Tuesday, July 23, 2024

7-23-24 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Gianna Miceli: The Entire Legal System Is Repugnant to The Constitution.

2. Col. John Mills: Biden is out of the Race - he should be out of the White House

3. Kenneth Rapoza: An Economy-Wide Model with Flexible Supply Response to Taxes and Tariffs

4. Daniel Greenfield: The Real Problem with Kamala

5. Mark Tapson: The Left Fear-Mongers Over Vance’s Tolkien Influence

6. Bruce Thornton: The Mother of Big Lies

The Entire Legal System Is Repugnant to The Constitution

By Gianna Miceli

Why are the cases against Trump falling apart one by one? Because they are unlawful.

The difference is as simple as this: Legal pertains to rules, codes, and statutes. Lawful is what falls under the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. "Legal" overshadows God's law and our rights. It’s been made VERY CLEAR that our rights come from God. [more...]

Biden is out of the Race - he should be out of the White House

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

If he's not fit to run - he's not fit to lead the nation and control the nation's nuclear force.

Who is providing adult leadership over the nation’s nuclear force? The Chinese and Russians are likely in overdrive trying to figure that out. [more...] [Who is Providing Presidential Leadership with the Nuclear Football?]

An Economy-Wide Model with Flexible Supply Response to Taxes and Tariffs

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today announced that the peer-reviewed economics journal Empirical Economics Letters has published an article documenting the economic model developed by CPA’s Economics Team for analyzing the impact of trade policy on the U.S. and other economies. The article, titled "An Economy-Wide Model with Flexible Supply Response to Taxes and Tariffs," shows how the U.S. economy can respond positively to import restrictions imposed via tariffs. [more...]

The Real Problem with Kamala

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

Forget her awkward off-putting personality and her habit of speaking like a dim-witted kindergarten schoolteacher. Those are public-facing problems and public-facing problems have to be pretty extreme for them to be disqualifying. Dems stuck with Biden until he had a total debate breakdown. Dems would like another Obama, and Kamala isn’t that, and they’d settle for a normal human being who isn’t some nightmarish hybrid of Chauncey Gardiner, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with none of the positive aspects, and all of the negative ones, but the media and every establishment voice will spend the remaining months telling us that Kamala is the embodiment of the right side of history. [more...]

The Left Fear-Mongers Over Vance’s Tolkien Influence

By Mark Tapson

"Vance’s love of 'Lord of the Rings' is of a piece with rightward nationalists abroad."

Immediately in the wake of the announcement at the Republican National Convention that J.D. Vance is Donald Trump’s pick for running mate, the leftist media predictably launched a fear-mongering campaign to demonize the young populist. The politics of personal destruction – it’s their go-to strategy, rather than addressing the issues. And one of the first scary red flags they warned about is the influence on the future Vice President of Lord of the Rings author JRR Tolkien. [more...]

The Mother of Big Lies

By Bruce Thornton

“Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”

The Democrat press agents known as "the media" are frantically attempting to convince us that until the June 27 presidential debate, they didn’t know the extent and severity of Joe Biden’s cognitive and physical decline. That’s why since 2020 they smeared thousands of columns and videos documenting the decline as "disinformation" or "deep fakes" manufactured by the MAGA Ministry of Information. Essentially, they’ve been relying on the Marxist question, "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" But for over a century, we’ve known that the left is the mother of Big Lies so preposterous that it takes an arrogant and outrageous shamelessness to tell them. That’s what sets them apart from the ordinary lies that pretty much every politician tells. [more...]

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

DJT is in the House

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

LIVE FROM THE RNC in Milwaukee, WI

Like a Roman general, he strode in, a giant and now an American legend.

Donald "Teddy Roosevelt" Trump came in like a figure of history that America has not seen in decades. The Roman Senate quivered and hid when such a figure returned to Rome. The Deep State is in a panic. DJT is no Caesar, he is a exactly what the Founding Fathers envisioned - a President of the People. [more...]

