Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Real Threat to World Peace is Xi Jinping Not Vladimir Putin



By Scott S. Powell

The new #1 bestselling new release, Rediscovering America by Scott S. Powell addresses the urgent challenges in America today by explaining the qualities of character that enabled America to overcome impossible odds and become the world's greatest and most prosperous nation in just 150 years.

If you found supply chain delays intolerable in the delivery of cars and appliances as a result of COVID, things will get much worse if Taiwan falls to the mainland CCP. The greatest threat to world peace is not the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, but rather it is Mainland China's PLA Navy and Air Force - and their daily aerial penetration of Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone and armed patrols in and around islands belonging to smaller neighbors, such as Vietnam, Japan and the Philippines. All these actions by the CCP are intended to bully, intimidate, and ultimately force the reunification of Taiwan, located in the South China Sea - 90 miles off the coast of mainland China.

In Rediscovering America, you'll understand how:

·    The greatest threat to world peace is not the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, but rather it is Mainland China's takeover of Taiwan

·    The Deep State is engaged in a propaganda war to marshal support for the defense of Ukraine to keep this war going to distract from Biden’s disasters at home and to keep Ukraine as a longstanding base for money laundering.

·    Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Any aid that we send to Ukraine will likely include diversion and kickbacks to corrupt politicians that facilitate it.

·    Taiwan’s loss to the CCP would be catastrophic as Taiwan manufactures 92% of the world's most sophisticated chips used in smart phones, computers, medical equipment and automobiles. 

Not only is the Russian-Ukraine conflict not a fight with which we should get involved in any major way, the United States needs to focus and marshal its foreign aid and military assets where they are most needed. The greatest threat to world stability and disruption of critical global trade is Communist China's growing military and naval power in Asian-Pacific region.

Today everything runs on semiconductor chips, and Taiwan is the most critical link in the entire global semiconductor value chain. Few people realize it, but Taiwan manufactures some 64% of the semiconductors used in the manufacture most products worldwide. A single company in Taiwan - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, Ltd. - manufactures 92% of the world's most sophisticated chips that go into smart phones, computers, medical equipment and automobiles. 

The United States and its Pacific allies need to focus on protecting Taiwan’s independence. An unquestionable deterrent, that includes South Korea and the Pacific Quad alliance of the U.S., Japan, Australia and India needs to be strengthened and maintained. The naval and air power of these participating nations have more than enough firepower to provide an effective deterrent, particularly when that posture is coupled with the moral authority of their shared commitment to democratic principles, free trade, equal treatment of all citizens, human rights, and the rule of law. Xi Jinping simply has no answer to the power of a multilateral military deterrent coupled with moral principles that define the superiority of our vision and purpose.

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