Tuesday, July 27, 2021

7-27-21 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Judd Dunning: The Right Must Seek Truth

2. James Hirsen: 'The Matrix' of Our Lives

3. John Lott: Biden Says He Wants to Ban Semi-Automatic Guns, Including Handguns

4. Steve Turley: Shock Poll - Americans Want to Secede

5. Daniel Greenfield: Republicans Refuse Vaccines at Same Rate as Black Health Care Workers

6. Patrick Wood: The Globalist Revolution Renews Attacks, Aims to End Free Speech

The Right Must Seek Truth

By Judd Dunning

Many Americans have forgotten the vital importance of seeking truth for truth's own sake. Although Americans are a generally exuberant, gregarious free lot, our Founders never set up our system of American freedom to blindly trust anything. Always remember that Americans agreed to be ruled, but only lightly so. After fleeing English rule, America was clearly set up legally, structurally and philosophically for citizens to mistrust their own government and die for truth (especially self-evident truth.) That credo continues. [more...]

'The Matrix' of Our Lives

By James Hirsen

"The Matrix," which debuted in 1999, turned out to be a watershed sci-fi movie. Its impact is enduring, and it seems to have an ethereal quality and relevance that has never been more significant, and in many ways more disturbing, than at our present time. The setting of the film is a dystopian future, one in which humanity lives and breathes a simulated reality, thus the name "The Matrix." Artificial intelligence is the means by which a false reality has been created in order to muddle the minds of human beings but still allow the shells of their bodies to be used as energy sources. [more...]

Biden Says He Wants to Ban Semi-Automatic Guns, Including Handguns

By Dr. John Lott

President Biden made it very clear at his CNN Townhall last week that he wants to ban all semi-automatic guns in the U.S. that have "the ability to fire 20, 30" or more shots. Not only do semi-automatic guns account for most guns, but they provide important self-defensive benefits for individuals. If the alternative is manually loaded guns, victims might not have the luxury of time to manually reload their guns. If a victim is facing multiple attackers, wounds but doesn't stop the attacker, or misses on their first shot, making them manually reload their gun may leave them defenseless. By the way, it is not uncommon for people to have to fire more than 10 rounds in self-defense. [more...]

Shock Poll - Americans Want to Secede

By Steve Turley

A new poll has just emerged, shocking pundits and pollsters alike. The amount of Americans wanting to secede is surging. The poll, conducted by Bright Line Watch in conjunction with YouGov, asked respondents: "Would you support or oppose [your state] seceding from the United States to join a new union with [list of states in the new union]?" The survey found that support for secession has increased among every partisan group. Particularly support for succession has skyrocketed among southern Republicans.  Support for secession among southern Republicans was 50 percent back in January of this year, no doubt a high number for sure. However, that number has leaped to 66 percent in June. This comes despite the fact that pundits believed that the height of animosity against Washington, D.C. around the Biden inauguration would quell by the summer. [more...]

Republicans Refuse Vaccines at Same Rate as Black Health Care Workers

By Daniel Greenfield

Democrats and their media spent the past week warning that the country would have to go back to pandemic lockdowns and that it was all the fault of Republicans for refusing to get vaccinated. The Biden White House blamed "conservative outlets" on Facebook for spreading "misinformation" and demanded more censorship. The day after Biden's CNN town hall, the largest healthcare union in the country took to the streets of Manhattan against vaccine mandates. SEIU union activists, a fixture at every Democrat rally and leftist event, protested outside New York-Presbyterian hospital which had ordered all of its employees to be vaccinated. "We believe that our members are best equipped to make the healthcare decisions that are right for their bodies," SEIU 1199's communications director Cara Noel argued. There was not a MAGA hat in the crowd, but Al Sharpton addressed the crowd in rhyme. [more...]