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

7-16-24 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Col. John Mills: LIVE FROM THE RNC - Chinese Power Projection into Europe

2. Gianna Miceli: Trump is Bulletproof

3. Kenneth Rapoza: Drug Shortages Increase Odds of Patient Death; More Than Half of Drugs in Short Supply for Over 12 Months

4. Daniel Greenfield: The Secret Service Doesn't Want White Men

5. Mark Tapson: Back to Berlin

6. John Lott: What Vivek Murthy Gets Wrong about Gun Crime

Chinese Power Projection into Europe

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

LIVE FROM THE RNC in Milwaukee, WI

The Great Game is on. China is offended they were pointed out by NATO, so their response is to project force into Belarus in coordination with Russia.

China has been apoplectic about being called out by NATO in providing war support to Russia. The support has been obvious and intuitive - who else manufactures 152mm, 122mm, 82mm, and 7.62x39 ammunition? No one. But two can play this game - China projects force right back into Europe. Russia's next step in Europe might be a forceful creation of a "land bridge" to Kaliningrad which would be across Polish and Lithuanian territory. This would kick off formal WWIII in Europe. [more...]

Trump is Bulletproof

By Gianna Miceli

Donald Trump is the only politician I've seen in my lifetime who has ever spoken the words on national television, "We're celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." He professes that Jesus is Lord, so therefore HE is God's man, and only by the spirit of God is he able to say these words. In 1 John 5:18, it says, "We know that no one who is born of God sins; but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him." The God of Heaven protected Donald Trump. The God of Heaven dressed Donald Trump in holy armor. [more...]

Drug Shortages Increase Odds of Patient Death; More Than Half of Drugs in Short Supply for Over 12 Months

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Drug shortages are becoming commonplace in the U.S. Data from a new pharmaceutical industry tracking firm, Qyobo, shows hundreds of drugs are still in short supply – some well over a year - and our dependence on imports grows, including from labs on the receiving end of lackluster FDA inspections. In some cases, when imported life-saving drugs are unavailable, patients die. [more...]

The Secret Service Doesn't Want White Men

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

While writing my latest article, I dug a little bit into the Secret Service's recruitment. And while much of the rank and file of the organization is still made up of white men, they’re rather hard to find in the photos and videos used to lure new recruits. Everyone was around - of every possible race and gender - just not white men. Even dogs were more likely to be represented in the Secret Service literature than that most dreaded of CIS heteropatriarchal creatures. But the Secret Service leadership has made it abundantly clear what kind of recruits they want and white men aren't it. [more...]

Back to Berlin

By Mark Tapson

Since the October 7 terror attacks in Israel, anti-Zionism has surged on both the Left and the Right. While decent people of the world reeled in horror at the atrocities committed by Hamas, left-wing Jew haters throughout the Western world took to the streets to celebrate the terrorist group's savagery and to call for the eradication of Israel. This has given right-wing antisemites the cover to came out of the woodwork and cluster around online influencers like slimy Nick Fuentes and grifter Candace Owens. Speaking of Owens: her latest antisemitic inanity is her defense of Nazi "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele’s medical experiments on Birkenau prisoners... [more...]

What Vivek Murthy Gets Wrong about Gun Crime

By John Lott

The surgeon general wants to promote gun control through public health. He should try to get his facts right first.

"Firearms are the leading cause of death for children and adolescents," U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said recently, calling the situation a "public health crisis." It has been a favorite talking point of the Biden White House. Both Biden and Kamala Harris continue to claim that gunshots are the leading cause of death of "children." Of course, the news media and "fact-checkers" push these claims. The concern is that the Biden administration will use a public-health emergency to impose even more gun control through executive actions. [more...]

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

7-9-24 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Charles Marino: Cartels 'Bombarding' The U.S., Expanding into the North

2. Kenneth Rapoza: Goods and Services Deficits

3. Daniel Greenfield: The Government Spent Five Years Trying to Shut Down the Freedom Center

4. Col. John Mills: The Chinese Spy Base Infrastructure in Cuba is Far Worse Than We Thought

5. John Lott: What Vivek Murthy Gets Wrong about Gun Crime

6. Gianna Miceli: Trump's SCOTUS Picks are Paying Off

7. James Hirsen: Ban on Smartphones in Schools Earns Bipartisan Support

Cartels 'Bombarding' The U.S., Expanding into the North

Charles Marino, Author of TERRORISTS ON THE BORDER and in Our Country, who served as an advisor to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the Obama administration, says, "The country is being bombarded by the Mexican cartels who have benefited by the policies of the Biden administration from the start. They've never been as powerful as they are right now both financially and operationally. But why not expand those operations and double the money? They're willing to work with whoever they need to whether it's state actors or non-state actors. We know what they're doing via fentanyl with China right out in the open. They're working very closely together and working with terrorist organizations to traffic suspected terrorists into America..." [more...]

