Tuesday, June 6, 2023

6-6-23 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Tim Murphy: June is PTSD Month - Here is the Cure

2. Wayne Allyn Root: YouTube Banned and Deleted My Interview Because This Idea Scares Democrats and the Deep State to Death

3. The Latest from Kenneth Rapoza

4. Daniel Greenfield: Barack Obama's True Legacy

5. John Lott: Advocates of 'Reasonable' Gun Control Laws Don't Want Any Firearms At All

6. James Hirsen: AI is Set to Take over Hollywood

June is PTSD Month - Here is the Cure

By Tim Murphy, Author of The Christ Cure

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: We associate it with something that happens in careers that can be dangerous like with soldiers, or police. But it really can happen to any of us who are hit with a major traumatic event. But beyond that initial hit, many don't realize how the effects of the trauma are multiplied by fear and prejudice against people with PTSD. The enemy is not in a faraway country, or in a dark back alley; the attacks are coming from right here at home, where we least expect it. And those attacks make it worse. Unfortunately, the public is grossly misinformed about PTSD, probably because they have seen too many movies that portray veterans as unstable. Or the news reports of mass shooters who are veterans. But it is a false narrative that those with PTSD are dangerous or broken beyond repair. Here is the cure... [more...]

YouTube Banned and Deleted My Interview Because This Idea Scares Democrats and the Deep State to Death

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author of The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book

I believe I’ve come up with a game-changer - an idea that has the power to save America from destruction and collapse at the hands of our enemies (domestic and foreign). An idea so powerful that if President Trump adopts it as a centerpiece of his campaign, it will catapult him to re-election as the 47th President of the United States. This idea is like Kryptonite to the Deep State. It threatens the power structure of the entire American political system and the U.S. government. [more...]

The Latest from Kenneth Rapoza

How the West Was Lost: An essay by CPA's Kenneth Rapoza, and Forbes columnist, on how the emerging markets, led by the BRICS, are moving beyond the mere academic exercise of "de-dollarization." Why has it gone from banter among top leaders of the global south, to a serious consideration? A look at how the West has fallen out of favor as the exemplar nations to the developing world. [more...]

Meet the five Chinese companies wall street still buys despite being blacklisted by the state and commerce departments. [more...]

Barack Obama's True Legacy

By Daniel Greenfield

Barack Obama's disastrous presidency ended on January 20, 2017. But Americans are still suffering from its devastating effects. In fact, Obama's legacy is more powerful – and more damaging – than ever. A new book brought to you by the editors of FrontPageMag.com, Barack Obama's True Legacy, details what the Durham Report has now confirmed: that Former President Obama was the real "big guy" behind the Democrats' "Russia collusion" hoax and the FBI's fraudulent and destructive war against President Trump. [more...]

Advocates of 'Reasonable' Gun Control Laws Don't Want Any Firearms At All

By John Lott

Gun control advocates keep claiming that they just want “reasonable” gun control, but self-defense advocates are understandably skeptical. New York and New Jersey cover their states with gun-free zones, to the point of making concealed carry impractical. Hawaii's legislature is now proposing to charge permit holders $1,000 in fees. None of that is reasonable. Nor is it reasonable when Biden keeps talking about banning all semi-automatic guns, which account for about 85 percent of handguns sold. ABC News reported in 2013 that former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, who are gun control activists, "Just want what they call reasonable gun control." [more...]

AI is Set to Take over Hollywood

By James Hirsen

Generative AI is a type of Artificial Intelligence technology that has the capacity to almost instantly produce text, images, audio and video. Understandably, the entertainment community is in an uproar over the prospect of AI wiping out a huge chunk of the longstanding industry. While a segment of Hollywood is actually enthused about the idea that AI might free creators from some of the typically tiresome tasks and also help to avoid the hefty price tag that frequently accompanies big budget projects, others are scared to death. It's fairly easy to convince a portion of the entertainment community that AI is an overall plus. Use of the technology has become common practice within the biz. [more...]

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