Tuesday, August 13, 2024

8-13-24 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Col. John Mills: Kamala Kampaign using A.I. to generate crowd photos?

2. Robert Spencer: Walzing with Hamas

3. Daniel Greenfield: Who’s Getting ‘Bidened’ Next?

4. Gianna Miceli: Trump, Elon & Government Efficiency

5. Kenneth Rapoza: Vietnam is Not a Market Economy; Commerce Gets it Right, and Here’s Why

6. John Lott: The Truth About the Crime Explosion

7. Mark Tapson: 'Comics for Kamala' Fundraiser Bombs

Kamala Kampaign using A.I. to generate crowd photos?

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

Kamala’s Kampaign is in high gear after it lurked in a hide position until July 21 to conduct the coup.

So far, three potential crimes have taken place:

  • Unlawful transfer of Presidential power from Biden to Harris
  • Unlawful use of Biden Campaign funds by Harris
  • Kamala part of the RICO Conspiracy to cover up Biden’s cognitive condition.

Now the three campaign themes are being played to sway the low information voter:

  • Stolen Valor by Walz
  • Borrowed slogans from Trump
  • Fake crowds with generous use of AI

Where is the Mary Poppins of Dis-Information, Nina Jankowicz? She’d be all over this fraud of the Kamala Kampaign. [more...]

Walzing with Hamas

By Robert Spencer

"America’s dad" and would-be vice president has no problem associating with terror-linked groups.

Democrat vice presidential candidate Tim Walz is being skillfully marketed as an all-American average guy. That’s one thing he isn’t, and in reality, he is just about the diametric opposite of that. Most Americans are not even aware, and never will be, of how sinister he really is. To hear the Democrat Party’s propaganda machine, that is, the establishment media, tell it, Walz is your neighbor across the fence who has surprisingly sensible solutions to the nation’s problems, a homespun small-town high school teacher, a football coach, someone you can trust with your kids and a good-hearted man to whom you can trust our nation’s future. This is, of course, a massive load of baloney, and it’s already falling apart... [more...]

Who’s Getting ‘Bidened’ Next?

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

There are reports that the Kamala campaign may swap out Walz over the stolen valor scandal. Short version, I doubt it. It took a public meltdown, a donor revolt, and an Obama and Pelosi intervention to force out Biden. And in a relatively conservative intervention, replaced him with his VP. The revelations about Gov. Walz would have to be a whole lot more damaging than stolen valor. There are elected officials who did the same thing and got away with it (like Vietnam War "hero" Sen. Richard Blumenthal). The question, however, raises a bigger issue. Now that a party forced out its own presidential nominee in a game of electoral 'Moneyball,' what’s to stop it from happening again? [more...]

Trump, Elon & Government Efficiency

By Gianna Miceli

It was just two smart guys talking the way guys talk. What would bring the most government efficiency to the United States of America? Restoring the Republic under the principles of Common Law. Ok, but how? By following the lead of the Supreme Court. They're literally telling you this right now! What is the "Common Law?" It means that there is no crime unless you injure someone else or their property. Elon seems to be on board..[more...]

Vietnam is Not a Market Economy; Commerce Gets it Right, and Here’s Why

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a nation where the economy remains highly controlled by the government. According to a report by the U.S. State Department, Vietnam "is an authoritarian state ruled by a single party, the Communist Party of Vietnam" and its elections are "neither free nor fair." Despite the government’s stranglehold on Vietnam’s economy, a group of globalist special interests called on the Biden administration to revoke Vietnam’s non-market economy status. Thankfully, the U.S. Commerce Department rejected these misguided calls, ruling against providing Vietnam market economy status. [more...]

The Truth About the Crime Explosion

By John Lott

Misunderstanding what the crime statistics measure and hiding the rise in crime

"The false message of the RNC was that [illegal immigration] was leading to an increase in crime," Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg claimed recently. "If you look this up at home, you will know that crime went down under Biden and crime went up under Trump. Why would America want to go back to the higher crime we experienced under Donald Trump?" A Gallup survey last November showed that 92 percent of Republicans and even 58 percent of Democrats believed that crime was rising. In a series of surveys from March last year to April this year, Rasmussen... [more...]

'Comics for Kamala' Fundraiser Bombs

By Mark Tapson

It surely will come as no surprise that the entertainment industry by and large is falling into line to support far-Left Kamala Harris’ presidential ambitions. Democrats always exploit the useful idiots in Hollywood and the music biz for their influence over the impressionable, the ignorant, and the starstruck. Thus, Democrat Congressman and Chinese honey trap enthusiast Eric Swalwell rounded up a ragtag collection of performers mostly from the comedy world into a "Comics for Kamala" fundraiser... [more...]

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