Goods and Services Deficits

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

The goods and services deficit for May rose a tad to $75 billion, up 0.8% from the previous month. Meanwhile, the goods deficit alone for January-May hit $477.15 billion up from $452.4 billion in the same period last year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis said last week. May exports totaled $261.7 billion, $1.8 billion less than April exports and May imports were $336.7 billion, $1.2 billion less than April imports. The May increase in the goods and services deficit reflected an increase in the goods deficit of $0.9 billion to $100.2 billion. Yeartodate, the goods and services deficit increased $14.4 billion, or 4.2%, from the same period in 2023. There are no signs anywhere in the economy that the U.S. trade deficit will correct anytime soon, barring a severe downturn in the economy. [more...]

The Government Spent Five Years Trying to Shut Down the Freedom Center

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

Since its confused retreat from Afghanistan, the Biden administration has spent more time trying to shut down the David Horowitz Freedom Center than fighting Al Qaeda. While Freedom Center Investigates has documented multiple cases of terrorists benefiting from nonprofit status, the IRS ignores and continues to pursue the Center's nonprofit status. Five years should have been more than enough to decide the issue one way or another, but instead we have been left suspended in a state of permanent investigation because while there's no basis for shutting us down, bleeding us from a thousand cuts makes it harder for the Freedom Center to do our work, to raise money and to keep holding the Left accountable. [more...]

The Chinese Spy Base Infrastructure in Cuba is Far Worse Than We Thought

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

There is not "a" Chinese Spy Base in Cuba. There are at least five.

Thank you, Wall Street Journal and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), for doing the work of the American Intelligence Community. The IC can take the rest of the day off (which they appear to be taking many of). If the Chinese have such an infrastructure in place, they have missiles in place to defend the infrastructure. We have a Cuban Missile Crisis II in progress. [more...]

What Vivek Murthy Gets Wrong about Gun Crime

By John Lott

The surgeon general wants to promote gun control through public health. He should try to get his facts right first.

"Firearms are the leading cause of death for children and adolescents," U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said recently, calling the situation a "public health crisis." It has been a favorite talking point of the Biden White House. Both Biden and Kamala Harris continue to claim that gunshots are the leading cause of death of "children." Of course, the news media and "fact-checkers" push these claims. The concern is that the Biden administration will use a public-health emergency to impose even more gun control through executive actions. [more...]

Trump's SCOTUS Picks are Paying Off

By Gianna Miceli

It's time to learn the meaning of "administrative" in the law. As an activist for the restoration of the government respecting the rights of the people, my Freedom Coalition teaches how to enforce your rights using the "common law," which means the law under The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence. Here are some great examples of how SCOTUS decisions are having great effects on 'We the People'... [more...]

Ban on Smartphones in Schools Earns Bipartisan Support

By James Hirsen

Just when it seemed that no common ground between the right and the left in the country could be found, an issue has emerged where both sides are in agreement: It's time to rid the classrooms of mobile digital devices (a/k/a smartphones) during school hours. In numerous places across the country, school districts have been banning cell phone usage by students, due to the increased awareness of the detrimental effects that unsupervised technological and social media engagement can have on the physical, mental, social, and emotional development of our children. [more...]

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

7-2-24 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Judd Dunning: Trump Must Bring Back Zero Tolerance on Border

2. Gianna Miceli: Is the Supreme Court Draining the Swamp?

3. Kenneth Rapoza: How the 'Experts' Got Tariffs So Wrong - and Trump Got It Right

4. Daniel Greenfield: Vandalizing LGBTQ Materials is a Crime Unless You Support Hamas

5. Col. John Mills: Will Joe Drop Out?

6. Charles Marino: Mexican Cartels Boast of Increased Lethal Firepower

Trump Must Bring Back Zero Tolerance on Border

By Judd Dunning

The Biden administration's southern border policy has been disastrous. From loopholes letting migrants flood in to misguided amnesty plans, Biden's policies are putting our economy, safety, and national security at risk. On the other hand, Trump's zero-tolerance approach to border security was clear and effective. Trump forced reductions in illegal crossings and focused on law and order. He prioritized American safety and sovereignty. "Without borders, we don't have a country," Trump said in absolute truth and with clarity. Throw them all out. The law is the law. [more...]

