1. Wayne Allyn Root: Police, Fire, Military Being Gutted by Vaccine Passport
2. John Lott: There Are Far More Defensive Gun
Uses Than Murders in America
3. Kenneth Rapoza: How China Will Use K Street, Climate
Change, to Get its Solar Market Back
4. Daniel Greenfield: Feminism Without Women
5. James Hirsen: Denzel Washington's Amazing Grace
6. Sally Pipes: As Democrats Push Single-Payer,
Brits Hope to Escape It
Police, Fire, Military Being Gutted by Vaccine Passport
Biden's vaccine mandate is the most dangerous threat to our national security in history. What happens when one third of the military quits? How about one third of fighter jet pilots? How about one third of Navy Seals? Who is going to defend America? This is the greatest national security threat in history. Maybe this whole vaccine mandate disaster is "made in China." Dividing America, weakening our economy, gutting our military, creating a shortage of frontline First Responders, is a dream-come-true for China. See Wayne's new book: The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book [more...]
There Are Far More Defensive Gun Uses Than Murders in America
While Americans know that guns take many
innocent lives every year, many don’t know that firearms also save them. There
are nearly 1,000 instances reported by the media so far this year in which
gun owners have stopped mass shootings and other murderous acts, saving
countless lives. And crime experts say such high-profile cases represent only a
small fraction of the instances in which guns are used defensively. But the
data are unclear, for a number of reasons, and this has political ramifications
because it seems to undercut the claims of gun rights advocates that they need
to possess firearms for personal protection - an issue now before the
Supreme Court. [more...]
How China Will Use K Street, Climate Change, to Get its Solar
Market Back
By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America
China is the new Smokey the Bear of climate change and the
climate lobby and solar importers want D.C. to know that "Only Xi can prevent
climate change." Here's an outline of their strategy, in total
cahoots with D.C. lobbyists, to end solar tariffs and stop any investigations
into dumping of southeast Asian made solar panels into the U.S. right at a time
when Biden is saying we need 40% solar in our power grid in 10 years. [more...]
Feminism Without Women
50 years after Ms. Magazine was founded by Gloria Steinem, the
prototypical feminist magazine decided to erase women by referring to them as "birthing
people" and "people with vaginas." Once the champions of
newspeak jargon like "herstory" that was supposed to emphasize the
role of women, Ms. Magazine and the Feminist Majority Foundation are now
erasing women. After generations of accusing men of objectifying women by
reducing them to body parts, the professional feminists are eliminating women
entirely by reducing them to body parts. [more...]
Denzel Washington's Amazing Grace Journey
By James Hirsen
On the subject of celebrity, he explained, "Fame is a
monster and we all have these ladders and battles, roads we have to walk in our
given lives. Be you famous or whoever’s out there listening, we all have our
individual challenges. It’s cliché [but] money, don’t make it better. It doesn’t.
Fame just magnifies the problems and the opportunities." According to
Denzel, the formula for a successful life is to "stay on your knees."
As Democrats Push Single-Payer, Brits Hope to Escape It
By Sally Pipes
A record 5.6 million patients in the United Kingdom
are currently on waiting lists for hospital care. That's equivalent to nearly
one in 10 Britons. Of that group, about 300,000 have been waiting at
least one year for treatment. Those who can afford to are increasingly paying
out of pocket for private care. More than 20% of British residents
are doing so, according to recent polling. Britain's National Health Service
has long been a source of pride for the country. The organizers of the 2012
London Olympics made the NHS a focus of the Games' Opening Ceremony.
But the country's publicly funded healthcare system is failing to provide
high-quality, accessible care. Its failures should serve as a warning for
progressives who want to institute Medicare for All here in the United States. [more...]