Friday, January 11, 2013

1-11-13 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Kyle Olson: New York City Schools Admit They Spend $6,900 Per Student - On Bus Transportation
2. Ryan Mauro: The Formidable Islamist Minority in America
3. Wayne Allyn Root: Obama Teams Up With Big Business to Destroy Middle Class

New York City Schools Admit They Spend $6,900 Per Student - On Bus Transportation
By Kyle Olson

The New York City Department of Education has been catching heat from transportation unions lately over a decision to solicit bids for transportation services for the first time in years, in an effort to curtail runaway costs. The district has not sought "significant" bids for student transportation services in 33 years. That means it’s probably been using the same companies for years, without competitive bids to naturally control rising costs. And those costs are increased every year because the companies use highly-paid union drivers. [more...]

The Formidable Islamist Minority in America

A summary of polls about the ideological makeup of the Muslim-American community shows that the majority is moderate, but there is a formidable minority influenced by Islamist doctrine. A significant number are refusing to give answers or are still figuring out where they stand on issues like terrorism and Sharia Law. The number one question is how many Muslim-Americans support terrorism. A 2011 Pew poll found very little support for Al-Qaeda, with only 2% viewing the terrorist group very favorably, 3% somewhat favorably and 11% somewhat unfavorably. About 70% view Al-Qaeda very unfavorably, an increase of 12% since 2007. [more...]

Obama Teams Up With Big Business to Destroy Middle Class

President Obama is a unique breed of socialist. He is a hybrid socialist/fascist. He understands that he needs "cover" to destroy America. He needs the support of famous billionaires like Warren Buffett and credible fat cat corporate CEOs like Jeffrey Immelt of GE to convince the masses that he is not out to destroy capitalism. He needs to show that rich people are on his side, that these rich guys agree with him that tax increases on the rich are "fair." And the rich fat cats of big business will be glad to help him, as long as they share in the spoils. [more...]

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