Tuesday, May 14, 2024

5-14-24 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Daniel Greenfield: The Left Never Learns From its Failures

2. Col. John Mills: Retaking Arizona

3. Kenneth Rapoza: Like it or Not, China is the Green OPEC

4. John Lott: The FBI's Crime Data Has Real Problems

5. Cheryl Chumley: Biden's Turn from Israel Crashing World into Chaos

6. Mark Tapson: Christian Veteran Now Facing Hate Crime Charge for Toppling Satanic Display

The Left Never Learns From its Failures

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

The long history of the Left's war on America includes the rise of the 'communes' in the early 19th century. The 'Communists' from those communes then went on to play a major role in our public policy. The communes have always proved unworkable, whether in the 19th century or the 20th, but rather than learning from the failure, leftists insisted that they hadn't tried to make us miserable on a large enough scale. Having failed at the local level, they aspired to try again at the national level. And having failed at the national level, they aspired to try again on the global level. [more...]

Retaking Arizona

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

How Mark Finchem Aims to Restore Arizona's Values

The Hon. Mark Finchem is an American patriot with an incredible record. Arizona was and is a deep red state, until the McCain machine moved in from California in the 1970s and put an "R" behind their name to start burrowing in. Time to bring in a real "maverick" and put Mark into the Arizona State Senate. [more...]

Like it or Not, China is the Green OPEC

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

China laid the groundwork for the global green economy... now, the West is paying for it.

For nearly 20 years, since Al Gore's 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" panicked the public about climate change, the economies of the West have been wringing their hands about the need to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. To make this a reality, these countries say we must build a post-fossil-fuels economy. China listened and indicated that it would help, but not by lowering greenhouse gas emissions. (China's annual carbon dioxide emissions continue to be more than double those of the United States.) Instead, China meant it would help by building solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles and batteries. [more...]

The FBI's Crime Data Has Real Problems

By John Lott

The news media relies almost exclusively on FBI data to report on changes in crime rates. But there is strong evidence that FBI data is less reliable than in the past. I have pointed out before that since 2020, the FBI's number of reported crimes and the NCVS's number of total crimes have gone in opposite directions. For example, between 2021 and 2022, the FBI showed a 2.1% drop in violent crime, but the NCVS showed an increase of 29.3%. But there is a more fundamental problem.... [more...]

Biden's Turn from Israel Crashing World into Chaos

By Cheryl Chumley

When America's weak, the world gets a little bit shakier.

Joe Biden, over the objections of some of his party’s biggest donors, and while ignoring the calls for his impeachment that are growing among Republican ranks in the House due to his warnings to Israel, has made it clear that if Benjamin Netanyahu orders the IDF into Rafah, his White House will deny congressionally approved shipments of weapons to the Jewish nation. Oh, say it ain’t so, Joe! Could it truly be that America is finally turning its back on Israel? [more...]

Christian Veteran Now Facing Hate Crime Charge for Toppling Satanic Display

By Mark Tapson

The former Navy pilot is looking at 5 years in prison thanks to Soros-backed D.A.

Back in December, Michael Cassidy, a conservative Christian and former Navy pilot, tore down a Satanic altar competing with a Christmas display of the Nativity in the Iowa State Capitol. Originally charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief, Cassidy was subsequently hit with a hate crime charge by Polk County Democrat Attorney Kimberly Graham, a prosecutor funded by – surprise – left-wing billionaire financier George Soros. Cassidy is now looking at a possible five years in prison. [more...]

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