Tuesday, November 21, 2017

11-21-17 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. James Hirsen: Al Franken’s Future
2. Lowell Ponte: The Return of Morality in Politics
3. Jeff Ferry: Strong Post-Brexit Outlook for UK Economy
4. Daniel Greenfield: The Hotel from Leftist Hell
5. John LeBoutillier: Moore GOP Trouble?

Al Franken’s Future

It is highly likely that, under the circumstances, SNL alumni/U.S. Senator Al Franken has submitted himself to an ethics probe because it has historically provided a shield to members of Congress who have been accused of corrupt or abusive behavior. Such an investigation opens up a path for the accused legislator to nurture the image of cooperation while slowing any pending resignation demands. Point of fact: Franken has already been asked by members of his own party to resign. The rules of the ethics committee were written by politicians and seem to have been designed to assist those embroiled in scandal. [more...]

The Return of Morality in Politics

The Atlantic’s Caitlin Flanagan writes that feminists who rushed to defend Bill Clinton in the 1990s were “on the wrong side of history.” A chorus of other Democrats and progressives agree that this immoral ex-president and others deserve to be condemned now. Is this genuine contrition or pragmatic politics? Democrats now recognize that they cannot credibly charge sexual misbehavior against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore while refusing to condemn their own such as Bill Clinton or current Democratic Senators Bob Menendez and Al Franken. [more...]

Strong Post-Brexit Outlook for UK Economy

On Oct. 31st, the Times ran a doom-and-gloom story entitled “What’s the Economic Cost of Brexit?” The reporter quoted economists and others bemoaning the alleged “uncertainty” caused by Britain’s decision to pull out of the European Union by March 2019. Like the witches in a Shakespeare play, British economists have been offended that the electorate ignored their dire warnings and have sought to cast a spell over the economy ever since June 2016. Yet despite the constant drumbeat of gloomy forecasts, political disunity in Westminster, sudden departures from Theresa May’s Cabinet, and the growing difficulty of negotiating a post-Brexit trade agreement, the British economy, and, in particular, its manufacturing sector, is actually doing better than ever. [more...]

The Hotel from Leftist Hell

The world’s first leftist anti-Trump hotel is here. You won’t be surprised to learn that it’s opening in Washington, D.C. (with additional locations in Seattle, Hong Kong and San Francisco). And you’ll be even less surprised to hear that it’s a luxury hotel with organic mattresses and crystal healing. Instead of a Bible, there’ll be a United Nations pamphlet. The minibar will have an activist toolkit. Staffers will be hired for their commitment to leftist social justice. (That’s technically discrimination, but it’s not as if leftists live by the laws they impose on the rest of us.) [more...]

Moore GOP Trouble?

On the latest edition of REVOLUTION_The Podcast... We explore how the accusations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore have the potential to spread nationally to the Republican Party and ultimately to President Trump. The gender gap, the Trump Administration's disproportionate appointment of 80% men to federal jobs and last week's election results all portend trouble in 2018 for the GOP. Meanwhile Special Counsel Robert Mueller moves ahead while President Trump and Fox try to convince a skeptical Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a Special Counsel to explore Hillary Clinton and Uranium One. [more...]

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