Tuesday, July 25, 2023

7-25-23 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Col. Ret. John Mills: A Critical Event in the War to Save the Republic

2. John Lott: How Gun-Hating Media Use Slanted Surveys to Manipulate Public Opinion

3. Kenneth Rapoza: Senate Takes Turn to End China Profiting Off of U.S. Federal Pensions

4. Daniel Greenfield: As VP, Joe Biden Took Part in Burisma Calls

5. Mark Tapson: Country Star Challenges America's Culture of Crime

A Critical Event in the War to Save the Republic

By Colonel (Retired) John Mills, Author of The Nation Will Follow

Judge Terry A. Doughty's decision on July 4th has changed the course of the war

His decision in short has turned off the regular coordination between the Federal Government and social media. This regular interaction started in the late 2000's. At the time it seemed like a good idea. I was one of the key figures in establishing the original relationship. It was supposed to help government leverage the innovation of Silicon Valley and find mutual synergies. It has gone off the rails and become the foundation of mass surveillance and censorship. There is no basis in law for these actions. [more...]

How Gun-Hating Media Use Slanted Surveys to Manipulate Public Opinion

By John Lott

Organizations such as NPR and PBS spend our tax dollars on surveys that paint gun control in the best possible light.

Gun control advocates often point to polls showing overwhelming support for gun control. For instance, in May, a headline for an NPR/PBS Newshour survey proclaimed: "Most Americans say curbing gun violence is more important than gun rights." But is that really the choice Americans face on gun control? [more...]

Senate Takes Turn to End China Profiting Off of U.S. Federal Pensions

By Kenneth Rapoza

Last week, House Republican leadership opted not to include an amendment that would have banned China securities from the retirement funds offered to federal government employees and the military. The amendment was put forth by Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed last week. Elsewhere in Florida, however, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has brought up the issue again for the Senate version of the NDAA. [more...]

As VP, Joe Biden Took Part in Burisma Calls

By Daniel Greenfield

Devon Archer was Hunter Biden’s go-to-guy, his pal and partner, who was always there in the room. His testimony is expected to be big and massively devastating because it establishes that Joe Biden lied. That's usually been the strategy, but unlike introducing their partners to Joe Biden, something Hunter and James Biden both allegedly did, having him sit on a phone call with his son's business partners only cuts one way. This isn't a fundraiser or a party; Joe Biden was knowingly providing the perception that Hunter’s business deals with Burisma had cover at the White House. Furthermore, Joe Biden’s intervention to get a prosecutor investigating Burisma fired shows he delivered. [more...]

Country Star Challenges America's Culture of Crime

By Mark Tapson

And pro-crime "progressives" explode in rage.

For decades, 'gangsta' rappers have raked in money, fame, and recording industry awards hand-over-fist by promoting a culture of violence, drugs, crime, misogyny, hedonism, and greed. There has been not a peep of an objection from the Progressive Left to the damage this has done and continues to do to generations of young people, especially in poor inner-city communities, where rappers, gang members, and drug dealers are idolized and emulated by far too many. But let one country music star complain that American cities have degenerated into a wasteland of lawlessness and chaos, and triggered leftists leap to smear him publicly as a violent racist. [more...]

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