Tuesday, September 10, 2024

9-10-24 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Gianna Miceli: What Trump Should Bring Up at the Debate Tonight That Everyone Is Missing

2. Amb. David Friedman: Biden’s Policies are Doomed to Failure

3. John Lott: CDC, FBI Working to Hide Data Showing Shootings Stopped by Good Guys with Guns

4. Kenneth Rapoza: Trade Deficit Rises 7.9%; July Goods Deficit of $103 Billion Biggest on the Year

5. Daniel Greenfield: Kamala’s Islamists

6. Mark Tapson: Venezuelan Gang Takes Over Colorado Apartment Buildings

What Trump Should Bring Up at the Debate Tonight That Everyone Is Missing

By Gianna Miceli

President Trump has had all four of his court cases disrupted in various ways, but he's never said what the root cause of all of them are. Yes, the DOJ lawfare is there. But the truth is this: The Supreme Court rulings of the summer of 2024, (Chevron Deference and SEC v Jarkesy) are going to unwind the corporation that the United States has been since 1871. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution are the supreme law of land. So why do all the states have their own constitutions if the Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Because they're separate corporations. [more...]

Biden’s Policies are Doomed to Failure

Fmr. President Trump's former ambassador to Israel, Amb. David Friedman, is out with a new book offering a solution for Mideast peace: backing the concept of a single Jewish state in Palestine. David Friedman was a key architect of the Abraham Accords, and he says Israel and the U.S. need to embrace the reality that a two-state solution simply won't work. An Amazon bestseller, ONE JEWISH STATE: The Last, Best Hope to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict argues that Biden’s policies are doomed to failure and only put Israel in greater danger. [more...]

CDC, FBI Working to Hide Data Showing Shootings Stopped by Good Guys with Guns

By John Lott

The CDC, FBI, and legacy media are conspiring to “debunk” the truth that armed, law-abiding citizens prevent crime and stop mass shootings.

For years, gun control activists have sought to “debunk” the so-called “good guy with a gun myth” in an effort to pass more stringent controls on one of our nation’s most cherished liberties. In support of this agenda, the federal government in conjunction with legacy media has sought to suppress the abundant evidence in support of the truth that armed, law-abiding citizens are one of the most effective deterrents against public mass casualty attacks. [more...]

Trade Deficit Rises 7.9%; July Goods Deficit of $103 Billion Biggest on the Year

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

The U.S. goods and services trade deficit rose 7.9% for the month of July, but the goods deficit alone hit a record for the year – $103.13 billion.  The previous high was in May at $100.1 billion. The full deficit, including services, is $505.25 billion year to date ending July. It was around $470 billion in the same period in 2023. Deficits were recorded with the usual top three led by China and followed by the European Union and Mexico. [more...]

Kamala’s Islamists

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

BDS, Al Qaeda, “Kill the Jews” and Kamala’s “Incredible Muslim Team”

“During the blessed last ten days of Ramadan, we celebrate our Administration’s incredible Muslim team,” VP Kamala Harris announced, posing on the steps of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building with some of the most controversial figures in the administration. Right behind Kamala was Nasrina Bargzie, her deputy counsel and future Muslim liaison, who had been interviewed by the FBI after 9/11, wore orange for the Islamic terrorists at Gitmo and had fought a lawsuit Jewish student over harassment by pro-terrorist activists at Berkeley. [more...]

Venezuelan Gang Takes Over Colorado Apartment Buildings

By Mark Tapson

Every state is a border state now.

While Border Czar Kamala Harris continues to evade responsibility for helping throw open our southern border to millions of unvetted illegals, the consequences of that ongoing national security debacle are erupting throughout the United States, not just at the border. A Venezuelan gang that is being described as exponentially more dangerous than the monstrous MS-13 gang has seized the opportunity afforded it by the Harris-Biden administration to seize control of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado. [more...]

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