 2016, there are the same failed policies being handed from President Obama to Hillary Clinton.

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