The Globalist Revolution Renews Attacks, Aims to End Free Speech

By Patrick Wood

Anyone who thinks there will be a return to "normal" in America will soon meet the ugly reality that the attacks on American sovereignty and the Constitution have only just begun. The globalists who are now openly declaring war on America will not stop until we thoroughly and completely reject them. The Great Panic of 2020, induced by a globalist narrative of fear and propaganda surrounding COVID-19, was merely the opening volley in a global revolutionary war to destroy liberty and freedom everywhere. All tyrannical revolutions in the past 200 years have started with one singular strategy to assault citizens' ability to communicate. Free speech is anathema to would-be tyrants because it allows ordinary people to expose their plans and actions. Thus, newspapers, radio and TV stations are always the first to be attacked in order to suppress dissent and to publish revolutionary propaganda. [more...]

Thursday, July 22, 2021

7-22-21 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. John Lott: Despite What Biden Says, Guns Factor in Only a Small Percentage of Violent Crimes

2. Ken Rapoza: Why are Coke, Airbnb Sponsoring Beijing 2022 Olympics?

3. Steve Turley: Europe Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates

4. Daniel Greenfield: Fauci Demands Censorship to Fight Pandemic

5. David Horowitz Reveals 'The Enemy Within'


Despite What Biden Says, Guns Factor in Only a Small Percentage of Violent Crimes

By Dr. John Lott

In response to sharp increases in violent crime, Biden stressed again last week that his administration is focused on "stemming the flow of firearms used to commit violent crimes." But critics warn that this "guns first" approach ignores a basic fact – about 92% of violent crimes in America do not involve firearms. Although firearms were used in about 74% of homicides in 2019, they comprise less than 9% of violent crimes in America. The vast majority of violent offenses – including robberies, rapes and other sex crimes – almost always involve other weapons or no weapons at all. [more...]

Why are Coke, Airbnb Sponsoring Beijing 2022 Olympics?

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Coca-Cola took a lot of heat for being against the Georgia election law that requires voters to present a valid ID in order to vote. But they are sponsoring, happily, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. There’s no voting there. Airbnb proudly plastered its website with Pride Month images in June. They’re sponsoring the Beijing 2022 Olympics. Maybe they can sponsor the Shanghai Pride Parade next month, too. Oh, wait, there is no such thing as the Shanghai Pride Parade. In fact, the mobile messaging app WeChat, owned by Tencent, recently banned accounts owned by openly gay Chinese. Tencent is owned by a billionaire named Huateng "Pony" Ma. Pony can sponsor the Beijing 2022 Olympics. China has plenty of billionaires. It doesn’t need Airbnb and Coca-Cola, once an American icon, now joining a chorus of activists calling the U.S. racist while sponsoring the Olympics in a country that holds tens of thousands of Uyghur Muslims in captivity in China's war on terrorism. Some Uyghur women are sterilized against their will in Xinjiang, China. The State Department calls that genocide. Didn't the mothers of these executives teach them, "You are the company you keep?" [more...

Europe Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates

By Steve Turley

The nations of Greece and France are rising up and pushing back hard against their governments' COVID vaccine mandates. In France, President Macron gave a televised address at the beginning of the week announcing new mandatory measures to curb the spread of the Delta variant of the Coronavirus. In the address, he said that the French government was striving to achieve a 100% vaccination rate across the country. To accomplish that goal, beginning in August, France will be mandating what they call 'health passports' - certificates proving that one is either COVID-negative or has been fully vaccinated. Those passports will be required to be shown in all bars, restaurants, cafes, and shopping centers! So here we go. The backlash against the COVID passports has been severe. In terms of seeing how things play out now that we are witnessing vaccine passports coming to the fore in Europe, the obvious question is: what are the prospects for such mandates reaching our shores? [more...]

Fauci Demands Censorship to Fight Pandemic

By Daniel Greenfield

After Biden's spokeswoman boasted that the administration was ordering Facebook to censor some people's speech, Fauci joined the campaign by appearing on CNN to warn about the dangers of letting anyone say whatever they think. "We probably would still have polio in this country if we had the kind of false information that's being spread now," he falsely claimed. Fauci, as usual, is wrong about everything. [more...]

