Thursday, June 17, 2021

6-17-21 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Seth Barron: NYC is Rotting

2. Karen Kataline: 20 Questions the Left Should Be Asked - But Will Never Answer    

3. Patrick Wood: Fauci Likens Science to God, Himself as Priest

4. Daniel Greenfield: How HBO Max Went Woke and Broke on BLM

5. Mark Tapson: White Progressives Can Never Be Woke Enough

NYC is Rotting

By Seth Barron

Here's the problem in New York City - it's that the progressives, over the last eight years, have codified chaos. They've changed the laws to the extent that even if we got a really strong law-and-order mayor who came into office (like a Giuliani), there's a lot that he wouldn't be able to do. Progressive reforms have made the city virtually unlivable. New York's bail reform at the state level has made it so criminals are almost instantly released, even if they've committed violent crimes. They've decriminalized public urination, littering, jumping the turnstiles, smoking pot... so the quality of life has deteriorated heavily. The police are the ones that have been handcuffed in New York. Essentially, the police are on guard, and they know that there's not that much they can do, and if they do anything, they can get in a lot of trouble for it. Seth's new book: The Last Days of New York. [more...]

20 Questions the Left Should Be Asked - But Will Never Answer    

By Karen Kataline

We Have to do the Job the Propaganda Media Won't Do

Isn’t it about time the Left and their media minions were asked some tough questions? We know they won’t answer them, but we should keep asking anyway. Here are the first twenty just to start us off... [more...]

Fauci Likens Science to God, Himself as Priest

By Patrick Wood

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now in full defensive mode as critics are responding to the trove of emails recently secured by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. It is a desperate attempt to salvage his public reputation and trust. Chances are he will never see either again in his lifetime. As a dyed-in-the-wool Technocrat, Fauci has a warped perception of reality. Much of what he considers science is, in fact, pseudo-science. In other words, FAKE. Yes, of course, we readily attack fake science, as we should. But we also attack liars and manipulators who abuse their position of influence and trust to abuse their subjects. [more...]

How HBO Max Went Woke and Broke on BLM

By Daniel Greenfield

While HBO Max pulled and then restored "Gone with the Wind" over its "racial prejudices" complete with a disclaimer lecture, and Turner Classic Movies, owned by Warner Bros, launched a series condemning classic movies like "Breakfast at Tiffany’s" (Mickey Rooney's buck teeth), "My Fair Lady" (misogyny), and "Psycho" (transphobia), it promotes the worst possible hatred of white people with million-dollar contracts and massive billboards. In the rush to elevate anyone shouting about the evils of white people, HBO Max is littered with basement garbage that looks like the work of college students laboring on public access TV. While all of its big streaming platforms rivals invested in black nationalist narratives to varying degrees, none did so as belatedly, futilely, and relentlessly as HBO Max which threw away its brand and its future. Like so many other companies, after the woke comes the broke. [more...]

White Progressives Can Never Be Woke Enough

By Mark Tapson

In a guest essay for the New York Times earlier this month, actor Tom Hanks apologized for his contribution as a filmmaker to erasing black history from American consciousness. But in an essay last weekend titled "Tom Hanks is a Non-Racist. It's Time for Him to Be Anti-Racist," National Public Radio (NPR) TV critic Eric Deggans griped that Hanks's confessional "is not enough." His film work has too often "focused on the achievements of virtuous white, male Americans," making it "tougher for tales about atrocities such as Tulsa to find similar space." It won't much matter what Tom Hanks, movie star, does, because nothing will ever be enough. [more...]

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