Tuesday, April 18, 2023

4-18-23 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: Bud Light Proves Conservatives Have the Power

2. Dr. Tim Murphy: Former Congressman Presents Coping Mechanisms for Pandemic Stress, Anxiety

3. Scott Powell: Losing Election Integrity Means We Lose America

4. Kenneth Rapoza: How Progressives and Warmongers Are Ruining the West

5. Daniel Greenfield: New Chicago Mayor Warns Against Demonizing Thugs Who Beat Men

6. Mark Tapson: Media Boycott of David Horowitz’s 'Final Battle'

7. James Hirsen: The Real Dangers of A.I.

Bud Light Proves Conservatives Have the Power

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author of The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book

Budweiser (owned by Anheuser-Busch, the formerly conservative company), in choosing a transgender person as their spokesman has lost their collective mind. Bud offended their core base of customers (the Silent Majority) to please a 'woke' mob that makes up a tiny percentage of the population, much less their customers. Millions are now boycotting Bud. They just destroyed a century of positive branding with one 'woke,' clueless, incredibly dumb miscalculation. The dollars and cents part of the story is even more remarkable. This one miscalculation cost Anheuser-Busch over six billion dollars in market value... in six days. In other words, Bud is losing $1 billion per day. The snowball has turned into an avalanche. [more...

Former Congressman Presents Coping Mechanisms for Pandemic Stress, Anxiety

By Dr. Tim Murphy, Author of The Christ Cure

After the "pandemic," Fmr. Congressman Tim Murphy, a licensed psychologist specializing in psychological trauma, said the pandemic experience had a "devastating effect" on people’s physical, mental and emotional health. But he said there are ways to cope with its long-lasting impact. His amazing new book, The Christ Cure provides much needed help and guidance to "the broken" from secular to scriptural, illustrated with inspirational stories of those who are winning their own battles. This is a valuable guide for anyone dealing with PTSD, trauma and tragedy, family members of trauma victims, clergy who seek a better understanding of psychology, and for counselors who seek a better understanding of the role of faith in healing from trauma. [more...]

Losing Election Integrity Means We Lose America

By Scott Powell

What has set America apart from so many other countries in the world up until recently has been the honesty and integrity of our electoral system. And perhaps because of the "normalcy bias" that has been long established in the hearts and minds of so many Americans, it's difficult for them to fathom that the 2020 election was compromised and fraudulent due to a myriad of ineffective and corrupt processes. Actually, there are many significant examples of vote fraud in America's past. [more...]

How Progressives and Warmongers Are Ruining the West

By Kenneth Rapoza

For generations, developing countries - once called "the Third World" - wanted to be like us. They loved our freedoms and our luxurious middle-class lifestyle. Over the last several months, we have seen leaders in the developing countries of Latin America and the Middle East totally diverge from the West. What's happening? Here's one explanation as to why the Western world is no longer seen as the exemplar from Latin America to Asia. [more...]

New Chicago Mayor Warns Against Demonizing Thugs Who Beat Men

By Daniel Greenfield

I warned that whatever came after Lori Lightfoot was going to be much worse. And it's happening. Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson, the democratic choice of Democrat Party ballot harvesters and the Cook County Cemetery Voters Association is making it clear once again that he stands with criminals and against victims. Johnson and his fledgling transition team apparently saw the weekend violence downtown as a chance to offer a sociological admonishment to those who were frightened. [more...]

Media Boycott of David Horowitz’s 'Final Battle'

By Mark Tapson

FINAL BATTLE: The Next Election Could be the Last is the title of Freedom Center founder David Horowitz’s latest book. Why is the media banning any mention of his book - even as it soars to the top of the bestseller lists? It is currently the number one best-selling political book in the nation as recorded on Amazon’s best-seller list. For three months, it has been the number one best-seller in Amazon’s "Elections" category, topping such powerhouse books as Alan Dershowitz’s Get Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' new book The Courage to Be Free. Former President Donald Trump praised Final Battle and urged his followers to read it. He even named his presidential campaign "Final Battle." [more...]

The Real Dangers of A.I.

By James Hirsen

Over the past year, the technological development surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) has advanced much more rapidly than ever anticipated. A recent letter, signed by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Open A.I. co-founder Elon Musk, and others, cautioned that a six-month pause needs to be placed on all new A.I. models. It may be able to improve itself to the point where human beings will lose control of their own invention. The nightmare begins when the stop mechanism no longer functions. In one of the unimaginable situations, we could have a super intelligent A.I. advance in a way that runs counter to all human morals, ethics, and values. This tips into the realm of the spiritual, which requires a great deal of critical thought and further discussion. For now, a pause is not only advisable; it's a must. [more...]

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