Tuesday, August 20, 2024

8-20-24 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Daniel Greenfield: Biden's Deranged Speech

2. John Lott: Behind Tim Walz’s 'Hunter' Facade is a Plan to Take Your Guns

3. Gianna Miceli: Supreme Court Flexes Its Muscle at the U.S. Corporation Once Again

4. Col. John Mills: 2.9 billion Social Security Profiles Stolen?

5. Kenneth Rapoza: Is There Any Stopping China from Being the Solar OPEC?

6. Mark Tapson: Welcome to Man Up

7. James Hirsen: Matthew Perry's 'Arc of Fame' Devolved to Addiction

Biden's Deranged Speech

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

If Democrats needed another reminder of why their party insiders ousted Biden as their nominee, they got it on the opening night. Kamala’s joy may be as fake as a three-dollar bill, but Biden’s deranged rants about his opponents as threats to democracy would have tanked the election. And Biden was in fine form, repeating the usual lies and cliches, raging and mumbling his way through the same speech that he’s been giving for four years in which he acts like he’s the last guard of democracy against anyone who disagrees with him while trying to also uphold his legacy as America’s savior. [more...]

Behind Tim Walz’s 'Hunter' Facade is a Plan to Take Your Guns

By John Lott

"I spent 25 years in the Army, and I hunt," Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., declared in 2018. "I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks, we can do CDC research, we can make sure that we don’t reciprocal carry among states. And we can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are allowed to be carried." In just a few sentences, Walz made false claims about assault weapons, background checks, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) research, and reciprocal carry. [more...]

Supreme Court Flexes Its Muscle at the U.S. Corporation Once Again

By Gianna Miceli

The Supreme Court in 2024 has made profound rulings that are catastrophic to the United States (corporate) fake de-facto government.

The Supreme Court is all that stands between "We the People" and the rules, codes, and statutes that violate the rights of the people in every traffic stop and courtroom every single day across this country. Here are some examples... [more...]

2.9 billion Social Security Profiles Stolen?

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

This number doesn't make any sense; the data stolen is exactly what is needed for industrial ballot harvesting.

I don’t know how there can be 2.9 billion Social Security profiles out there when the population is roughly 350 million. Does this number include dead people? Illegals? This is a crazy number. What’s even crazier is that the information included Social Security numbers, names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Exactly what is needed to request ballots on an industrial scale to throw the election? A coup at the White House, Kamala stepping in on cue, a PSYOP campaign to make Kamala look like the second coming of Obama, no time for any meaningful public inspection of Kamala. Sure looks like the fix is in. [more...]

Is There Any Stopping China from Being the Solar OPEC?

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Some $50 billion has been invested or announced to be invested into the United States by multinational solar companies since the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in 2022. Tax incentives, coupled with a big domestic market, made it attractive and more financially feasible to manufacture and sell here. But one country outnumbers all the rest as the home base for those multinationals – China. [more...]

Welcome to Man Up

By Mark Tapson

... a new Freedom Center series on manhood

We live in very gender-confused times, and that is by design. We are witnessing the culmination of more than a half-century of radical feminism and its successor, gender ideology, whose end game was to subvert the culture so effectively that we are eradicating the very definitions of male and female. The assault on masculinity is the most critical front of the Marxist campaign because once the enemies of manhood sell the idea that male and female are false social constructions rather than biological truths, and that masculinity is an inherently misogynist, violent, oppressive, and toxic construction that must be deconstructed to pave the way for a Marxist utopia, then the family unit will disintegrate for good, the State will become our father, and the last line of defense against the West’s enemies, both internal and external, will have collapsed. [more...]

Matthew Perry's 'Arc of Fame' Devolved to Addiction

By James Hirsen

Matthew Perry’s Hollywood tale is all too familiar. A talented celebrity prematurely dies due to a lethal dose of prescription drugs. In October 2023, he left the earthly realm at age 54. An autopsy indicated that he died from the acute effects of a drug, "Ketamine" that killed him, which was an off-label application of a medication FDA-approved for sedation but can also assist people who suffer from treatment-resistant depression. Circumstances surrounding his death have taken on a different tenor in more recent days and are being examined within the context of criminality, due to the investigative work of multiple law enforcement agencies. Five people have now been criminally charged in connection with Perry’s death. [more...]

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