David Horowitz Reveals 'The Enemy Within'

By David Horowitz

Freedom Center founder David Horowitz was the guest recently of the Leadership Institute's Wednesday Wake-up Club Breakfast, and spoke about his new book, The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America. Mark Levin has described The Enemy Within as "a book for all patriots who understand that our country is in a fight for its life." [more...]

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

7-20-21 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Kenneth Rapoza: Hong Kong's Warning from Washington Should Mean No More WTO Special Treatment

2. Patrick Wood: WH Collusion with Big Tech

3. Daniel Greenfield: The Most Powerful Woman in D.C. is Actually the Weakest

4. Robert Curry: Conservatives in Name Only

5. Prof. John Ellis: Critical Race Theory's Upside-Down History

6. Stephen C. Meyer: Why God is Still the Best Scientific Theory to Explain our Life on Earth

Hong Kong's Warning from Washington Should Mean No More WTO Special Treatment

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

The Biden Administration just sent another warning shot to American business. This time it wasn't to those doing business in Xinjiang, the infamous home of Muslim prison camps; it was to those doing business with, and in, Hong Kong, citing reputational risk, sanctions risk, and other headaches now that Hong Kong is almost fully part of China. Worth noting - thanks to globalist organizations like the World Trade Organization - Hong Kong is able to bid for U.S. government contracts, a total China backdoor that would allow a Chinese company to bid for building a bridge, a port, an interstate, on equal footing with a bidding firm in Kansas.  I can explain how that works, and why it is time Hong Kong is treated no differently in the eyes of Washington than Shanghai and Beijing. [more...]

WH Collusion with Big Tech

By Patrick Wood

Last week, the Biden administration admitted to conspiring and colluding with social media giant Facebook to monitor, surveil, and, when necessary, suppress posts on the platform that the administration considers to be "disinformation" regarding the Wuhan Coronavirus, the rapidly spreading Delta variant, and the government's attempt to coerce Americans into receiving the experimental Covid-19 vaccine. "We're flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spreads misinformation," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced at Thursday's press briefing. "Facebook needs to move more quickly to remove harmful, violative (sic) posts." [more...]

The Most Powerful Woman in D.C. is Actually the Weakest

By Daniel Greenfield

Poll numbers show that Kamala remains unpopular and administration officials keep leaking damaging materials about her to a media that appears curiously eager to run with them. The campaign is the work of Biden’s allies who have calculated that the more they weaken Kamala, the less likely their boss will face pressure to step down on her behalf. Kamala Harris went from embodying the woke cultural moment as the first black woman in the White House to recapitulating her humiliating primary race in which she raised $36 million and dropped out without even trying to compete in a single primary election while blaming racism. Biden made a pledge to pick a black woman for the second spot. His advisors chose a political nemesis whom he had beaten before, not because she was strong, but because she was weak. [more...]

Conservatives in Name Only

By Robert Curry, Author of Reclaiming Common Sense

"RINO" - Republican in Name Only - is one of the more useful terms we have in our contemporary political lexicon. A RINO is a person who claims to be a Republican yet often, or even as often as politically possible, votes with the Democrats. We use this term to clarify a basic reality of American party politics. Hitchhiking on the success of "RINO," let's consider "CINO" - Conservative in Name Only. An American who claims to be a conservative and yet rejects the founders is a CINO.  Examples are easy to find. [more...]

Critical Race Theory's Upside-Down History

By Prof. John Ellis

There are some things we should all be able to agree upon when considering a curriculum for schools. First, we'd surely want it to be based on ideas and facts that are solid and settled, not the disputed theories of a fringe sect. Second, it shouldn't be politically partisan, because nobody should want children to be pawns in political battles. And third, we'd want it not to stir up animosity - especially racial animosity - setting different groups of children against each other. Yet the program that the federal education department wants to promote and the model ethnic studies curriculum that California's state board of education has just approved violate all three of these simple principles. The critical race theory (CRT) that is their inspiration is so far from being consensus settled knowledge, so bitterly partisan, and so divisive, that several states are banning it from their schools. Read Prof. Ellis's latest book: The Breakdown of Higher Education: How It Happened, the Damage It Does, and What Can Be Done. [more...]

