Tuesday, August 18, 2015

8-18-15 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: The Secret to Why Obama is Annihilating the GOP Every Single Day
2. Stephani Scruggs: China's War on America - Devaluing the American Economy
3. Crista Huff: How the State-Controlled Chinese Economy Affects Your U.S. Stock Market Investments
4. James Hirsen: Hollywood Support for Presidential Candidates is Up for Grabs
5. Michelle Seiler-Tucker: Another Win in the Books for Trump
6. John LeBoutillier: Hillary Heading Down... Trump Still Going Up?

The Secret to Why Obama is Annihilating the GOP Every Single Day

Something is wrong... really wrong. Are you as worried as I am at seeing what's happening to America? Why is it happening? Well the first answer is Barack Hussein Obama. We have a madman at the wheel who is purposely doing everything he can to drive us off the cliff. It is so clear he is purposely overwhelming the system. He is purposely destroying the voting demographics with an open border and amnesty by Executive Order; purposely destroying the economy and small business by taxing and regulating them to death; purposely destroying the middle class with giant increases in healthcare and energy costs through Obamacare and draconian EPA climate change regulations... [more...]

China's War on America - Devaluing the American Economy

Markets reeled last week as China doubled down on its latest attack on America. Embroiled in a currency war in effect that cost the U.S. GDP $430 billion in just the last 12 months, China upped the ante and conducted their strongest attack on America yet by breaking international law and performing the largest currency devaluation in two decades – all in just two days. Economic reports for the month of July 2015 revealed that China's exports were down by $10 billion.  To counter that loss, China has illegally interfered with foreign currency markets, artificially dumping the value of its currency, (the Yuan).  Already devalued by nearly 40%, this latest currency manipulation make it nearly impossible for American products to compete against artificially cheapened Chinese products. [more...]

How the State-Controlled Chinese Economy Affects Your U.S. Stock Market Investments

China devalued the yuan this month - an action which significantly affects worldwide companies that seek to sell their products in China. A currency devaluation means that it will now be more expensive for Chinese companies and citizens to purchase foreign goods. All sudden economic and geopolitical changes cause stock market volatility. It’s time to circle the wagons. My suggestion is to move away from Dow-invested stock mutual funds, toward S&P 500 and NASDAQ stock mutual funds. [more...]

Hollywood Support for Presidential Candidates is Up for Grabs

Hollywood is a community where political loyalties can turn on a dime, as exemplified by the way in which many entertainment industry insiders displayed their unabashed fickleness during the 2008 presidential cycle by abandoning Hillary's ship and jumping aboard Obama's train. If Hillary's poll numbers continue to drop, Tinseltown could once again reverse course and this time move in the direction of Biden. Some insertions and revisions to the 2016 election script appear to be taking shape, and a curious twist of fate is materializing. It arrives in the form of an undying devotion to, of all people, Sanders. This stands in contrast to the support that is on display for Hillary in the social media, which is mainly gender-focused and marked by perfunctory tweets, including the following... [more...]

Another Win in the Books for Trump

Why is Trump so successful in Iowa? Donald is the everyman’s billionaire. He may make $400 million a year, but voters in Iowa find him more relatable than any other politician. Trump speaks in straight-forward terms, never mincing words, and always expresses his true opinions. Plain and simple, Trump holds the same political values as millions of Americans - that’s why he is winning. No one has to worry about Donald falling into the pocket of any big corporation or industry. Trump represents himself and understands his supporters. Moreover, Trump is a person, not a politician. After the Iowa state fair, Trump reported for jury duty on Monday, just like any other American. [more...]

Hillary Heading Down... Trump Still Going Up?

Is the seemingly inevitable Hillary in more dire political and legal trouble than the so-called mainstream media realizes? Is that why Joe Biden and Al Gore are considering joining the race? And is Donald Trump now the GOP front-runner? Do any Republicans have a plan to beat him?  This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS – live on Fox News Channel this Sunday evening – at 7:30 PM ET. [more...]

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