Friday, January 25, 2013

1-25-13 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Al Fadi: Al Qaeda, North Africa and Militant Islam
2. Kyle Olson: NBC Laments ‘Upper Class Has Just About Won’ Against Labor Unions
3. Dave Bego: Fiscal Realists Must Publicly Identify Public Sector Unions as the Core Problem
4. Doug Johnson: Benghazi, Accountability and Why America is on its Last Legs

Al Qaeda, North Africa and Militant Islam

Why Algeria’s Hostage Crisis is a Sign of a Hidden Threat

Almost a week ago a group of militants associated with the so-called Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) ambushed an Algerian oil and natural gas site on the Eastern region of the Saharan desert bordering Libya. The group then took workers hostage, especially foreigners (as U.S. workers). The group claimed it did the assault as retaliation against the Algerian government for allowing the French army to fly over the North African nation during their military operation against Islamic militants in northern Mali. Within hours, the Algerian army stormed the oil site and freed many of the hostages, killing almost all of the militants. However, make no mistake about it; this rather bizarre incident was a calculated attack by AQIM that should call into question the motive behind it. This attack is mainly a symptom of greater security instability in the region - chiefly, the rise of militant Islam and their systematic attempt to overthrow powers and take-over nations. [more...]

NBC Laments ‘Upper Class Has Just About Won’ Against Labor Unions

The Detroit News recently reported that union membership has declined five-tenths of a percentage point - 11.8 to 11.3 - in the workforce. “Total union membership fell by about 400,000 workers to 14.4 million. Teachers unions were among the hardest hit, with the ranks of public school teachers and educators falling sharply,” it noted. The thinning union ranks are blamed to state budget cuts which have resulted job losses for teachers and other public sector employees. The AP report did not mention that some teachers are choosing to walk away from their union. But that’s exactly what’s happening in Wisconsin. [more...]

Fiscal Realists Must Publicly Identify Public Sector Unions as the Core Problem

The problem with the current slate of Republican politicians is a failure to communicate. The GOP has become its own worst enemy. They don’t think they can play the bully card, because the mainstream media is in Obama’s camp. Although this may be accurate, this should not prevent them from utilizing a “big tent” approach to reach Americans and educate them by exposing the public sector unions’ misinformation and lies. Conservatives must illustrate the socialistic agenda of big labor and their allies, and explain that the problem with socialism is socialism, all while using professionalism, ethics and integrity. After applying this approach against the SEIU in the face of overwhelming odds and emerging victorious, I feel confident that this strategy will produce results. [more...]

Benghazi, Accountability and Why America is on its Last Legs

The Benghazi disaster is a perfect example of why our nation is failing. These hearings were an opportunity to hold our officials accountable. This is the kind of thing that can stop the collapse of our nation. The hearings on Benghazi, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as the star witness, are nothing more than a joke. There was no attempt at finding the cause or holding anyone accountable on the part of the Democrats or most Republicans. It was a show put on so they could say they had investigated, but in reality they only want to maintain their power. All they did was blame others - in this case George W. Bush and a lack of funding seem to be the scapegoats of choice. [more...]

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