Why God is Still the Best Scientific Theory to Explain our Life on Earth

By Stephen C. Meyer, University of Cambridge-trained philosopher of science and New York Times bestselling author

Can aliens explain both the origin of life and the fine tuning? Probably not. Explaining both these mysteries requires an intelligence who can act within the universe (to produce the code necessary to life) and also act on the universe as a whole from the beginning (to establish its finely tuned structure). Believers in this kind of intelligence greatly outnumber believers in alien astronauts. They have long called this intelligence behind life and the universe by a different name. They call it God. Read Stephen's latest book: Return of the GOD Hypothesis: Three Discoveries that Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe. [more...]

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Why are Coke, Airbnb Sponsoring Beijing 2022 Olympics?

By Kenneth Rapoza, China Expert/Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Coca-Cola took a lot of heat for being against the Georgia election law that requires voters to present a valid ID in order to vote. But they are sponsoring, happily, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. There’s no voting there.

Airbnb proudly plastered its website with Pride Month images in June. They’re sponsoring the Beijing 2022 Olympics. Maybe they can sponsor the Shanghai Pride Parade next month, too.

Oh, wait, there is no such thing as the Shanghai Pride Parade. In fact, the mobile messaging app WeChat, owned by Tencent, recently banned accounts owned by openly gay Chinese. Tencent is owned by a billionaire named Huateng "Pony" Ma. Pony can sponsor the Beijing 2022 Olympics. China has plenty of billionaires. It doesn’t need Airbnb and Coca-Cola, once an American icon, now joining a chorus of activists calling the U.S. racist while sponsoring the Olympics in a country that holds tens of thousands of Uyghur Muslims in captivity in China's war on terrorism. Some Uyghur women are sterilized against their will in Xinjiang, China. The State Department calls that genocide. Didn't the mothers of these executives teach them, "You are the company you keep?" [more...] 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

7-13-21 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Kenneth Rapoza: Gov't Study Shows Free Trade Deals Produced Little Benefit Except for Multinationals

2. Dr. John Lott: Gun-Death Hoax Faked the Facts, Which the Media Echoed

3. Patrick Wood: The Evil Twins of Transhumanism and Technocracy

4. James Hirsen: Superman Gives Captain America an American History Lesson

5. Steve Turley: What if AZ Audit Shows Trump Won?

6. Karen Kataline: Cubans are Flying Flags that Americans are Burning

Gov't Study Shows Free Trade Deals Produced Little Benefit Except for Multinationals

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

The U.S. International Trade Commission recently published a compendium of academic research on America's free trade deals, led by NAFTA and the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. The research goes back 18 years. It showed that GDP grew just half a percent as a result; women and minorities lost out; high school graduates without college lost out (and there are more of them than there are college graduates); and multinationals with massive economies of scale were able to force smaller and midsized manufacturers in the U.S. out of the market as they were now forced to compete with Mexico or Korea as if they were the 51st and 52nd state. With this study, we now have a better grasp on just who benefits from globalization... and who suffers. [more...]

Gun-Death Hoax Faked the Facts, Which the Media Echoed

By Dr. John Lott

I recently drove 950 miles to give the keynote commencement address at an online high school based in Las Vegas. Two thousand students were supposedly going to attend, but it turned out that the school didn't exist. The fake high school and the deceptive editing of my speech weren't the only falsehoods here. A gun control organization called "Change the Ref" hoodwinked news outlets worldwide to propagate a lie about how extensive gun violence is in the United States. The videos made from this address focus on the "lost class." Specifically, "they are the 3,044 graduating high school seniors that died from gun violence," according to Change the Ref. These dead students were represented by the vast sea of 3,044 empty chairs that the group had me give my "dress rehearsal" talk in front of. It is a claim that received unquestioning national and international news coverage parroting this figure, even running the number in their headlines. But it is a number that isn't even remotely close to the truth. [more...]