Is the Supreme Court Draining the Swamp?

By Gianna Miceli

The Supreme Court has struck down The Chevron deference - a doctrine that allowed unelected administrative agencies run by lifetime civil servants which operate under the president's purview, to interpret ambiguous laws as they saw fit. This deference gave agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the FDA, BLM, and the ATF considerable leeway in regulation and enforcement actions, especially in areas where the law was not crystal clear. The law is crystal clear. The "color" of law is cloudy. The "law" is the Supreme Law of the land, the Constitution and Bill of Rights and it appears the common law is making a comeback, as it is long overdue. [more...]

How the 'Experts' Got Tariffs So Wrong - and Trump Got It Right

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Trump has a new idea about the economy. The usual suspects hate it. Everyone who follows politics knows what that idea is, because the media and people like Larry Summers have not stopped commenting about how awful it is. On June 13, Trump said he'd consider a 10 percent tariff on imports and use the revenue to reduce some income taxes. Sixteen Nobel economists said in a letter recently that his policies would lead to higher inflation. Joseph Stiglitz signed that letter. He was critical of Trump's China tariffs in 2018, when he wrote, "Public support will wane as Americans realize that they lose doubly from this (trade) war. Jobs will disappear." Wrong! [more...]

Vandalizing LGBTQ Materials is a Crime Unless You Support Hamas

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

One nation. Two legal systems. Two soldiers were arrested on charges of stealing Pride flags; three teens were arrested for burning Pride flags; teens were arrested after scooters leave marks on ‘Pride’ crosswalk; a Colorado man was charged in NYC with damaging Pride flags at the Stonewall National Monument... and on and on... But it's okay if you're doing it for Hamas. [more...]

Will Joe Drop Out?

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

Heard on the 4th floor of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building: "Jill said, 'Joe will drop out when you pry him from my cold, dead hands.'"

As the flash, blast, and fallout settles from the "H-Bomb" of the June 27 debate, the question is, "Will Joe drop out?" At this point in time, what are the pros and cons of Biden dropping out (From the Obama Perspective)? [more...]

Mexican Cartels Boast of Increased Lethal Firepower

Charles Marino, Author of TERRORISTS ON THE BORDER and in Our Country, who served as an advisor to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the Obama administration, says, "The cartels have never been as powerful as they are today because of the policies of the Biden administration. It’s time to go after the cartels like we do terrorist groups! They are a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States!" [more...]

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

6-25-24 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Gianna Miceli: The Best Pick for Trump's VP

2. Charles Marino: Terrorists are Here - and How They're Exploiting Biden's Weakness

3. Daniel Greenfield: What I Saw at a Terrorist Rally Outside a Synagogue

4. Col. John Mills: Spies in the Intelligence Community

5. Kenneth Rapoza: John Deere - Shrinking in Iowa, But Set to Grow in Mexico

6. John Lott: Biden Gun Regulations Don't Affect Mass Shootings

7. James Hirsen: Ten Commandments Are Nation's Guardrails

The Best Pick for Trump's VP

By Gianna Miceli

As a new resident of the great state of Florida, I attended President Trump's birthday bash in West Palm Beach last week where I introduced myself to Congressman Byron Donalds. When I consider who would be Trump's perfect pick for VP, I imagine a person who can enter the room at the G7 and stand next to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud and be the alpha male because MBS sure is. So, my pick is Byron Donalds... but not just for his swagger. Byron Donalds supports the Second Amendment the way it's written and not subject to interpretation. Whomever Trump's VP pick is, we'll all know after the candidates' debate on Thursday. [more...]

Terrorists are Here - and How They're Exploiting Biden's Weakness

Charles Marino, Author of TERRORISTS ON THE BORDER and in Our Country, who served as an advisor to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the Obama administration, has delved into the urgent challenges posed by illegal border crossings and the critical need for effective government action. Marino provides a comprehensive overview of the vetting process for individuals entering the country through the border illegally, shedding light on the complexities and vulnerabilities inherent in the system. He emphasizes that among those crossing the southern border are not only asylum seekers but also individuals with potentially threatening motives, highlighting the need for heightened security measures. [more...]

