Tuesday, September 3, 2024

9-3-24 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. John Lott: Law Enforcement Collapse Masks Rising Crime Rates

2. Kenneth Rapoza: China Restricts Exports of Key Minerals Used in Making Ammo, Semiconductors

3. Gianna Miceli: Jealousy Creates Tortious Interference Over Free Speech On X

4. Col. John Mills: Re-visiting the GCHQ Memo from 2016

5. Daniel Greenfield: Week Before 9/11, Islamic Terrorists March Through Manhattan

6. James Hirsen: TikTok Lawsuit May Forever Change Social Media

Law Enforcement Collapse Masks Rising Crime Rates

By John Lott

Law enforcement in the United States has collapsed. Americans in many parts of the country see that products at CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart stores are behind plexiglass, that you must call a clerk to unlock the glass and then wait while you read and examine the different packages. People know these companies have no choice. Americans know that crime is rising, but the true collapse in law enforcement, particularly in large cities, is without precedent. [more...]

China Restricts Exports of Key Minerals Used in Making Ammo, Semiconductors

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

If anyone needed yet another example of the importance of China miners and processing companies, Beijing said it would put restrictions on exports of antimony and processing equipment used in batteries and as an alloy to increase a metal’s strength. This means WHAT? China accounts for nearly half of the world’s antimony production, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. China’s Ministry of Commerce made the announcement on Aug. 15, citing export restrictions on seven different types of antimony as well as six pieces of equipment used to process what the U.S. considers a critical mineral. The U.S. does not mine this mineral. [more...]

Jealousy Creates Tortious Interference Over Free Speech On X

By Gianna Miceli

Call me sovereign but don't call me a citizen.

Can free speech fall under the category of tortious interference? This past week I was downgraded from a professional account on X to a regular account because a seemingly oddball super anti-Trump hating "streamer" told his minions to report my X-promoted posts as "sovereign citizen nonsense." Within a few hours I had notifications that all my promoted posts were "under review" and I was no longer allowed to promote new ones. I was tagged in a YouTube video where an account whose entire online presence is to call out what his feeble mind considers to be "sovereign citizen" misinformation. You won’t believe what happened next... [more...]

Re-visiting the GCHQ Memo from 2016

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

A furious attempt to de-bunk the memo was conducted. Was the GCHG memo plausible? Absolutely.

The elite furiously worked to spike this memo and called it fake. It has also been referred to as Project Fulsome. From my unclassified knowledge of Five Eyes Proceedings, the memo is plausible. For full disclosure, I did spend time as the U.S. Senior for Five Eyes Information Sharing, but never saw this memo. The efforts I worked on didn’t normally include the term “Project” in the title. The titles were usually two random words like, “Titan Wingnut.” If GCHQ was in charge of the naming convention, “Project Fulsome” might make sense as a title. [more...]

Week Before 9/11, Islamic Terrorists March Through Manhattan

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

The enemy is marching through the streets of our cities to proclaim its victory.

Could anyone have imagined twenty years ago or even in the darkest days of the Obama administration that Islamic terrorists would feel free to rampage across the streets of Manhattan waving terrorist flags? But here we are. No arrests. No FBI agents knocking on their doors. Despite formal condemnations and press releases, the Jihadists know that they have the backing of the Democrats, the Left, and the media. What else do they need? This is what they’re doing a week before 9/11. Can you imagine what they’ll do on 9/11? [more...]

TikTok Lawsuit May Forever Change Social Media

By James Hirsen

A lawsuit was recently brought against TikTok, which may end up altering the legal landscape for social media platforms operating in the U.S. The lawsuit has its origins in the tragic death of a 10-year-old girl who, while engaging in a trendy but extremely dangerous activity on Tik Tok, sadly lost her life. [more...]

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