The Evil Twins of Transhumanism and Technocracy

By Patrick Wood

Technocracy is to the transformation of society as Transhumanism is to the transformation of the human condition of people who would live in that society. Both are underpinned by a religious belief known as Scientism that says that science is a god and that scientists, engineers and technologists are the priesthood that translates findings into practice. It is a fatal error to equate Scientism with science. True science explores the natural world using the time-tested scientific method of repeated experimentation and validation. By comparison, Scientism is a speculative, metaphysical worldview about the nature and reality of the universe and man's relation to it. [more...]

Superman Gives Captain America an American History Lesson

By James Hirsen

Dean Cain gained fame when he starred in the hit 1990s television series "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman." Quoted in the Hollywood Reporter, Cain says, "I love the concept of Captain America, but I am so tired of this wokeness and anti-Americanism. In my opinion, America is the greatest country in history. It's not perfect. We are constantly striving for a more perfect union, but I believe she's the most fair, equitable country anyone's ever seen, and that's why people are clamoring to get here from all over the globe." Cain wonders aloud about whether today's U.S. critics realize what life is like in other countries around the world. [more...]

What if AZ Audit Shows Trump Won?

By Steve Turley

The number one thing that will happen if the Arizona audit is in Trump's favor will be that it definitively and officially sets the stage for Trump's return in 2024. As we saw from the CPAC convention over the weekend, Trump still dominates the GOP and the field for potential presidential candidates. He won the straw poll by 70 percent. With the potential announcement of Trump's Arizona win, for Republicans, it will serve to secure the support for Trump that he already overwhelmingly has, making 2024 an election year like never before. [more...]

Cubans are Flying Flags that Americans are Burning

By Karen Kataline

Just when you thought things couldn't get more upside down and backwards, the Cuban people are demanding freedom at the same time that our beloved country, the beacon of Liberty to oppressed people around the world, is going communist. Cubans are flying American flags while our own people burn them and call it a "symbol of division." In numerous examples of outright propaganda, the media and the current government claim that the Cuban protests are about the coronavirus. [more...]

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Multinationals Lobby the House to Remove China Tariffs, Use Inflation Excuse

By Kenneth Rapoza, China Expert/Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

The Senate's recently passed "China bill" (U.S. Innovation and Competition Act) is now being worked on in the House. They want to do their own version of the bill. In the Senate bill, big corporate lobbyists managed to get a few key Republicans to include a trade provision that would more quickly remove the Trump-era China trade war tariffs. Now those same groups, including trade organizations like the California Retail Association and even the American Petroleum Institute, are lobbying the House Democrats to do the same. This would greatly weaken the trade war tariffs, a win for China.

Companies had two years to find new supply lines. They did not. This effectively says China is the go-to manufacturer, and we all want to keep it that way. The Senate China bill mostly passed along party lines, with only true believer old school "free trader" Republicans signing onto it with all the Democrats (minus Bernie). Majority of GOP in Senate did not sign onto that bill, saying it was too weak on China. [more...]

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

7-7-21 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Kenneth Rapoza: Chinese Communist Party, U.S. Engagement Party

2. James Hirsen: Cancel Culture is No Match for Chris Pratt

3. Daniel Greenfield: Another Disloyal Military Leader Undermines Our National Security

4. Robert Curry: The Right is Advancing the Progressives' Causes

5. Mark Tapson: WaPo Promotes the Sexual Grooming of Children

Chinese Communist Party, U.S. Engagement Party

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst at the Coalition for a Prosperous America

This year marks the 100th year anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Born out of a revolutionary ideology geared toward overthrowing what many saw as a corrupt ruling class, China's communists took over, sent the remaining power structure to Taiwan, and then oversaw an economy that went from a dollar a day to the world’s no. two economic power. We all know it now. Gone are the days of China making your Happy Meal toys. They're in your closet and on your phone. But how did they get there in roughly 50 years' time? China has a bigger presence in all of our lives than the old powers of Europe. More American businesses have their fortunes tied to China than they do France. More Americans have Chinese apps on their phones than German apps. What's the power behind it all? [more...]