What I Saw at a Terrorist Rally Outside a Synagogue

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up their operation outside a Los Angeles synagogue, they maced their first Jew. And the Los Angeles police did nothing. Not until an hour into the terrorist rally outside a synagogue, did the LAPD finally step in, pushing back masked Jihad supporters in keffiyeh terror scarves from the entrance of Congregation Adas Torah (Congregation of the Bible) which they had occupied. And then the mob, chanting calls for "intifada" and the destruction of Israel, moved outward to target two smaller synagogues attended by Persian Jewish refugees from Islamic terror in Iran. [more...]

Spies in the Intelligence Community

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

...and one of them was protected by James Clapper - one of the 51 lying intelligence officials

James Clapper, who directed DIA from 1991 to 1995, was a champion for Ana Montes, the spy at DIA. Clapper was also the retired Director of National Intelligence (2010 - 2017) and was one of the lying 51 Intelligence Officers who pushed the greatest election interference operation in history to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation, which has now been validated as true and real. Clapper should be tried in 2025 as an exemplar case in False Statements by a Federal Official, 18USC1001 (yes, he was retired when he was part of the 51 intel officers scam, but he signed the letter using his titles and the power of his former offices). [more...]

John Deere - Shrinking in Iowa, But Set to Grow in Mexico

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

John Deere will lay off or offer early retirement to over 200 workers in Iowa, while at the same time the tractor producer is gearing up to move production of mid-frame skid steer loaders and compact loaders from its plant in Dubuque, Iowa to a proposed new facility in Mexico. This is the sign of the times. Mexico is the big winner of what Janet Yellen likes to call "friend-shoring." Only, the idea was to leave China and set up shop in Mexico, not leave the U.S. and manufacture there instead. This will be a new trend to watch as China, and Southeast Asia more broadly, become increasingly embroiled in trade cases and threats of new tariffs. [more...]

Biden Gun Regulations Don't Affect Mass Shootings

By John Lott

Biden is making gun control a central part of his reelection campaign. In a new ad, Biden says that Trump did "nothing" when children were "gunned down in classrooms," innocent people "killed in church," and others "massacred at a concert." In four years, there were 18 mass shootings that occurred in public places and that did not transpire during another crime such as robbery or selling drugs. (A "mass killing" is defined by criminologists as involving four or more fatalities, not counting the shooter.) But 23 mass public shootings have occurred so far under Biden - a 50% higher annual rate than under Trump. The deadliest shooting resulted in 21 victims at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - four more than were killed in Parkland. [more...]

Ten Commandments Are Nation's Guardrails

By James Hirsen

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry recently signed into law a requirement that the text of the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms. While other states have attempted comparable legislation, such proposed bills have failed to make it through the legislative processes. In an effort to emphasize the historical and foundational importance of the Ten Commandments, the Louisiana Legislature also added a provision that calls for a four-paragraph "context statement" to be posted nearby, stating that the Ten Commandments "were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries." Even though the legislation does not take effect until 2025, institutions on the left are already pushing back... [more...]

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

6-18-24 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Judd Dunning: Trump's Legal Woes Part of a Broad Strategy to Suppress Dissent

2. Daniel Greenfield: California Legalized Drugs... Cartels Took it Over

3. Col. John Mills: The Next Scam-Demic - "Bird Flu"

4. Kenneth Rapoza: Partisan Joint Economic Committee Argues Over What's Better - Trump Tax Cuts or Biden Industrial Policy

5. John Lott: Nashville Shooter's Manifesto Released Despite FBI Resistance

6. James Hirsen: There is No Equating Trump, Biden Trials

7. Charles Marino: Pressure Mounts on Biden Admin to Issue National Terrorism Alert After Arrest of Suspected ISIS-Tied Border Crossers

Trump's Legal Woes Part of a Broad Strategy to Suppress Dissent

By Judd Dunning

Donald Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records. This isn't about justice; it's a coordinated attack to take down a political opponent. The D.C. establishment and progressive liberals are pulling out all the stops to destroy our nation's 45th commander in chief and anyone else standing against their agenda. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg only went after Trump after his hand was forced. Bragg received significant pressure to act from Mark Pomerantz, a partner at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. Pomerantz's criticism, conveniently leaked to The New York Times, forced Bragg to aggressively revive his dormant investigation. Robert Schumer, brother of Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is connected to this law firm. This reeks of political maneuvering and revenge. [more...]

