Tuesday, May 7, 2024

5-7-24 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Daniel Greenfield's 'Domestic Enemies'

2. David Horowitz's 'America Betrayed'

3. Col. John Mills: University Protests are the Opening Assault of the 2024 Election Interference Operation

4. Kenneth Rapoza: Indian Pharmaceutical Company Zydus Lifesciences Fails 10 FDA Requirements

5. Cheryl Chumley: Joe Biden's Biggest Donors? The Ones Funding Anti-Israel Protests

6. James Hirsen: The Consequences of a Godless Society

Daniel Greenfield's 'Domestic Enemies'

In his new, highly anticipated and timely book, DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left, investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield reveals that the Left is America's oldest enemy. Leftists obsessed with imposing socialist policies and beliefs, (the antithesis of the American way of life), were active long before the 1960s; in fact, they were around in George Washington's day, calling for his execution, plotting to stop the ratification of the Constitution, and collaborating with foreign enemies. Mr. Greenfield tells us unequivocally that stolen elections, fake news, race riots, globalism, and socialism aren't new enemies of the great American experiment; we've been fighting the menace for over 200 years. [more...]

David Horowitz's 'America Betrayed'

By David Horowitz, Author of America Betrayed

America Betrayed: How a Christian Monk Created America & Why the Left is Determined to Destroy Her is my most crucial work. I wrote this book to provide a concise, easily digested and accurate history of race in America to serve as an antidote to the hateful lies progressives have promoted about their own country. Those lies stem from the left's mission to obliterate the foundations of the old social order by smearing America as an irredeemably and systemically racist nation which must be deconstructed entirely to make way for a socially just, equitable paradise. A steady torrent of this subversive messaging over the decades has eroded the willingness and ability of impressionable younger generations to defend their own country and culture from the left’s relentless assaults. [more...]

University Protests are the Opening Assault of the 2024 Election Interference Operation

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

In 2020, Andy Ngo documented that 60-70% of the Portland Antifer protestors were Public School Staff and Faculty. In the "spontaneous" university violence exploding across America - there's that 60-70% metric again. 60-70% of the Antifer, now Palestinian/Hamas protestors, are not university students. This is the opening assault of election interference 2024. [more...]

Indian Pharmaceutical Company Zydus Lifesciences Fails 10 FDA Requirements

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Generic drug exporter Zydus Lifesciences received poor marks again in April following a Food and Drug Administration inspection of its lab in Vadodara, a city in Gujarat state on India's western coast. Inspectors noted ten instances where the company was not in line with Current Good Manufacturing Practices, essentially a how-to guide on making medication for the U.S. market. [more...]

Joe Biden's Biggest Donors? The Ones Funding Anti-Israel Protests

By Cheryl Chumley

Some of the biggest donors to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign are one and the same as those funding the anti-Israel demonstrations on America's college campuses. Politico, which reported the matter, calls that "surprising." Most everyone else calls that 'no du'oh.' Democrats have become Marxists and along with that Marxist leaning come all the usual suspects... [more...]

The Consequences of a Godless Society

By James Hirsen

We are living in the age of the unthinkable. "Surreal," "disturbing," and "frightening" are some of the words that are rolling off the tongues of America's beleaguered people. The Internet is saturated with news reports and video clips that tell the woeful tale. How in the world did we get here? The explanation is fairly simple. We allowed those who had an atheist bent to shove God out of sight. [more...]

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