Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8-27-24 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Gianna Miceli: The Alphabet Dream Team

2. Daniel Greenfield: Facebook CEO Says Censorship Happened Due to Biden-Harris Admin Pressure

3. Col. John Mills: The Vindman Twins are Deep State Super Villains

4. Robert Spencer: The Keffiyeh is the Arabs' Swastika

5. Mark Tapson: The Democrats' '21st Century Masculinity'

The Alphabet Dream Team

By Gianna Miceli


Can this dream team dismantle the administrative state? The Supreme Court finally tells the alphabet agencies that they are not legislators. The Loper Bright decision has terminated the Chevron doctrine, reining in anti-democratic and unlawful extensions of government. Loper Bright expands the judiciary’s power to review and reject interpretations of statutes adopted by federal administrative agencies. The significance of the decision, however, should not be overstated. All of the above agencies are created by statutes and the average person thinks these agencies employ LAWS that they are obligated to OBEY. [more...]

Facebook CEO Says Censorship Happened Due to Biden-Harris Admin Pressure

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

This letter from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is important: "In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree," Zuckerberg wrote to the House Judiciary Committee. "I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today." Zuckerberg also mentions that the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed. [more...]

The Vindman Twins are Deep State Super Villains

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

One tries to turn VA-7 into a Ukraine money laundering racket, the other threatens Elon Musk and all Americans to fall in line, or else.

The Vindmans are case studies on the effect of toxic woke-ism on military officers. Their view of America is Big Government control of everything, bloated bureaucracies, and tyrannical suppression of free speech. Vindman 1 (V-1) is Alex Vindman, the noisier and most obnoxious of the two. Retired as a Lieutenant Colonel after acting as a Deep State Agent and spy of Congressman Adam Schiff and within a nano-second of him monitoring a Trump phone call as an Action Officer at the White House, used it as the core fodder for the coup against Trump. Now he is making it clear, if you step out of line on social media, the Deep State will come after you. [more...]

The Keffiyeh is the Arabs' Swastika

By Robert Spencer

Like everything that is "Palestinian," the keffiyeh comes from somewhere else. Its name is derived from an Italian word, cuffia, or headdress. It originated among the Bedouins as a protection from the sun; and not just Palestinians, or Arabs in general, wear it, Kurds and Yazidis sometimes sport it as a non-political statement. Nevertheless, the close identification of this headdress with the Palestinian jihad against Israel has made it unmistakable: the keffiyeh is today what the broken cross of National Socialism was in the 1930s and 1940s. It is a symbol of an irrational and violent hatred of Jews, and a determination to destroy them. [more...]

The Democrats' '21st Century Masculinity'

By Mark Tapson

The Party that won’t define "woman" now wants to co-opt and redefine manhood.

In case you were thinking naively that Democrats would allow the upcoming presidential election to be a referendum on border policy, inflation, abortion, gender ideology, or war with Russia – issues, in other words – it’s actually going to be about which party's vision of masculinity will prevail. The state media are coordinating a push to hype vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz and "Second Gentleman" Doug Emhoff as role models for a new and improved, non-threatening, Democrat masculinity that happily defers to feminist leadership. [more...]

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