Friday, August 28, 2015

'Big Bang' Star Mayim Bialik's Un-Hollywood Faith

Mayim Bialik has achieved a high level of fame in recent years for her portrayal of Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler on the mega-hit television show "The Big Bang Theory." If her TV character's scientific intellectualizing sounds surprisingly authentic, it is because Bialik's acting expertise actually mirrors her professional credentials. In addition to being a neuroscientist on the small screen, she is one in real life as well, having earned both an undergraduate degree and Ph.D. from UCLA in the field. Standing in contrast to many in the Hollywood community, Bialik is very thoughtful with regard to religion and takes her faith quite seriously. She has even used her fame to spread a message that is highly unique, if not altogether a rarity, when it comes to young actors, singers, and other entertainment professionals in that she encourages modesty and chastity. [more...]

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