California Legalized Drugs... Cartels Took it Over

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

And drug legalization is also driving the border invasion.

Six years after California legalized marijuana, the bodies keep piling up. Earlier this year, six men were murdered in the Mojave Desert. Four of the Latino men had been burned after being shot with rifles. In 2020, seven people were killed at an illegal pot operation in Riverside County. Violence like this was supposed to disappear after legalization. Legalization advocates argued that making the drug trade legal would end the grip of the cartels. Instead, the legal market has failed, and the cartels are taking over sizable parts of California and the rest of the country. California's legal drug revenues have fallen consistently as have those in other legal drug states including Colorado whose model helped sell the idea that drug money would fix everything. [more...]

The Next Scam-Demic - "Bird Flu"

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

Worldwide contagions are a possibility - but globalists are using mass psychosis to replay 2020: exploit, create, and encourage epidemics for control of society.

At the height of the War on Terror in 2006, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense burst into his staff meeting (a careerist who was a caretaker for the incoming Senate Confirmed Assistant Secretary appointed by President Bush, Jr.) "Bird Flu! Bird Flu! This will replace the War on Terror!" he shouted. I looked around the room like everyone else, several whispering, "What is Bird Flu?" Whatever it was, I think he was telegraphing the globalist game of mass psychosis long before we knew what that meant. Perhaps he already had Bird Flu which was clouding his thinking. Here we go again. [more...]

Partisan Joint Economic Committee Argues Over What's Better - Trump Tax Cuts or Biden Industrial Policy

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Last week, Republicans and Democrats from the Senate's Joint Economic Committee squared off against each other – with one side arguing in favor of industrial policy programs like the Inflation Reduction Act and the other side arguing in favor of lower corporate taxes. At the heart of the debate, for Republicans, was that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is expiring next year. If so, there is a risk of corporate tax rates returning to 35% from the current 21%. For what it’s worth, Mexico's federal corporate income tax rate is 30% and Canada’s is 28% (or 15% for manufacturing companies). [more...]

Nashville Shooter's Manifesto Released Despite FBI Resistance

By John Lott

The 2023 Nashville Covenant School murders understandably received massive news coverage when they occurred. The fight over obtaining the murderer's diary also received news attention. But when "nearly four dozen pages" of the murderer's diary were finally released last week, the mainstream media completely ignored it. It turns out that behind the scenes, the FBI had fought hard against the diary's release. Some Covenant School parents also opposed releasing the diary because it would force families to re-live the nightmare. The Tennessee Star's parent company, Star News Digital Media, successfully filed two lawsuits to obtain the diary. [more...]

There is No Equating Trump, Biden Trials

By James Hirsen

Joe Biden's son Hunter was recently found guilty on three criminal charges. Almost immediately after the guilty verdict had been announced, Democrats and the complicit media began singing from the identical song sheet. Phrases such as the tediously familiar "no one is above the law" echoed through the cybersphere. Many supposed pundits made comparisons between Hunter's trial and the unusual Manhattan proceedings, which claimed to convict current GOP presumptive nominee and former President Donald Trump. But this came about after a federal judge put the brakes on a plea deal that a previous prosecutor had attempted to push through. [more...]

Pressure Mounts on Biden Admin to Issue National Terrorism Alert After Arrest of Suspected ISIS-Tied Border Crossers

Charles Marino, Author of TERRORISTS ON THE BORDER and in Our Country, who served as an advisor to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the Obama administration, says "In light of FBI Director Wray’s recent appearances before Congress warning of the elevated threat level within the U.S., combined with far too many recent examples of known or suspected terrorists discovered within the country, why hasn’t a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin been issued? Is it because the administration doesn’t want to point the finger back at themselves by recognizing via an NTAS bulletin that the mess they have created at our borders and within the country has undercut our entire homeland security system? The games at DHS need to stop. The American people deserve to be protected." [more...]