Monday, April 3, 2023

4-4-23 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: I've Been Calling for a "National Divorce" for Two Years - Here's How to Make It Happen Quickly

2. Scott Powell: Don't Forfeit U.S. Sovereignty to Reset Federal Reserve System

3. David Horowitz: The Attack on Trump is an Attack on America

4. John Lott: Red Flag Laws Don't Necessarily Prevent Harm

5. Nicky Billou: This is Not Your Grandfather's Democrat Party

6. Daniel Greenfield: Bragg's Case Against Trump was a Fishing Expedition

7. James Hirsen: The BRICS Problem for America

I've Been Calling for a "National Divorce" for Two Years - Here's How to Make It Happen Quickly

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author of The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book

For two years now, I've been calling for a "National Divorce." I warned that Democrats were crazed suicide bombers intent on destroying America, American exceptionalism, and the American Dream. I warned this was a communist takeover. I warned about the weaponization of the government. I warned about the end of free speech. I warned about where this was headed... and that was BEFORE the crazy radical left indicted President Donald J. Trump. [more...] Wayne Allyn Root's new book selling well thanks to talk radio.

Don't Forfeit U.S. Sovereignty to Reset Federal Reserve System

By Scott Powell

As we connect the dots and put together the puzzle of what's going on globally, and here at home, we must first take ourselves out of denial, overcome the normalcy bias, and recognize that everything is different now than it has been at any previous time in history. A very real war is being waged to destroy the United States from within, not from a foreign invasion firing bullets, missiles, and other weaponry. In the crosshairs is the U.S. Constitution and the people’s rights and freedoms which it protects. There are also external actors in this war against the U.S. that include Russia and Iran. [more...]

The Attack on Trump is an Attack on America

By David Horowitz

For seven years, the Democrats have tried to establish a one-party state, organizing criminal conspiracies run by the FBI, concocting bogus dossiers with the help of Russian agents, paid for by Hillary Clinton, to smear and discredit her opponent. When Trump won the 2016 election, they went on strike forming a resistance to sabotage his presidency. They mounted a slander campaign accusing Trump of being a traitor. But a $35 million investigation turned up nothing. Undaunted, they followed this with multiple partisan impeachments whose sole purpose was to tar and feather Trump and spread lurid lies that he was a "white supremacist" and then an "insurrectionist” because he encouraged a protest conducted by a crowd of ordinary citizens that was entirely unarmed. [more...]

Red Flag Laws Don't Necessarily Prevent Harm

By John Lott

If you are worried that someone is suicidal, just taking away their guns isn’t a serious solution. There are so many other ways that people can commit suicide. But gun control advocates of "red flag" laws, such as the bill before the Michigan Legislature, want you to believe that simply taking away someone’s legally owned guns ends the risk of suicide. Red flag laws are virtually always invoked for suicide prevention, but even in those rare cases where there are threats to others, there are many other ways for people to do harm. Violent individuals have driven cars through parades and crowded sidewalks, for example, to accomplish the same goal. [more...]

This is Not Your Grandfather's Democrat Party

By Nicky Billou, Co-Author of The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book

The Democrats hate us. They hate America.  They are out to fundamentally transform America and all that She stands for. Their weaponization of the legal system proves that they will stop at NOTHING. If they can go after Trump, they can and will go after anyone who stands in their way. It's time for us to LEGALLY and PEACEFULLY fight back. It's time for us to create a parallel patriot economy and to divert money away from woke companies and toward patriot businesses. There is $4.3 trillion of consumer spending going on with the woke companies in America today. We aim to divert 10% of it to patriot ones to help change America. [more...]

Bragg's Case Against Trump was a Fishing Expedition

By Daniel Greenfield

It is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books to pin some offense on him.

That DA Alvin Bragg's case was a fishing expedition is not surprising, that his office and the New York Times are so cheerful about laying that out there isn't too surprising either. Whatever principles or judgment once existed have largely gone by the wayside and their expected audience is only complaining that it took so long. But yes, for the record, it was a fishing expedition. [more...]

The BRICS Problem for America

By James Hirsen

The American dollar has long enjoyed a prominent position in the world, one that has allowed the United States to retain its superpower status and to elevate the quality of life for her people. Unfortunately, all of this preeminence and prosperity may be coming to a disturbingly unpleasant end. The BRICS alliance, which consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is a group of nations that has assembled together. A newly emerging goal of the alliance is to move away from the U.S. dollar and move towards the creation of a new global currency. The ramifications of the BRICS coalition are profound, not only for America's place on the international economic stage, but for the potential future of international relations. [more...]

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