Tuesday, May 30, 2017

5-31-17 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Joe Messina: NO to Lieberman for FBI Director
2. Lowell Ponte: Will Trump’s Climate Treaty Decision Shatter the Globalist Agenda?
3. James Hirsen: The Rock’s Political Ambitions
4. Wayne Allyn Root: Why 63 Million Trump Voters Will Never Leave Him
5. John LeBoutillier: Will the GOP Get Swept Out in 2018 Because of Trump?

NO to Lieberman for FBI Director

In President Trump’s search for the new FBI Director, one under serious consideration as a nominee is Senator Joe Lieberman. Democrat leadership is going nuts because they feel like he is not a good fit and, for the first time in a while, I find myself in agreement. At times, it seems the Trump Administration is soft shoeing it to make some political peace. I, for one, am here to tell them, STOP! It doesn’t work. The Dems don’t want peace; they want control. I am against Joe Lieberman because he is NOT in law enforcement. This is not his area of expertise. No. No. No. The Democrats’ reason for not wanting Joe Lieberman is because he is too extreme in his views. TRANSLATION: He is not enough of a Left-leaning socialist. [more...]

Will Trump’s Climate Treaty Decision Shatter the Globalist Agenda?

Last week, President Trump caused rage at the G-7 meeting by standing alone, refusing to support the Paris Climate Accord, a globalist scheme to increase centralized government power and to transfer huge wealth from the advanced nations. This week he will decide whether to reject this agreement. As a nationalist, President Trump is, like George Washington, a threat to the imperialist globalist agendas of Europeans like Merkel, Putin and the European Union. But by attacking Trump and the United Kingdom economically, Merkel threatens to undermine the dollar and your individual job, savings, and investments. People need to “Merkel-proof” their savings in simple, secure ways. [more...]

The Rock’s Political Ambitions

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently began publicly floating the idea that he was considering a run for president. The entertainment media ran wild with the story as the buzz cycle culminated with appearances on late night TV built around Johnson’s “presidential campaign.” In the past, Johnson has taken a politically even-handed approach in a possible attempt to please, as well as hold onto, a broad following of fans. He was a speaker at the Republican Convention in 2000, attended the Democratic Convention the same year, and is currently a registered Independent. However, the actor has made comments indicating his lack of fondness for President Donald Trump and suggesting that he had presidential aspirations of his own. This propelled the coverage of Johnson’s supposed presidential dreams into the anti-Trump media stratosphere. [more...]

Why 63 Million Trump Voters Will Never Leave Him

Trump left D.C. behind for the world stage. He looked presidential. And then radical Islamic terrorists struck again - this time in Manchester, England. The barbaric, sub-human ISIS terrorists exploded a nail bomb outside a stadium crowded with little girls at an Ariana Grande concert. And just like that, 63 million Trump voters were reminded what matters... were reminded why they voted for Trump... and why they’ll never leave Trump. 63 million of us voted for him not because he’s a saint, or a perfect politician. We don’t want him to be like traditional politicians. Trump doesn’t play by D.C. rules. He’s a wild card - and we like it that way. But after the Manchester terror attack, we’ve been reminded once again why we must stick by Trump for good. Because he’s the only one to keep our children safe at night. Nothing else matters. [more...]

Will the GOP Get Swept Out in 2018 Because of Trump?

On the latest edition of REVOLUTION_The Podcast: We talk to long-time D.C. journalist, John Gizzi, the National Political Reporter and White House Correspondent for Newsmax. We discuss the deepening Russian crisis - and the White House's response to it; the "outsider" President's ability to get a handle on his job; the split inside the GOP; and the coming 2018 mid-term elections: will the Republicans lose their ability to get things done? [more...]

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