Tuesday, January 9, 2024

1-9-24 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. David Horowitz: A Disloyal Military - Who Will Defend America?

2. Cheryl Chumley: Trump Evangelicals Once Again Misaligned by TDS Sufferers

3. Mark Tapson: Bringing Down the DEI Behemoth

4. Daniel Greenfield: The Medical Emergencies of Our Military Leaders

5. John Lott: California's New Unconstitutional Concealed-Carry Ban Hurts Black People and Women Most

6. James Hirsen: The Lop-sided Humor of Late-Night TV

A Disloyal Military - Who Will Defend America?

By David Horowitz, Author of The Radical Mind: The Destructive Plans of the Woke Left

With the news of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and all the doubts that wokeness have shed on our military, we are faced with a vital question: Who will defend America? Military officers take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," and to "bear true faith and allegiance to the same." But since the Obama and Biden administrations weaponized the Pentagon, the military brass have betrayed their oaths and their county and imposed on the servicemen and women under their command an alien ideology that attacks our Constitution, preaches hatred for our country and sows racial division in the military ranks. If the troops tasked with fighting our Marxist and Islamist enemies in a dangerous world are indoctrinated with hatred for their country, their Constitution, and its values, who will defend us? [more...] READ ON... Freedom Center Founder Reveals The Destructive Plans of The Woke Left.

Trump Evangelicals Once Again Misaligned by TDS Sufferers

By Cheryl Chumley

Trump haters always go after the believers.

Donald Trump, despite legal woes drummed up by the Democrats, leads in almost all of the polls. The Democrats and Republicans who are actually globalists in disguise are frustrated beyond all imagination; for they fear a second Trump presidency. So, they’re pulling out all stops to make sure he doesn't stand a chance come November. Once again, evangelicals are to blame, says the fake news: "Trump's evangelical voters remain loyal as he violates the Ten Commandments," a headline in The Hill from an opinion contributor states. [more...]

Bringing Down the DEI Behemoth

In this short video commentary, Freedom Center Shillman Fellow Mark Tapson explains the real scandal behind Harvard ex-President Claudine Gay’s dozens of instances of plagiarism, and why her takedown is an important lesson for conservatives. [more...]

The Medical Emergencies of Our Military Leaders

By Daniel Greenfield

Secretary of Defense Austin spent four days in the ICU without notifying his number two leading to a situation in which she was performing her duties over Zoom from her vacation in Puerto Rico. The Marine Corps seemed to have it somewhat more together, but the timing is still strange. The Marine Corps Commandant had a cardiac arrest on Oct 29 and goes in for surgery now. The Secretary of Defense went in for a procedure on Dec 28th and then ended up in the ICU on Jan 1st. Medical emergencies do happen, but it’s starting to feel like the brass is not there. [more...]

California's New Unconstitutional Concealed-Carry Ban Hurts Black People and Women Most

By John Lott

People in most states don’t think twice about concealed carry, but the data shows how out of sync California is with the rest of the country.

As of Jan. 1, Californians are banned from carrying permitted concealed handguns in virtually the entire state. There is no evidence that permit holders have caused problems in California or elsewhere in the country, but the new law will prevent people from defending themselves. California has also jeopardized safety in recent years by cutting police budgets and electing district attorneys who refuse to prosecute violent criminals. [more...]

The Lop-sided Humor of Late-Night TV

By James Hirsen

TV's late-night comedy shows stopped delivering laughs a long time ago. It all started when late-night hosts began moving further and further to the political left and so many of the jokes went woke. And finally big censorship came in with a knockout punch. It's no wonder that over the past several years, late-night revenues have plummeted. Shows on CBS, NBC, and ABC are down significantly from five years prior, and network executives have even cut back on programming. The following info may shed some light on what appears to be a major contributing factor in the demise of late-night humor. [more...]

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