Tuesday, September 7, 2021

9-7-21 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. John Lott: Democrats are Remaking the Federal Courts at a Record-Breaking Pace

2. Kenneth Rapoza: Wall Street, Corporate Giants Keep China Afloat

3. Patrick Wood: Why Coverage on Pandemic Tyranny is So Important

4. Steve Turley: Texas Abortion Law Gives Pro-Lifers Biggest Win Ever

5. Robert Curry: Can Americans Still Beat Democrat Voter Fraud?

6. James Hirsen: Glenn Beck to the Rescue in Afghanistan

Democrats are Remaking the Federal Courts at a Record-Breaking Pace

By Dr. John Lott

With the narrowest of Senate majorities, President Biden is remaking the federal courts at a record-breaking rate. Biden has successfully confirmed twice as many federal Circuit and District Court judges as any modern president had at this point in their presidencies. The record pace isn't because Biden is making nominations more quickly, but because the Senate, with the help of Lindsay Graham, are confirming them more quickly. By the end of his administration, Trump had confirmed 54 Circuit Court judges, but was only able to bring the courts into rough political balance, with Republicans controlling seven of the Circuit courts and Democrats controlling the other six. [more...]

Wall Street, Corporate Giants Keep China Afloat

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

China is a paper tiger and here is why. Since the days of post-Maoist China, Deng Xiaoping and all the leaders after him new that the best way to grow out of their Happy Meal toy making economy was to bring in more money from abroad. It used to be rich Chinese. Then it became Western (and later Japanese, South Korean and Taiwanese) corporations and now it is Wall Street portfolio money. China isn't a power today because of the genius of the CCP, not that they are a bunch of dummies. China is a power today because of the American multinational and Wall Street. Without that money flowing in, propping up Chinese manufacturing, lending money and investing in the Chinese companies that will replace American workers one day, China would be a failed state. [more...]

Why Coverage on Pandemic Tyranny is So Important

By Patrick Wood

As editor of Technocracy News & Trends, I am not particularly satisfied in reporting story after story, day after day, on various aspects of the so-called COVID pandemic. Why fight the propaganda machine? Does it really matter? Aren't other sites covering it anyway? After replaying these questions every morning in light of Technocracy, I always come to the same conclusion: IT'S NOT JUST A STORY, IT'S THE ONLY STORY! This is Technocracy's coup d'état. It specifically started on January 30, 2020 when the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 was a pandemic, calling for emergency powers, lockdowns, social distancing, masks, vaccines, etc. I flatly predicted this coup in 2015. [more...]

Texas Abortion Law Gives Pro-Lifers Biggest Win Ever

By Steve Turley

In a stunning 5 to 4 decision, the Supreme Court has given a Texas law that bans most abortions legal standing. On September first, the law officially went into effect in the second-largest state in the union. The new law prohibits virtually all abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. Not surprisingly, Chief Justice John Roberts once again sided with the three liberal judges in the decision. It's not the first time he's done that. Just last year, he sided with the liberals to strike down a Louisiana abortion law that would have closed nearly every clinic in the state. That ruling, however, took place when Ruth Bader Ginsburg was on the court. Now, with Amy Coney Barrett, Roberts found himself on the losing side. [more...]

Can Americans Still Beat Democrat Voter Fraud?

By Robert Curry, Author of Reclaiming Common Sense

In 2020, the Democrats went wild. It was a voting fraud lollapalooza.  The Republican candidate for president trounced the Democrat candidate - and yet the Democrats got away with stealing the election. This was not the relatively genteel theft on the margins that took the election from Nixon and gave it to Kennedy in 1960. 2020 was huge. And it was more than a decisive Republican victory; it was one of those realigning presidential elections, one that signals a shift of dominance from one party to the other. This is why H.R. 1 and H.R. 4 - the voter fraud bills - are such a big deal. The Democrats are grabbing the opportunity to make voter fraud perfectly easy for the voter fraud party everywhere in America, as easy as they have already made it for themselves in California. But wait, there's more. [more...]

Glenn Beck to the Rescue in Afghanistan

By James Hirsen

On August 18th, syndicated radio talk show host Glenn Beck launched an effort to raise tens of millions of dollars for a non-profit entity called the Nazarene Fund. The purpose of the fundraising effort was to raise money, which was to be earmarked for an ambitious and highly dangerous task; that being, to try and rescue thousands of Christians and at-risk Afghans following the Biden administration's abrupt withdrawal of the U.S. military from Afghanistan. [more...]

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