Cancel Culture is No Match for Chris Pratt

By James Hirsen

Chris Pratt is one of the most successful present-day actors in Hollywood. Obviously, Pratt works in the extremely "woke" entertainment business. Yet somehow he has been able to freely speak his mind, despite the entertainment industry's mega-muzzle. In the lead-up to his most recent film, "The Tomorrow War," which is currently streaming on Amazon, Pratt posted a social media message that encouraged his followers, as well as the nation, to remember that their rights were purchased by a priceless sacrifice, courtesy of the members of the U.S. military: "America's exceptional armed forces have altered the course of the world for the better - from the Union Army defeating slave-owning Confederates, to the Greatest Generation and her Allies vanquishing the Nazis or our special operators hunting down the perpetrators of 9/11." [more...]

Another Disloyal Military Leader Undermines Our National Security

By Daniel Greenfield

“Unconscious bias,” an Air Force video warns, “can’t be seen or felt.” As the camera focuses on white personnel, an unseen minority voice claims that “it hides itself in our unseen behaviors. As Airmen in the U.S. Air Force, it’s our duty to acknowledge our biases whether we realize they exist or not,” the official video pushing critical race theory struggle sessions demands. This is Chief of Staff Charles Q. Brown, Jr.’s new Air Force. Brown, the first black Chief of Staff of the Air Force, ought to be a living symbol of opportunity. Instead, like other disloyal military leaders, including his predecessor, Chief of Staff David Goldfein, he’s smearing America, and conducting a witch hunt for imaginary racism. [more...]

The Right is Advancing the Progressives' Causes

By Robert Curry, Author of Reclaiming Common Sense

Over at Law & Liberty, Hans Eicholz, a Liberty Fund Senior Fellow, raises an alarm: "Our idea of liberty has simply become confused, even deranged." The folks at Law & Liberty evidently consider this to be an important discussion of liberty; it was originally posted in 2017 and was republished there this week. How, you may ask, did this terrible state of confusion about liberty come about? Eicholz tells us it is the direct result of technological change: "What has happened? Technology has happened." America once had a national government of limited, enumerated powers, but limited government was swept away by technological progress. [more...]

WaPo Promotes the Sexual Grooming of Children

By Mark Tapson

Last week The Washington Post, one of the most prominent news outlets in the world, the newspaper whose self-important motto "Democracy dies in darkness" belies its own undemocratic propaganda, saw fit to promote an opinion piece calling for the increased exposure of small children to sexual deviance. In the article titled, "Yes, kink belongs at Pride. And I want my kids to see it," freelance writer Lauren Rowello declared her support for the presence of "kinksters" – practitioners of sexual fetishes – in parades during so-called "Pride Month," the thirty days a year officially devoted to the compulsory celebration of LGBT narcissism. More specifically, she called for it in order to expose children as young as toddlers to "the scope and vitality of queer life." [more...]

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Chinese Communist Party, U.S. Engagement Party

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

This year marks the 100th year anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Born out of a revolutionary ideology geared toward overthrowing what many saw as a corrupt ruling class, China's communists took over, sent the remaining power structure to Taiwan, and then oversaw an economy that went from a dollar a day to the world’s no. two economic power. We all know it now. Gone are the days of China making your Happy Meal toys. They're in your closet and on your phone. But how did they get there in roughly 50 years' time? China has a bigger presence in all of our lives than the old powers of Europe. More American businesses have their fortunes tied to China than they do France. More Americans have Chinese apps on their phones than German apps. What's the power behind it all? [more...]